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Everything posted by gardo

  1. No , I’m saying that the government going on a spending spree and printing more and more money devalued the dollar. The more money in circulation the more inflation. Look at the cost of everything. Have you been car shopping lately? Or house shopping?
  2. Me neither . I don’t name cars or any other inanimate objects.
  3. I d give it a go . Could be a solder joint You should be able to look at the bottom of the board as long as you don’t go laying your hand on anything by accident. I’ve been inside a couple with no problems .Check for voltage and go for it Didn’t you once build an amp from a kit. .
  4. Like everything else there are the good ones and the bad ones. Unfortunately there is one in my area that gives a bad name to everyone . I’m actually happy to see a hobbyist make something nice and pick up a few bucks for his troubles Its the other one I have no time for
  5. I would probably poke around with a volt /ohm meter to check for voltage. At least in the area I plan to work. Maybe even tape on a small piece of cardboard to cover the area that won’t be involved. You shouldn’t have the type of voltage a tube amp would use.
  6. So you’re not a fan of money grubbing scum buckets
  7. capos are for emergency use only but do make certain songs a lot easier to play
  8. Okay then maybe we should suggest B
  9. Having a second guitar tuned a half step down would be perfect as long as there’s time to switch.
  10. What used to throw me off, we get the song sheets and I look it over and get everything worked out. When we meet for practice the pianist complains that E has too many sharps , can we use the flat? Of course the singers don’t mind so I do my best to go along. The problem is I can’t just use a capo if I’m already playing E so I spend practice relearning the song . I solved the problem by learning certain songs in two different keys to anticipate the change.
  11. I tried a set of EB strings once once
  12. Once again “the King of Random Posts” I’m a “Collaborator”. I think that’s something like an instigator
  13. I also started on acoustic. My main amp is dialed in to the sound I like and there it stays. I use the guitar controls to make additional changes. The modeler works well in the mix with the praise band . But playing at home I go for a different sound and there is always just one more thing to try. . My playing time is spent chasing that certain sound. The result is I just stick to my main amp at home and save time.
  14. When I was a kid Chevy introduced the Camaro. The first time I saw a red Camaro with a white stripe around the front I told myself someday you will be mine. Eventually I got old enough to drive then get a job and sure enough I bought one. Of course the price had come down as they were now just a used car. It’s the same with the Riviera. I saw one in a music shop in the 80’s but couldn’t buy it but said you will be mine . Say what you will about different factories but I find this one to be stellar .
  15. I would say yes and even more so .The bass strings have a more slinky feel due to the added length . There are also harmonics created. But uncoupling the high and low strings limits this more to the low strings. One big difference is reverse headstocks look wrong and the frequensator looks sexy. But it’s kind of a pain to change strings. Thanks
  16. Cept I don’t have a Boss Katana. But I do have a Mustang LT50 I haven’t tried it thru prolum with modeling and I’d I spend all my time exploring effects
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