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New Guitar Goals for 2010


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While I'm certain that I'll end up grabbing a few from ebay during the course of the year, my goals for new guitars are, in order of intended purchase:


Douglas WRL 590 Floyd NA



Agile Valkyrie Double Neck


Michael Kelly Patriot Glory



I'll also be looking for a nice 12-string acoustic electric. If I can't a nice used one I'll probably look at something from Seagull or Yamaha.

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Cool picture man, but i am little confused how to play the second guitar.

Please suggest me if i should buy a second hand guitar for starting playing guitar because i am a novice.


The second guitar is only played with one neck at a time.


Buying secondhand is a great idea if you're just starting out, because if you decide that you don't enjoy it, it'll be easier to get your money back. You'll also be able to start with better gear for less money.

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Cool guitars.

I'm going to focus on playing I think - I feel that my collection is well enough rounded as it is. There might be a few effects I could get, but that's it. I'm a player not a collector (though collecting is pretty darned fun too)

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I'm @ the point now where I need to sell off/ trade/ give away some of the ones that don't get much play time. I also have a couple project guitars that I need to get finished: a V that I'm refinishing & a 'hog Strat that I've gutted/re-routed for new electronics.

After all of that, I'll probably pick up a 7-string of some sort and perhaps one of these later this year:


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Well, the band is breaking up, so there goes my tax write-off...no gear purchases in the near future.

I've got 2 or 3 guitars waiting to be modded. I'll probably sell some stuff off. Spend more time developing my jazz chops. Get more sleep on the weekends. Record some original stuff.

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In no particular order of preference what I'd LIKE to do (if it's possible for me):

1. Low wattage (5 watts or less) tube amp.

2. Possibly get another Gretsch

3. Possibly get a single pickup (in the bridge ala a LP Junior), for snot rock

4. Change the pickups in my Schecter Omen Extreme 7

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Cool picture man, but i am little confused how to play the second guitar.

Please suggest me if i should buy a second hand guitar for starting playing guitar because i am a novice.

Good guitars are extremely inexpensive these days, so get used or new, whatever you find you like the best!:thu: (I figured one noob could safely reply to another here :wave: )

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I'm considering putting a downpayment on a custom built Rick Kelly telecaster style. I've been reading about his stuff and it seems like he makes a killer instrument - all handmade with old-growth woods (ie 100 years old etc), super thin nitro finishes, big necks, your pick on the hardware and such.


Might go down to his shop in NYC in a few months to discuss ideas and play any some of his stock guitars to get a feel for things.


I'm not in any rush to buy stuff...I don't impulse buy so I'm going to wait and get something that feels right and has no compromise.

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