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A good ol' fashioned NPD thread.


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happy new gear day dude, and as per - i'm interested to see how you find them.

I'm wondering though why you are buying these crazy fuzzes / gated fuzz, when it seems like your most happy with an overdrive tone that you've probably already well established on your board with the timmy et al?

I'm guessing your just curious to see what these pedals would be like, although it seems an odd match.



I just like dirt, I think. And while I'm typically a 'use it or lose it' pedal owner and have narrowed in on a few things that do what I want

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Hnpd brochacho.

I happen to be looking in the market for splatty type Velcro fuzz as well, so

Let me know how you like it.


It's really pretty cool. And the increased versatility is nice as well. But I'll update you as I unpack it more.

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Mang. The BOR is great. I have a Blues Jr. myself. The humboldt edition. Love the sound. Really like the boost more tho. I like to leave that on all the time. Adds a bit of sparkle...or something :idk: I like it.


I did run my board the other week tho using the BOR's boost as a real boost.


Oh and the boost is a SHO, isn't it? I may just get a clone of the SHO then. Any leads anyone on a cheap clone of one?

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I'd be lying if I didn't say the Emma hasn't interested me before. Why does it have tape over it though? Needed to know if it'd aesthetically fit on your board too? :lol: Only jokin'. But yeah the BoR is a killer pedal and Aaron is a top notch guy who builds quality products so no doubt you'll be over the moon with all of them so long as the Reeza is as good as the clips I heard were/are.

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