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Have you ever had a REAL bad day here on HCEG...


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Oh yeah. I've had bad days here (two threads I started devolving into typical whining about my life that those who know me in person have heard enough of), and on another forum where I ended up being provoked into racist and sexist flinging by the teacher's pet suckup types there that got me temp-banned by their masters the moderators and a nasty reputation as a flamer afterward.

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ampfoum seems to be the place where folks are just waiting for a fight. Flame wars are silly. Which is a shame, cuz actual discussions about amps might be a good thing. 1 thread in like, 20 over there is actually amp related.


It is one thing to be a bit demonstrative, it is another thing to be an asshat.




Know the difference.

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i dont think i've ever had a *good* day. I'm largely ignored on these forums despite me going out of my way trying to help out people with what i feel is genuine good information to their questions. Even my gig spam posts get like 3 replies when guys like CSM and others get 3-4 pages of interested parties.

You're agreat player Mario, and you've done some really useful demo videos too. I don't know why you get ignored except you don't have the same background as CSM, and are therefore inherently less likely to have people suck up. If you were gigging round here I'd be glad to come and see you.

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i dont think i've ever had a *good* day. I'm largely ignored on these forums despite me going out of my way trying to help out people with what i feel is genuine good information to their questions. Even my gig spam posts get like 3 replies when guys like CSM and others get 3-4 pages of interested parties.




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i dont think i've ever had a *good* day. I'm largely ignored on these forums despite me going out of my way trying to help out people with what i feel is genuine good information to their questions. Even my gig spam posts get like 3 replies when guys like CSM and others get 3-4 pages of interested parties.

Not to worry Malto. It's just how shallow some people are. I've posted gig spam for Lowbrow and another band before and they've gotten hardly a bite. While others speak of their genitals and it goes on for several pages. And the mods don't or won't kill the threads. :facepalm: It's just the nature of the beast.

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i dont think i've ever had a *good* day. I'm largely ignored on these forums despite me going out of my way trying to help out people with what i feel is genuine good information to their questions. Even my gig spam posts get like 3 replies when guys like CSM and others get 3-4 pages of interested parties.

Don't worry about it, mario. The last thread I posted got zero replies ...

Happens to everybody.

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I'm largely ignored too but that's okay.


I generally defer to the greater experience of most of you and try to keep my opinions to a minimum unless I can back them up with concrete experience.


There's been a couple of times I wanted to get into it with people but I just bite my tong, take a couple of deep breaths, and (figuratively) walk away.


There's one frequent poster in particular who has jumped on me a couple of times for what I considered little provocation. I just stay our of his threads. (and there are so many of them).

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i dont think i've ever had a *good* day. I'm largely ignored on these forums despite me going out of my way trying to help out people with what i feel is genuine good information to their questions. Even my gig spam posts get like 3 replies when guys like CSM and others get 3-4 pages of interested parties.

I think many of us feel that we don't generate much reactions (i.e. replies to our threads) and I used to think that I was one of them. Me calling myself "mr. niceguy" in the original post of this thread is actually tong in cheek sarcasm about myself because I'm far from being nice all the time. I get pissed just like the next guy. I sure appreciate the comments from my friends here who have reflected to me that I (usually) behave appropriately in the forum. But I'd rather be recognised as a player (I practice hard to that effect) than as someone nicer than I actually am.

In time, I have come to care less and less what people in general in HCEG think of me. But there are people here who I genuinely admire (JJ, DaveAronow, Mistersully, MHUK and a few others) and those are one of the reasons why I'm still on board. It's a privilege to know them and interact with them and that's no bull{censored}.

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Well, when it comes to people I have never, nor will ever meet, I don't over concern myself with what they think about me. I generally prefer the realities of actual human interaction. However, I think arseing around and humour certainly has a place on't internet, since we are on here to enjoy ourselves and share knowledge.

Holier than thou attitudes do, however, completely get on my tits. People who get in a lather need to get a grip of themselves and get a life. Many of the people who wind you up are probably spotty adolescents with poor personal hygiene.

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