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any of you guys here ONLY play acoustic...no electric at all?

Stella Joop

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Very nearly, though every now and then I'll break out my Strat. IMO they're (acoustics and electrics) are nearly like different instruments, each requiring a different approach. I gravitate toward acoustic because there's less fuss and I feeler a closer connection between the guitar' and my fingers - without an amp or effects getting in the way. OTOH though I find that playing electric with headphones late at night scratches the itch that would otherwise wake everyone else up in my home. :wave::wave:

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have you always been that way or did this come over time where you played electric only to shed it later?



I started on acoustic. I've tried electrics, but I feel "disconnected" somehow. I hear a scratching sound coming from the guitar and pick, and the sound actually coming out of the speakers -- weird.

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I've only owned one electric in my life...........way back in the 60s....bought the guitar and amp from a friend of mine for $30! It was some sort of no-name copy of a strat. Not a bad little guitar, really. The amp, on the other hand, worked better as an AM radio than as a guitar amplifier.


About a month later another friend offered me $35 for it and promptly owned it. I never looked back. I haven't even so much as picked up an electric guitar since then.

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I am primarily an acoustic guitar player, but I have dabbled in electric here and there. I currently have a Peavey telecopy, but will probably get one of the Agile Les Paul guitars one day. For the most part I prefer the sound and feelof the acoustic guitar, but that is what I am most familiar with.

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When I really started to play, around age 14, it was all electric, I didn't even own an acoustic but now that I'm older I like to keep things simple so for now all I've got is a acoustic. I guess I'd like an electric again someday but right now my car takes all my extra cash. Once it's fixed up the way I want it then I may look into a good electric and small 100 watt amp to just play around with.

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did you ever play electric and then just end up sticking with acoustic only and ditch all the electric side? whats yer story?



I've been 100% acoustic for about 3 years now.


I started playing guitar 25 years ago. I played electric 95% of the time.

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