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What will Roland's new synth be? Speculate here..

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It sounds pretty nice to my old ears too.

On the video, if you're facing Howard, the keyboard on his left, anyone have an idea what kind of stand that keyboard is sitting on? It looks like a Motif from the video, but I cant really tell.

Looks cool though.



It's a fantom, he even refers to it by name. The JP80 is on the same type of stand, no idea what they are but they are nice. I really like the height it put them at.

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It's a fantom, he even refers to it by name. The JP80 is on the same type of stand, no idea what they are but they are nice. I really like the height it put them at.





I was posting my thread at the same time as I was watching the video, and of course as soon as I posted my question I heard him refer to it as a Fantom.

It is a cool looking stand it is sitting on, I wouldn't mind getting something like that myself.


That is a nice room he has as his studio, and yes I agree, how he has everything facing foward, kind of cool looking.

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IMHO Roland missed the boat on this, they could have at least put some sliders etc. on the damn thing.
Even if they didn't go as far as the JD-800/JP-8000 it would have helped with the perception that it's
somewhat akin to it's namesake. There is so much empty space on that synth I could fit my dinner plate up
there. I had my hopes up that this would be something exciting. The multi-colored buttons notwithstanding
it really appears to be a let down. It probably is a very capable instrument, but not the synth many were
hoping Roland would deliver.

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IMHO Roland missed the boat on this, they could have at least put some sliders etc. on the damn thing.

Even if they didn't go as far as the JD-800/JP-8000 it would have helped with the perception that it's

somewhat akin to it's namesake. There is so much empty space on that synth I could fit my dinner plate up

there. I had my hopes up that this would be something exciting. The multi-colored buttons notwithstanding

it really appears to be a let down. It probably is a very capable instrument, but not the synth many were

hoping Roland would deliver.



It will not surprise me if they one day bring out a knobby mega VA... They are probably working on it now...


As for this thing the big difference is it seems to be touch and dial.. That is OK with me. You can see the edit touch it on the screen and dial in a value.. In some ways easier than a moog little phatty... The four big knobs are assignable so for performance I assume you can have filter etc although I noticed scott tibbs did everything on the big dial (they have yet to finish the software possibly why)...


What they may have missed is use of those four sliders for other function. They have LEDs akin to the original Nord Lead 3 / Korg OASYS control. I hope those do more than part level, it seems that is all they are called but I spotted some screen shoots with a few of them so who knows...

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