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my band is in turmoil


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I haven't played any of the newer ones, but, I basically wrote out stuff I was inspired by when I came up with Junon, Aeris came up too. FF7 has some killer band names though, like Aeris, Materia, Midgar, Ivalice, Kalm, Highwind, Mako, etc..

Those sound more like metal names to me, and this isn't HCAF. So basically you stole the only good FF7 reference. :cry:

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Just sack them all, buy a big computer and a 303 and make hard techno with feedback all over every track under the name Fractionman.



Sounds like one of those teaching videos.


Hey kids. Fractionman here to learn you all up on your fractions. It's a number over a number. Like dividing, but who gives a {censored}.

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gotchya bitch!

I dunno, Aeris sounds pretty 'indie' you could always take Venus Gospel or something. Highwind sounds pretty awesome too.:

Aeris is a little obvious though. Most people don't remember Junon from FF7, including myself at first. I was actually one of the many who thought it was a Juno reference. :facepalm:

Anyways, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't know who Aeris is, and if I do they aren't my friend anymore. {censored}'s serious business.

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Aeris is a little obvious though. Most people don't remember Junon from FF7, including myself at first. I was actually one of the many who thought it was a Juno reference.

Anyways, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't know who Aeris is, and if I do they aren't my friend anymore. {censored}'s serious business.

Thats true. {censored} is totally serious, I dig.

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Rock is dead. Indie rock has been taken over by hippie "collectives." Punk is a {censored}ing joke anymore. Post-rock disappeared inside its own ass after Slint. The only relevant music nowadays is hip-hop and ring-tones. But we can't rap and no one ever calls us. So we started a noise rock band. Enjoy.

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It is and I am, but it's inspired me to consider other Final Fantasy references for band names. I'm kinda liking Ru'Lude Garden a la Sound Garden/Savage Garden.

It's from Final Fantasy XI.


Go level your dancer, three letter word that means different things to different people.

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a couple of days ago we were jamming in my bro's garage and went inside to get some chirstmas cookies. we went into his computer room to listen to some daft punk and then we were like "oh barnacles we've gotta get going soon" but then someone said something about a name and then we all decided not to leave the room until we had name.

first we tried looking at the movie posters in the room, but the schwarzeneggers sounded gay. our fudgin' pothead bassist wanted to call us "kushion, like cushion with a k man, hahahahaha". then we saw a copy of forest gump but gump was another gay name taken by an even gayer french band.

then we were going to be bearkat 79, because that was what was on the front of our vocalist's mom's yearbook. but that got scrapped. then we found a hot wheels collectors book and looked through that.

purple passion, baja bug, old number five, and then for some reason we settled on heavyweight ambulance. probably because we wanted to leave/get more cookies. but then i said something about j. mascis from dinosaur jr.

....and now they want us to be called "fat dirty wizard".


uhhh, yeah, that's it. i don't really have a question on how to change things, i guess i just wanted to post a giant ass picture of j. mascis. honestly we could be called Horace Dyck & The Clams From Assface Lake for all i care. we'll still be about 1,000,000,000,000 times better than the other bands in our hood.

dang i have to get up 8:30 i don't know why i'm even here right now. fudge it.


You seem preoccupied about the band name sounding gay. Maybe you should call it the Heterosexuals so everyone knows you not gay.

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