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Everything posted by orourke

  1. Steve Stevens with Billy Idol. Talented and versatile; I've been listening to a few cuts from "Atomic Playboys" on the IPod in shuffle mode. After playing original material for 30 years I finally gave up and started playing in a cover band. What I found out was that learning guitar parts by some of those '80's guys is more challenging than the 70's classic rockers. I find it much easier to play a Jimmy Page part than a Steve Stevens part. Great guitarist - Stevens and Easton, but I rarely if ever find myself listening to The Cars or Billy Idol if I don't have to.
  2. What are you plans for the amp? Loud drummer, polite drummer, no drummer, bedroom, metal, surf, folk, covers?
  3. I'll only sell a guitar if I don't like it, I really have to have something against a guitar to get rid of it. I've found over the years (about 40 years of playing and buying guitars) that a lot of them come around again and I start really getting into them after years of neglect. I've been playing my first good guitar a lot lately, it's a '69 SG. If you got a good deal on a somewhat oddball Gibson, you are better off keeping it. If it's going for nearly two grand in the middle of this major recession, the value might go even higher when the economy picks up (if it ever picks up that is).
  4. I decided that I needed a good gigging pedalboard I looked into building one. I had a friend who's really good with wood try to help me with a design and in the end it was easier to just buy one. The problem is always the case. Unless you are a good woodworker like Loconzly, building a case for a pedalboard can be really time consuming and expensive. I looked into the cheap suitcase idea and I couldn't really find anything that would fit my specs for a decend price. Now I have a small pedaltrain and a big NYC Pedalboard. They both work great. The NYC Pedalboard is heavy as hell (when loaded like the pic below) but I got it custom made so I got what I asked for. On the other hand I've had it for about seven years and it hasn't failed yet.
  5. I think if you did 3 grams of coke a week, you'd be skinnier than Paris Hilton. I don't think that works, I know a few fat coke heads. They're always trying to balance the edge off the coke with booze. Most coke heads are alkies also.
  6. I thought he had the homemade guitar of his plugged into some tiny little amp.
  7. I've had mine for about four years, it started cutting out. Only when I wasn't using it, just suddenly my whole rig would go silent for no apparent reason. Seeing that I use it in the front of my signal chain, and this would happen in the middle of a gig. I found (after figuring out it's the wah, I have a big pedalboard), that if I step on the wah for a second, the sound comes back. It also makes a weird pulsing sound sometimes. I can't deal with any of that crap at a gig, so I'm going wah-less except for jams or home recording sessions where it doesn't matter if it cuts out once and a while. I just don't feel like shelling out another $100+ bucks for this effect.
  8. Depression has been a problem for me but I never quit playing. In fact I seem to fall frighteningly deeper into guitar playing as I get older and more miserable. I used to like to do other things.... ride bike, work out, go to movies, travel. Now all I want to do is write songs, play with my band, and jam with whoever is around. I'm 48 so there is no chance of "making it", but I'm compeled to persue my music none the less. It's a weird thing where I seem to be running away from myself and falling in to this deep self-involvement. I think I'm over-sharing. . BTW, nice looking forum
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