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any of you guys here ONLY play acoustic...no electric at all?

Stella Joop

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If it has strings and claims to be a guitar, I'll probably play it.


lol...sounds about right :).


It used to be about half and half, but now I probably play more acoustic. I enjoy playing both, and there's a time and place for everything. When I need to rock out, it's time to break out the half-stack and the Gretsch :thu:.

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I used to play all electric, but then I put the instrument down for a few years and when i started playing again it was easier to just pick up an acoustic. I quickly found that i got a lot more enjoyment out acoustic than I ever did electric. I'd guess it's been over 3 years since I've played my electrics.

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I originally wanted an electric but my parents convinced me to start on an acoustic. I've since realized that the fact that I don't need an amp is a huge advantage, plus I just prefer the way an acoustic sounds. Granted, I'd like to own an electric someday but I'd also like to overcome my fear of heights and become irresistible to women and none of those things has occurred yet so I doubt it'll happen.

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I'm trying to play only acoustic for the simplicity of it all. I've played electric for 10 years (almost exclusively) and love a nice Strat and tube amp, but I always get frustrated and broke by letting it get all complicated. The only reason I ever wanted to play a guitar to start with was to sit on the porch in the cool of the day and pluck or strumm a few chords and relax; just like Andy Griffith!!!

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My friends call me a "blues player" so, I play both. I don't totally agree with the generalization. I love the blues, always have always will, but I play a lot of different styles. A lot depends on the audience if there is one. If not, I'm all over the place.

So. both.

But I disagree with whoever said if you don't play bot you're not a real guitar player.

I also play the piano, but have no idea how to play complicated (to operate) keyboards and synths.. Yamaha digital piano and fender rhodes. Beyond that, I'm lost. But I'm still a player. I'd better be, I have a gig next month...

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