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Guitar = Therapy


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was feeling pissed off today so I got out my axe, turned the amp up and played the most soulful guitar solo you never heard. I had to smoke a cigarette after it was intense. Afterwards I was light as a feather. wasn't angry or pissed off anymore, just felt good. who needs a therapist when you've got a guitar?


Any other musicians on here have a moment of 'well-being' right after you play your heart out?

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Interesting. When I'm down or pissed I basically become unmusical thus I don't touch the guitar. When I'm out from under then I tend to pick it back up again. Same for writing music, but that doesn't mean my playing is all up and happy, it dredges stuff up from the subconscious so all moods come out in my playing and writing.

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As a former (I say "recovering"), but still licensed psychotherapist, I would definitely agree.


I think it's funny that the thread title displays at the top of my Safari window as:


Guitar = Therapy - Harmony Central Forums


so i guess Therapy + HCF = Guitar?

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i've been through a lot, as i am sure everyone else has, but through breakups, deaths, loss of jobs, car accidents, etc. my guitar is always there and always helps in some way. if you dont think raging a super loud, nasty power chord frenzy helps when your pissed or some somber fingerpicking on an acoustic when you are down helps, than i dont know what any drug or dr could do for you.

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was feeling pissed off today so I got out my axe, turned the amp up and played the most soulful guitar solo you never heard. I had to smoke a cigarette after it was intense. Afterwards I was light as a feather. wasn't angry or pissed off anymore, just felt good. who needs a therapist when you've got a guitar?

Any other musicians on here have a moment of 'well-being' right after you play your heart out?

It's called endorphins. One of the best drugs around. And, it's free. :)

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I feel the same, my guitars help me disconnect, it's kind of like meditation, and during that time my body unwinds and stops releasing all the nasty stress hormones that kept me in a state of discomfort. When I stop all the crap is still there but I'm in much better shape to deal with it.

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I want to elaborate on my earlier comment.

I first started playing at 13, have always had a guitar around me ever since. I've been through some crazy stuff, seen some mind blowing {censored} in my short lifetime (I'm 33). But through all of it, the guitar has always been a constant, there for me whenever I feel sad/angry/happy/creative/etc.; through all of the ups and downs.

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I remember reading in a guitar mag a few months ago (Premier Guitar?) about a program to give a guitar and lessons to veterans suffering from PTSD. And it worked wonders.


If I didn't have my motorcycles and guitars......man. I don't know what I'd do.

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As a former (I say "recovering"), but still licensed psychotherapist, I would definitely agree.

I think it's funny that the thread title displays at the top of my Safari window as:

Guitar = Therapy - Harmony Central Forums

so i guess Therapy + HCF = Guitar?

It's obvious your doctorate is not in mathematics! :lol:

Guitar + HCF = Therapy would be a correct algebraic transposition of the variables.

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As a former (I say "recovering"), but still licensed psychotherapist, I would definitely agree.

I think it's funny that the thread title displays at the top of my Safari window as:

Guitar = Therapy - Harmony Central Forums

so i guess Therapy + HCF = Guitar?

Here come the Algebra police!
Actually, that would come out as Guitar + HCF = Therapy!
That's actually accurate, too!

Edit: Oops, the earlier message making the same point wasn't displaying a moment ago. Sorry!

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Playing guitar is far less expensive than a therapist. If you consider that 10 visits to a therapist would cost about a $1000. For that money you can buy a new Gibson or Fender and a nice amp.

I've used guitar as therapy for many years.



Any health insurance plans cover guitar purchases?

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I quit playing for about 20 years. Back in '99 I was off work due to stress disablility (big time depression. I taught behavior disordered gangstas for far too long). Got my nylon string guitar out of basement that I'd traded a lid for.

It helped, and here I am 20 more guitars or so later.

Playing guitar engages a different part of the brain, so in effect gives a rest to the perseverating depressed section and in a sense shows you "the depressed part may be screwed up, but this part can still make some sense in the world".

Guitar, with prozac or whatever, is good therapy. I still play but no more prozac.

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