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Wish I had the balls to just get up and leave.


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Guys, life really is too short to live with a job you hate. If it's making you unhappy, ask yourself how hard you're really tried to change your situation. People tend to hate the effort it takes to change more than they hate their current situation because we're all short sighted.


Also, remember that employment is a 2 way street. If your employer hated you as much as you hate them then they would have fired you by now and they would have found someone better for the position. So fire them and find something better.

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Can't stand my job either, but it pays the bills. That's how I get through. Well, that and a massive drinking habit coupled with my wife's breasts.



i think we're related.


except, i recently left the job that was making me miserable...namely because it wasn't really paying the bills.

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I've been feeling the same way recently. Not that I hate my job I'm just sick of it. I wish I could do something completely different, preferably something that would not entail stepping a foot in an office ever again. Been thinking of going back to school and learning a new trade, like electronics, HVAC or something.. I'm sick of the corporate bull{censored}

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I've been feeling the same way recently. Not that I hate my job I'm just sick of it. I wish I could do something completely different, preferably something that would not entail stepping a foot in an office ever again. Been thinking of going back to school and learning a new trade, like electronics, HVAC or something.. I'm sick of the corporate bull{censored}



Yep, I feel you. I've been sick of this place for well over a year.

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I think she should quit so we can see the human drama of Dolf unraveling mentally and financially in real time on HCAF, having to sell his sweet gear to to the ole fyn. For $200.



aw....lulz aside that's mean

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I am so ready to quit my job. When I talk about my job and why I hate it, people usually say "are you crazy? I would love to get paid that much money for that job".


I literally get paid to sit in an office, do about 45 minutes of documenting/logistics management, SOMETIMES have to receive freight, mostly I sit on here, and watch southparkstudios.com. I get about 35k a year to do this, but the hours suck dick, 2-10pm, and the schedule sucks dicks, or cocks (tourettes guy saying), rotating schedule means every other week, I have to work 8-9 days in a row, then I get 4 days off. {censored}ing AWFUL.


Applying for summer jobs in parks and rec, tour guide stuff for the national park service. hope I get one of them, i'd take a huge cut in pay/hours to spare my sanity.

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I use to like my job but the people I work with are getting worse and worse by the day. Nothing but a bunch of crybabies if they don't get their way all of the time. The drama and back stabbing is insane.

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I worked as a CNA for three years and I loved it until the last place I worked, which was a nursing home, ran me ragged and made me hate everything in the world. So I took a break from that. I lucked into a sales job, Toner Sales, which paid more than the nursing home, but then a year and a half later I got laid off due to cut backs. And then I lucked into this job, having NO experience. I work for an executive recruiting firm dealing with Investment Products in the financial services industry. I'm not a recruiter, I'm the VP of Research. Don't let the "VP" title fool you....everyone has that title, lol! I like the people I work with, i really do, though sometimes they can be pretty bitchy (I work with all women, and one man who hides in his office all day, and I don't blame him). There's just NOTHING fulfilling about this job. I sit in a cubicle all day and stare at a computer. At least as a CNA I was doing something GOOD and helpful and i could interact with people. Well I'm done ranting now!

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