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Everything posted by daddymack

  1. A couple of questions....is the volume increase only while recording the loop? Is the playback at the same increased volume as when you recorded it? You say this doesn't happen with the Vox amp, so only with the powered speaker? And with or without the overdrive in front of the looper into the powered speaker? Since it isn't happening with the guitar amp, my first guess is there is something in the pre-amp stage of the powered speaker that is pushing the gain up.
  2. daddymack


    yes silicone will work
  3. OWWWW! Just photocopy another section and glue it in, no one will notice....
  4. Yeah, I'm sure all that cursing and swearing from the basement is quite the disturbance....😉
  5. "What cable should I buy off eBay?" one that works and solves the issue. Just as a matter of course, before you buy new ones, have you tested your existing cables to make sure they are good? Also, there are tons of 'junk' 1/4" TRS jack to USB cable interfaces out there...don't buy cheap!
  6. I agree, but they are not 300W speakers, they are 75W peak [150WRMS], so together yes, you have 2x150WRMS....pretty sketchy to call it 300W, IMHO...just wanted to make sure the OP was up the specs.
  7. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffenderguru.com%2Fhow-fender-amps-work%2Ffender-stratocaster-explaind-setup-guide%2F&psig=AOvVaw3doJqjgVzHF0aVdrX0OXk3&ust=1682644400750000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCIiTvoDxyP4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
  8. I have to tell you I am awed by all the tooling you have built and acquired...
  9. if you can find it, post it...I didn't see anything like that for pipe organ power.
  10. Not laughing at all...I will try to explain this in terms you will understand and avoid all the typical jargon . A picture of the output panel would be helpful...but you are on the right track. Use the XLR cable connections, as over a distance of 75 feet you will experience noticeable signal loss and degradation with the RCA connections as you surmised. You did say "Alphasonik All-in-one 12" Powered 1500W PRO DJ Amplified Loud Speakers" so I take that to mean two speakers. Each speaker will get either a left or right channel input, your decision as to which is which, as the designations are for use when panning channels, so if everything on each channel on the board is set straight up/centered, the output on each channel will be identical. The left/right are useful if you are panning left to right during the performance or biasing the channel pans to simulate the stage arrangement, otherwise they won't matter much to the audience. You might want to consider getting a wireless transmission system [XLR connection] similar to this: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Stealth1Pr--alto-stealth-1-wireless-system-pair, which would save you having to run all that cable and taping it down. The RCA line outs typically are for connecting to something like an outboard recorder, not speakers. The outputs should be labeled as 'line out' or 'speaker out'.
  11. Did you report him to Reverb when that happened? If you are suspicious that this guy is trying to pull something, then let Reverb sort it out. What is the Reverb listing? Maybe we could all go in there and give him a hard time....
  12. ***checks stock value of American Clothespin Co.***
  13. a real Gibson case will run about $200 here in the states. https://www.americanmusical.com/gibson-les-paul-original-hardshell-case-brown/p/GIB-ASLPCASE-ORG?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic shopping&utm_campaign=surfaces across google&src=Y0802G00SRCHCAPN&adpos=&scid=scplpGIB ASLPCASE ORG&sc_intid=GIB ASLPCASE ORG&src=Y0805GLSHAMS0000&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi46iBhDyARIsAE3nVra2v3gA1_Urq94ytDItPX0dKLSbbLJhgd2DeKe7XqKstW_yZCSGPPoaAiK7EALw_wcB
  14. 1 (888) 221-1161 toll free...call and ask them all your questions.
  15. youtube would not have been my first choice.... If you are serious about knowing, maybe try here: https://organhistoricalsociety.org/ Until about a century ago, the compressed air required for organ wind used to be generated by bellows that were operated with the feet. On large instruments, up to 12 people were needed to perform this strenuous task. Bellows were developed in Ancient Egypt. Before the invention of bellows, early pipe organs relied on water cisterns to control wind pressure. This is why the ancient predecessor of the pipe organ, invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C., was known as a hydraulis.
  16. note to op: I merged all the related threads for simplicity... so this?
  17. The parts are worth more than what you paid*...so if it plays well and sounds good, don't worry about the price! *£189=$235
  18. Yes, my bad, series/parallel.
  19. these are what I use now, plus they are good stage monitors, and no pre-amp required: https://www.sweetwater.com/c134--PA_Speakers?highlight=TX308&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700073370090886&lid=92700073370090886&ds_s_kwgid=58700008063423976&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=1824422034604&product_id=TX308&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=u&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9031634&creative=624396267553&targetid=pla-1824422034604&campaignid=18437397300&awsearchcpc=&&&gclid=CjwKCAjw__ihBhADEiwAXEazJtx7BxpiPZYAg3NxX57oVEeoKQNzDBZKcwkaBecHV_FSCg7B9lni_hoCxrAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  20. Take them all in to the shop except the Epi LP. Not sure what to say but why did you buy these guitars if they sounded so bad? The wiring issues should be easy to correct for any competent repair tech. If you know how to solder, you could probably do it yourself, as wiring diagrams for just about any configuration can be found online. The Wolfgang copy likely just needs the grounding checked, and maybe some cavity shielding. If all your guitars sound thin, are you sure it isn't your amp creating the problem?
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