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You fine folks have GOT to see this!

Phil O'Keefe

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While remaining skeptical about this proposed device, I must admit I have worked for a band that has flat screen displays on the lighting truss that they can see while playing.


The screens display chord charts and words and are driven by the band's computer that also provides canned accompaniment.


The idea is for the band to have a huge repertoire and make saying "sorry" to requests a rarity.


These guys wear tuxes and make huge $$$ playing corporate gigs and weddings, so who am I to judge. :confused:


They also pay the soundguy very well. :o


Terry D.

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I am totally sure, some knuckleheads will buy one. Then it will go by the wayside, like that auto-alternate tuning retro-fit system that Page was schlepping a few years back.


Sorry to pee in their cheerios, but this idea is destined to have the perverbial acme anvil squash it like a tiny bug!:bor:

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AHA, I'm onto them!!!!


This whole thing is yet another corporate anti-piracy device!!!! When you start playing, the computer connects to a database (probably at SONY) and analyzes it, if you are playing anything copyrighted, it works out where your fingers will next fret and spikes spring out of the fretboard!!!


THE BASTARDS!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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