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so my drummer's girlfriend took our band pictures...

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and I think they turned out really well. she's very talented. i'm aware, however, that it's really easy if not somewhat impossible to look like douches in band photos, so i thought i'd present these to you for (constructive) criticism. these are our picks for the best ones and i'd like to narrow it down more











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JAX? :p


I like em. I like that they are a little different than the thousands of other band pics I've seen over the years. There are some that are much better than the others, IMO. The first pic is the best.

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and I think they turned out really well. she's very talented. i'm aware, however, that it's really easy if not somewhat impossible to look like douches in band photos, so i thought i'd present these to you for (constructive) criticism. these are our picks for the best ones and i'd like to narrow it down more.


My votes go to these, in approximate order of preference:






I think they look the most natural. The others seem a little too - er - I guess "contrived" is the word I'm after.

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My votes go to these, in approximate order of preference:


I think they look the most natural. The others seem a little too - er - I guess "contrived" is the word I'm after.


+10 to everything he said. The first three are way too cute.

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Kind of depends on the music you play. If you are a jam band, southern rock, americana, or 90's rock, those are good pics, as far as "DIY" (free) goes.


We paid a professional to do ours, and they are better than those, but not much better. Our next shoot will probably be one of our girlfriends too.

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I'm with BlueStrat and MikeV on this one - with a strong preference for the "Bridge Background" shot simply because I think the band looks it's best in it. The last guy in line on the other two is too far back and blends into the background too much.


The "band in a boat" shot is has a quirky appeal - but I'd hestiate to use it as a primary band pic partly because it's a little too trendy and partly because the last guy in the boat is partially cut off by the edge of the frame (which I usually view as poor picture composition).


While the "band in a cage", "boys on a bench" and "guys and grass" shots avoid the overused brick wall backdrop ... there's just nothing that jumps out.


Just curious....who's skyline it that?


Them's my cent and a half....

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Best of the bunch by far.




I like the layout of this shot. I do think you could refine it a little. Things like smiles, and maybe some different clothes. I would take this shot ,, and go shoot a bunch of this layout and really try for somthing exceptional. Maybe play around with some props. Guitar case etc. Use your imagination. Take your time and you can get an outstanding picture. My wife is a very good photographer.... the key is find a basic shot and shoot it a ton. Magic only happens in 1 out of 100 pictures many times.

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I think you've got some really useful pics. A little cropping on the waterfront ones, and you've got good flyer material. The boat ones are cool, but like others said, perhaps not espectially good for your main flyer.


I recognize the Portland waterfront. Thanks for the blast from the past-I spent 15 years in the Portland metro area. :thu:

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Cool pics! There are definitely some keepers in there, and a few Ghey ones... Take some time with some of the better shots to photoshop out the background, as soon as you need to put these in a black and white layout you'll lose the effect of the background and the images will just look too busy.


Digging the lamp/boat shot, just needs to sweep the angle out a bit to catch the rest of the band more.


i love how in the portage shot the second guy isn't even touching the boat..... is he the drummer?

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You do look like douches, but you look good so :idk:









I think they are a bit over-photoshopped myself though.


1 and 2 are my faves. I like the scenery and the boat/subject just looks good and it's interesting.

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