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You fine folks have GOT to see this!

Phil O'Keefe

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Originally posted by Alndln2

This makes no sense.I'm trying to see a rationale or benifit here,but....................



You know I'm a drummer right?, but put that guitar in my hands and you will swear that Jimi Hemdrix is playing. I'll just have the guitar send some Hendrix samples to the amp !


YOU TOO CAN BE AN INSTANT HENDRIX OR CLAPTON with the new Fender Guitar Player !!





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The whole concept is disgusting


Doing stuff like that to a Tele is interfering with nature


Do these imbeciles not realise that they are dealing with forces beyond human comprehension?


No good will come of it I tell you - look at the misery and fear created when Rutherford split the atom or when Ford built the Edsel



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So this is what they must mean by ubiquitous computing.

Seems a bit silly.

If you need to why not just carry your Blackberry or internet capable cell phone around with your guitar.


I can just imagine the PC crashing and prompting some poor player to lose it and do a WHO style destructo bit on the guitar to get revenge on the PC. That would be cathartic.

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For making riffs outside of your studio - record it anywhere it strikes you.


For jotting down the perfect lyrics anywhere.


For recording impromptu jam sessions anywhere.





For displaying your set list - no more worries about the stage being too dark to read it.


For displaying words/cheat sheet - not while you're playing, but maybe as a quick review just before you do.


For realtime concert video - hook up a webcam to it and stream your gig to your fans.


For recording your gigs


For a slow night - keep up with sports scores. Heck, the small crowd may appreciate you giving out updates.


For checking the weather/traffic - for the ride to and from the gig.


For getting to the gig - mapquest directions.


For thanking the audience and still save your voice - Just type "Thank You" in big letters and flip it over to show the audience.





For showing your web site - instead of just giving a link, show the audience/bar managers your actual site.


For always having your demo and press kit available - in case you run out of CDs/printed ones.



Future Add-ons:


GPS enabled - for security/theft retrieval


Password protected - will only work if you type in the password for security


Printer and CD-burner built into a Marshall stack


Drum triggers that control stage lighting


Bass with triggers for controlling stage pyrotechnics

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