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go ahead bitches, take your shots


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Well, according to AtomHeartMother, since I'm from Louisiana, I am mentally retarded by default. So I suppose I'm not intelligent enough to play guitar.

But for anyone who's head isn't inserted 3 feet up their assholes, here is some of my stuff:


I haven't noticed AtomHeartMother around. I assume he got booted. Does anybody know for sure that he is gone? I'm guessing he is spreading his cheer on the Fender forum now. ;)

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I'll tell you one thing that I like about JJ is that he has the frickin attitude along with great frickin artwork with most of his stuff. I can dig the whole vibe even though it isn't my scene.

And I respect the {censored} out of everyone here who posts their own music. I know that I am a hack and will never do anything with my music but I have just hit that point where sitting alone and jamming by myself really ran its course. I had someone at work listening to some of my stuff today and I have to admit that I was cringing because I could hear every single mistake, missed bend, {censored}ty vibrato or missed phrase. But everyone that listened to it was actually impressed (and these guys would let you know if you suck at anything). I am slowly getting over my self and letting it rip.

Guys like JJ have that down and have the power to express themselves and go after what it is that they want.

My {censored} is at the bottom of this post. Unfortunately it is only made up of backing tracks that Frets has been posting here (mostly stuff by Red Ant who is great). I plan on getting to the point to doing my own tracks from scratch and guys like JJ inspire me to go ahead and do it.

SO KICK{censored}

(did I do that right?)

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Check out my link below to my MySpace Page.... one faggy acoustic (I was in LOVE damnit!) and one not really faggy..... I play lead and sing.

What else do ya need? haha

Hey JJ -- I feel what you're sayin'.. I have stopped being on here because fo the dumbass posts and comments by people who just have the need to be a prick.... keeps them aroused I guess.....

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was banned...



Truly the best forum-related news this century!


Good riddance to one of the most ungrateful, ignorant, misinformed, opinionated, arrogant, argumentative, cantankerous, selfish, vindictive, acerbic, contemptible, deplorable, poisonous, vile and rancid specimens I have ever had the displeasure of making contact with.


Sorry for the vitriol, but I had to bottle that up pretty hard while the 'orrible little wretch was still here...

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Truly the best forum-related news this century!

Good riddance to one of the most ungrateful, ignorant, misinformed, opinionated, arrogant, argumentative, cantankerous, selfish, vindictive, acerbic, contemptible, deplorable, poisonous, vile and rancid specimens I have ever had the displeasure of making contact with.

Sorry for the vitriol, but I had to bottle that up pretty hard while the 'orrible little wretch was still here...

And his new name on this forum is CoralKong! :eek: Well...he just registered in Feb! :eek:



J/K And a SORRY CORALKONG! :love: It's not fair to pick on the new guy. You are nothing like AHM and I meant no harm. But, it would be funny if AHM was in here under a different handle, and he probably is hangin' out over in the AF right now! :eek:

Peace Out!

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Nope, it's only me. Or it's really me. Or it's really NOT me. Well, I'm not AHM, anyway, that much I am sure of....

And no offense taken.

So, do I still get to call people "fag"?

Cool, if not, I resign...LOL...

"...Good riddance to one of the most ungrateful, ignorant, misinformed, opinionated, arrogant, argumentative, cantankerous, selfish, vindictive, acerbic, contemptible, deplorable, poisonous, vile and rancid specimens I have ever had the displeasure of making contact with."

That pretty much DOES sum me up, though!

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.......So, do I still get to call people "fag"? ......

I don't know? That might be all the reason they need to ban you in these politically correct times. It's about the same as using the "n" word which certainly has the potential to offend people.

You can express yourself however you like and let the chips fall where they may. At least if you do get banned, you will have struck a blow for the Nazi's or Skinhead's or whatever group you represent. :freak:

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{censored}. that's some quality music.

Thanks. Just wanna make 2 things clear- 1) I'm not on lead there. I'm just a hack rhythm guy.

2) The myspace player saps about half the quality out of those recordings. Sounds MUCH fuller, thicker and overall better on the CD. :thu:

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haha - just the way I see life:


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I got to tell ya one thing. At least your for REAL. You tell it like it is and speak very frankly about your playing. Matter of fact I believe you under estimate yourself. Playing in the Blues scale is not a bad thing. There have been many many excellent performers who made a living playing little more. Like...John Lee Hooker. I wouldn't sweat any of that bull{censored}. Many people would have you believe they are the best thing since sliced bread. Giants of their Dreams? Isn't that how the saying go's?

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