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Kings of Leon has a very blue collar effects setup

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Yeah, why would anyone spend the money on guitars and amps when they could have seven different $300 delays.



This is not the TGP way. Spend money on guitars and amps *and* have seven different $300 delays. And a nice couch to sit on while playing them, and/or to photograph them on.

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I was really surprised to see a lot of budget tools being used in this rig. Very blue collar for band with a lot of success. Just some of the more surprising effects were the Digitech DigiVerb and Boss ME50.

Their tech is kind of dumb@ss though haha



Why are you surprised? They probably are where they are through being dedicated to their music rather than their gear.

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The main reasoning behind having cheaper, easily obtained gear is that something, somewhere is going to go wrong at some point in one of those rigs and you may need to find a replacement in Butt{censored} Nowhere. Good luck finding a Klon in Hull.

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if you can play your songs well with a decent guitar and a decent amp, your {censored} will sound good live.


i guarantee you a good band could play peavey classic 30s, mexican fenders, and boss pedals and pull of a great show.

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if you can play your songs well with a decent guitar and a decent amp, your {censored} will sound good live.

i guarantee you a good band could play peavey classic 30s, mexican fenders, and boss pedals and pull off a great show.



Word. It may not make for a couch shot that makes your internet buds get all jelly, but it'll do the job.


And that's what it's about, right? They're guitars and amps and pedals for making music with, not your internet penis substitute.


Right, TGP? :poke:

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Word. It may not make for a couch shot that makes your internet buds get all jelly, but it'll do the job.

And that's what it's about, right? They're guitars and amps and pedals for making music with, not your internet penis substitute.

Right, TGP? :poke:



only jesus can judge tone.

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The main reasoning behind having cheaper, easily obtained gear is that something, somewhere is going to go wrong at some point in one of those rigs and you may need to find a replacement in Butt{censored} Nowhere. Good luck finding a Klon in Hull.



Preach it, son! Once I started playing out much more I started cutting loose a lot of b00t33k stuff. Having a Timefactor, a Nova Delay and a Baby Quasar all die in the same gig didn't help either

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I still think the main reason behind so many top notch bands with standard gear ist that they just don't care that much.


KoL could probably afford ten Klons as a backup, yet they don't. Because they don't even know such a thing exists, I guess. We are a bunch of internet gear whores and clowns here, let's face it. ANd if anyone from here should ever make it (I'm looking at you, christanatl!!!), we well be bitchy and arrogant towards them until the end of time. Then we'll go in our basements to our 25 overdrives and 15 fuzzes and weep a bit and be bitter, swinging our fists towards the sky and while screaming "Why him and not me, why?".


Written while taking a dump.

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On top of what's probably mainly amp dirt and guitar cleans, once you bring in wireless systems, amp miking, in-ear monitors, off stage processing (racks etc), any sound engineers eqs & compression - there's a big difference between what the player and crowd are hearing to what comes out of that amp.


Plus, for their needs, I'm sure the ME50's fine :idk:.

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