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Unsung heroes of the Fender amp family?

Deadbeat Son

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There are several different Fender sounds but if you're looking for BF/SF type cleans on a budget the value for cost ratio doesn't get better than a Champ 25. Usually around $200-$250. SS preamp but an all tube power section with a 12AX7 phase inverter and 2 x 6L6s. They're really ugly in an early 90s sort of way and the plastic input jacks are crap. the Gain channel is useless but think mini-Twin for the clean.


If you expand your definition of Fender amps to mean "Leo" Fender the Music Man amps are awesome. Very Fender-y with some interesting features, bullet proof and cheap compared to SF and BF Fenders.


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There's a Champ 25se on CL right now that I'm tempted by. I've sort of had my heart set on a Pro Reverb(vintage or reissue) but it's a bit out of the budget at the moment...basically I want a Twin that isn't so damn loud :) The other thoughts are a Deluxe Reverb, a Vibrolux, or a Concert Reverb...I've heard great things about the Champ 25se but was hoping for all-tube and honestly, the looks are tough to get past!

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...I've heard great things about the Champ 25se but was hoping for all-tube and honestly, the looks are tough to get past!


Yep, definitely ugly but to butcher Forrest Gump "ugly is as ugly does".


I only sold mine because I found my Music Man 65. The MM65 is also ss front end with a 12AX7 PI and 2 x EL34 power section. VERY trouble free. The way I'm thinking about it is that the Fender SF/BF amps were designed to have NO pre-amp distortion. If the pre is totally clean why not have it be solid state?


When I had the Champ 25 I went through a Crate VC3112, a Peavey Classic 30, a Blues Junior, a Pignose GV40, a Peavey Delta Blues, a DRRI, a SF Princeton no-verb, ... I think that's it. None of them sounded as good clean (or in the case of the DRRI enough better for the $$) or with pedals as the Champ 25.

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That's simply awesome! I bet your student was blown away by your generosity.


He's seventeen and a natural guitar player. While all his friends are going for as much gain as they can with their pointy guitars he just goes for that sparkling clean strat sound and plays great blues and jazz with the neck pickup. He found Hendrix through John Mayer and currently listens to Bob Marley more than anything else.


He's beginning to write his own stuff and I can't think of a better place for the big old Super. It's much easier for him to carry it around than it was for me.

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Incredible price if that for "new". Even great for used.


MF "level 4" return, not working. Because the photos showed no physical damage whatsoever to the amp, I figure it has to be a combination of three possibilities: bad tube, blown fuse, cold solder joint. I'll take my chances and get it up and running. :thu:

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