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Anyone have a spare 7.5 million laying around?

Phil O'Keefe

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I would rather have that than a celebrity owned guitar or something. Very cool! Since I like Rickenbacker guitars a lot (I have a 300, 600, old steel and one of their little M-8 maps) I would love to see it in person. Hopefully it ends up in the Smithsonian or something.

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I know it gets under Rickenbacker's skin when people claim Les Paul made the first solid body electric guitar.



While Rickenbacker's Frying Pan was technically the first solidbody electric guitar, it wasn't designed to be played like an electro-Spanish guitar. It was a lap steel. And the guitar in the OP isn't solid, although it is a very early commercially available electro-Spanish model.... although the Stromberg Electro probably predated it as the first commercially available electric guitar model. Like the Ric in the OP, it wasn't a solid body either.


George Beauchamp Paul Tutmarc, Les Paul, Leo Fender and Paul Bigsby can all lay at least partial claim to being solidbody guitar / bass pioneers. It really depends on how you want to qualify it.

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If some HC poster bought it, might see them in couple of weeks asking for suggestions on mods.... "I like it, but would really like a trem bar" or "Filtertrons or SD triple shot: which way should I go?"

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Yes that story occurred just a few miles from where I live. I had no idea there was a custom maker so close - I go to PRS all the time, but I can't say that I like the stuff that he makes. But I think the article did say it was going to a museum of sorts, so there's that.

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If some HC poster bought it, might see them in couple of weeks asking for suggestions on mods.... "I like it, but would really like a trem bar" or "Filtertrons or SD triple shot: which way should I go?"


Doood... I really love it, but it needs a cutaway for better upper-fret access. Should I use a chainsaw or sawzall to mod it? :idk::confused2:

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thanks for mentioning the Stromberg/Kay Electro...truly the 1st 'electric' guitar with a built in pickup [it worked more like a speaker driver/coil reversed than we think of pickups today, but the concept can be applied to make a 'beat box' from an old headphone, so is still viable]. Most people have no idea this even existed... in 1928! The Stomberg was a resonator guitar, rather than a 'Spanish', so I suppose there is some quibbling regarding the titling....

I think owning one of the Stromberg Electros would actually be cooler than that Ric [was it Rickenbacker or Ro-Pat-In when that guitar was first marketed?], and I would be more interested in buying an original 'Frying Pan' than the one shown...


Personally, I think 7.5 million is 'whack' for that guitar, seeing as how there are more known to exist...and I agree at least one of them should be in a museum, like the 'Log'.

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If some HC poster bought it, might see them in couple of weeks asking for suggestions on mods.... "I like it, but would really like a trem bar" or "Filtertrons or SD triple shot: which way should I go?"


Thread title: "Routing an old Gretsch for a Floyd Rose? Yay or nay?"

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Agreed, but it's not only guitars and pro ball players, look what the Barrett auction, televised, did to the antique/vintage auto market. You can't even touch a Vega or Maverick, not running, anymore for under a couple of grand. 7.5mil for a guitar is absolutely ludicrous.

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