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Everything posted by mnewb1

  1. That's why I stop by about once a month just to see if anything's changed. It hasn't. Ashasha, have you moved up to the AXE-FXII yet?
  2. the Kick {censored} Party Platform
  3. I certainly haven't been posting as much, but I am not into endless gear acquisition, and I haven't felt lately that there was much I could contribute to. Waiting for the next sticky jam I suppose
  4. Very Cool Amp! Congratulations
  5. for maybe a couple hundred bucks more, if you can do that, I'd look for a used Roland Juno-G.
  6. seriously? you guys are debating toilet seats?
  7. thank you every one.. i just talked with her this morning she tried to eat a little breakfast but was not able to keep it down.. so im starting to worry.. the logical side of me says its just an imbalance of be being with out food and being taken off IV and a shock to the system.. but im not sure.. i was really hopeing today would be the release date... and she is starting to worry and my father.. well,, again thankyou every one for your kind concern.. chris No reason to worry, Brother, it just takes time until the pancreas settles down and she can eat again, certainly they should start her on ice chips and then a clear liquid diet before attempting solid food
  8. Scuzzo, pancreatitis can be a very painful but usually not too serious condition in which pancreatic enzymes ( that break down food...and the pancreas is made of the same stuff as food) escape their ducts and begin to auto digest the pancreas. usually 48 to 72 hours rest with no eating, IV fluids, and pain control are all that is needed to get this under control. I am hoping your Mom is feeling much better by tomorrow. Hang in there.
  9. There are very few guitars I don't want!
  10. Oh, and did I mention this...
  11. Okay, i'm gonna be hated for the first one, so bear with me. No hate at all there some good stuff in there besides the Brootalz!
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