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Everything posted by DeepEnd

  1. Yeah, my home practice amp is an SWR, a brand that isn't even around any more. I find it more than suitable for my humble needs. I'm sure a Fender, Orange, G&K, Peavey, etc. would work as well.
  2. garthman - Well done.
  3. The neck on this particular bass gets thicker--as in the back of the neck to the fretboard--at about the first fret. I was curious if that bothered anyone else. The neck on the bass I have for practice/noodling, an Alvarez "Villain" bass, doesn't do that.
  4. In the early days of COVID, Neil made a YouTube version about "Hands washing hands..." I, for one, appreciated it.
  5. Okay, just in case anyone is still paying attention, here's my latest original, a hymn called "The One Who Watches Me." FWIW, I wrote the lyrics in December, 2018 as part of a hymn writing class but didn't write a melody until recently. https://m.soundcloud.com/david-phelps-681437607/the-one-who-watches-me
  6. I filled in for our bass player Sunday and I noticed the neck on the church's Mexi J-Bass felt--idunno--off when I played notes at the 1st fret, like there was some source of strain. Never noticed it before but I also don't recall playing any notes at the 1st fret. Anyway, is it something to do with the shape of the neck at that point or just me?
  7. DeepEnd

    Now he tells me

    Yeah, that would probably do it, LOL. I presume you mean in ear monitors and I don't use them. Nor do I play well enough for solos.
  8. DeepEnd

    Now he tells me

    Oh, there's no question we'll try the line out. Who knows? It might work without a DI, maybe something like a 1/4 to xlr adapter is all we'll need. That seems to be what you're suggesting, anyway. As for our sound guy, he's not necessarily a "moron" but maybe more confident in his abilities than he should be. That and somewhat--erm--territorial, as in, "You don't tell me what you need, I decide what you need." Plus, there's some history of resources only being available to a select few.
  9. Wow. Just wow. Almost enough to convince a hack like me to give it up.
  10. DeepEnd

    Now he tells me

    You're quite correct. 1/4" external speaker, headphone, and line out jacks. The original excuse--I mean reason--was that there wasn't another channel available--until he needed to mic my amp and then suddenly there was. I don't know what the eventual solution will be. Since the line-out is a 1/4" jack, and the cable run involved is fairly long, I'm simply assuming a DI will be necessary. Anyway, it would be to my benefit it it were.
  11. DeepEnd

    Now he tells me

    Most of you know I play in a praise band and that I've owned the same amp, a Roland Cube 80XL, for years. I started playing electric regularly when a second acoustic guitarist joined the group and there wasn't a second DI box available. When we started streaming services during COVID, the sound guy miced my amp but he just discovered that my amp has a 1/4" line out that he thinks will work better. Again, I've had the amp and played through it regularly for years. Talk about observant. Anyway, in order to use that 1/4" output he'll need--wait for it--a DI box! Business as usual. When I need something it's not available but when the right person wants it, oh, absolutely! Having a second DI box means I'll be able to play my acoustic again but I think I'll wait until Summer is over. I don't want to risk leaving my acoustic in a hot car after church.
  12. DeepEnd


    Congratulations on the score. Happy New (Used) Amp Day.
  13. Well done. Way better than I can do. I only regret it wasn't longer.
  14. The rock band seems like a better fit, at least imho. Maybe initially offer a small, tactful suggestion to whoever is in charge. If he/she doesn't seem receptive, then drop it.
  15. I broke a new Ernie Ball flatwound D string while setting up my bass when I first bought it. The string broke where the core sticks out at the end, the part that wraps around the tuning peg. The strings were half price on clearance at GC. I bought a GHS flatwound to replace the broken D string. I rarely play it and haven't replaced a string since.
  16. I had a 12-string as pretty much my only guitar for about 30 years. It's sat in the case since the early 2000's. Tuning and intonation got to be too much of a pain. Daughter DeepEtte gets it when I'm gone.
  17. Congratulations on the find. Happy New (to you) Guitar Day.
  18. My latest original, titled "On the Way to the Cross." This is intended to be sung by multiple people, for example a trio, but instead I'm singing everything, so bear with me: https://m.soundcloud.com/david-phelps-681437607/on-the-way-to-the-cross
  19. ^ Gotta agree with the above. Unless you find something dirt cheap, either buy locally or from a seller that accepts returns.
  20. Axee-o-matic - Thanks for posting.
  21. Heck, if you're wanting a SS Fender I'll sell you my FM65R for half what he's asking. No bar stool though.
  22. dadymack - Well done. Thanks for your contribution and involvement.
  23. Quite nice, although I was expecting a vocal.
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