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so my drummer's girlfriend took our band pictures...

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My votes go to these, in approximate order of preference:


I think they look the most natural. The others seem a little too - er - I guess "contrived" is the word I'm after.



look at the face of the front guy. however you put it... putting that on a flyer? I wouldnt! Especially since in the 1st picture it looks so much better :-b :idea:

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its kind of lame honestly. maybe use pics where you arent posing.





I have this opinion about just about every band picture I see. The whole "Lets all stand in line and try to look like we are not posing" thing just looks so fabricated. Especially since very few of us are models and are used to posing.


I know they are hard to get sometimes, but live shots of the band playing always look the best to me.


That being said, these are not too bad, I like the fourth one from the top best, although some of the scenery on the right could be cropped a little.

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The drummer's girlfriend definitely has photographic skills, but there are areas for improvement IMO. First off, nothing really says to me that this is a band. A pic of four guys in someone's backyard or at the harbor doesn't convey the image of music. Not that the guys need to carry their instruments, but something, and here's where creativity comes in, should let people know that what this is, is a band. Then, there's the idea of image itself. Once we know that this is a band, what kind of band is this, anyway? All we have is clothing to go on, and I don't get much impression of what kind of music this band plays. My guess would be emo/indie or contemporary Christian. If she can improve in those two areas you will have something special.

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A pic of four guys in someone's backyard or at the harbor doesn't convey the image of music.

Not that the guys need to carry their instruments, but something, and here's where creativity comes in, should let people know that what this is, is a band.

Then, there's the idea of image itself.

Once we know that this is a band, what kind of band is this, anyway?

All we have is clothing to go on, and I don't get much impression of what kind of music this band plays.




That's a real sound way of approaching these types of things - just as you would approach a serious writing assignment by first defining your target audience...

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wow - forgot i posted this thread and now there's more responses than i expected. thanks for the feedback. here's my thoughts on what was said:


yes, the flower pic is kind of gay. but we don't mind. most of those are on our myspace already and girls have commented on liking that one. i wouldn't send it as the only picture in a press kit though


these will never be used for fliers, so reproduction quality isn't an issue. these will just be in press kits and on the myspace, both of which also have plenty of live shots, so i think that deals with the 'is this a band?/what kind of band' issue. people who have the press kit or see the myspace have music right there to listen to


i agree that lots of the shots could be improved if we set them up again and just shot the ones with appeal a million times to get better facial expression and body position combinations. i doubt we'll re-shoot these but i'll talk to her about taking more exposures in each setup so we get more to work with


oh and lastly, yes this is downtown jacksonville on the river, none of us smoked anything before the shoot, and the guy not holding the boat is the other guitarist, not the drummer :)

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the best pic, IMO, is the one that is cropped close to you guys. the background environment is minimal and ambiguous.

I like that shot because you are not competing with the clouds, buildings, canoes. it is about the band not the bakground.

so keep then tight.

she has talent for photography.

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The biggest suggestion to any band thats interested in pictures is to shoot tons of pictures of the band. You just dont know when you will shoot the perfect shot.


I watched my wife take pictures of this golden mccaw at parrot eyes on south padre island every time we were in that bar. She did this over a period of years. It took 5 years to get the really perefect shot. It takes time to get all the stars to line up for a really hot photo.

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That's basic photo 101. In the days of real film, it was expensive, and having good photos meant something. Now, with wonderful digital technology, it's easy and free to take 100 shots of the same pose/scene for the perfect one. So there's no excuse not to.


Reminds me of other discussions.

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That's basic photo 101. In the days of real film, it was expensive, and having good photos meant something. Now, with wonderful digital technology, it's easy and free to take 100 shots of the same pose/scene for the perfect one. So there's no excuse not to.

Reminds me of other discussions.




Yup digital rocks. Whats amazing is the majority of her really great photos were shot with a little minolta thats just a little bit bigger than a cig pack. Its not that it takes better pics than her big cannon ,, its the fact that she always has it with her and gets the shots that just are there for the taking. dont leave home without it.

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I'm beginning to think we all may be better off just doing something like BS does and use an unrelated image and customize it to set a vibe for a show.




That would be better than most of what I have seen! And, come to think about it, would do a lot more to convey what a band is all about than 4 people standing in a row.

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So does anyone have any examples of band pics that DON'T suck?




Some buddies of mine had a beach duo. They had a great promo shot that was taken when them standing in very shallow water. The conga man was holding a conga drum and the guitar player had his guitar. Nice sunset. great photo. But the band broke up and I cant find a copy of the pic. So no. all the good band pics have been lost.

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This statement if taken on it's own is pretty funny.


Yea i figured you might like it. I think good band pics kinda need a theme. Props can set the theme. Cars, planes ,boats, motorcycles, train stations, airports, theators, etc.


The railroad track and brick wall are worn out themes.

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