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marine throws puppy


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"when the persecution of the jews began"

Jews were being persecuted for years before this
, and America was just as anti-semitic as any other country. Roosevelt knew that the holocaust was going on, but no American citizen would shed a drop of blood for a jew. Sorry, but that's how it was. We even turned holocaust refugees away from entering the country. Context, man, context. It was wrong to do so, but context man.



years before what? i am well aware of when events such as kristalnacht and anti-semitic laws were passed in the 30s, it is to this i refer.

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You guys realize there in the middle east. Where actual people are dieing, you have to look at the big picture i mean a marine throws a puppy of a cliff and everyone is up in arms about it. But when people are killed its ok because there terrorists. I think we should probably care more about people than animals.

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years before what? i am well aware of when events such as kristalnacht and anti-semitic laws were passed in the 30s, it is to this i refer.



Anti-semitism was around long before Hitler, in many other countries than Germany.

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You guys realize there in the middle east. Where actual people are dieing, you have to look at the big picture i mean a marine throws a puppy of a cliff and everyone is up in arms about it. But when people are killed its ok because there terrorists. I think we should probably care more about people than animals.

Why do you hate freedom so much? :mad:

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You guys realize there in the middle east. Where actual people are dieing, you have to look at the big picture i mean a marine throws a puppy of a cliff and everyone is up in arms about it. But when people are killed its ok because there terrorists. I think we should probably care more about people than animals.



but it is totally unnecessary. wanton killing. how we treat animals gives us a good insight into the person. many serial killers were torturers of small animals when they were children.

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Guys, Marines are people too.
That means there are some outstanding Marines out there, and some occasional idiots. While I do not know if that YouTube video is real or fake, or if the puppy was alive or dead, I do know that
this Marine / dog story
is authentic, and should be a more positive reflection on the Corps.

Semper Fi.

Well said, unfortunately he didn't just make marines look bad, he made the entire race of humans look bad, live or dead (the pup) just bad taste all around.

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Well said, unfortunately he didn't just make marines look bad, he made the entire race of humans look bad, live or dead (the pup) just bad taste all around.

I fully concur. Even if it was already dead, even if he was tasked with clearing the area of the carcass, the commentary was in extremely poor taste. Even if it was all just faked so he could get his 15 minutes of fame on YouTube, it still wasn't funny, and reflected negatively on him, the Corps, our country and yes, even humanity in general.

IMO, you can file this guy in the "occasional idiot" category. :(

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You guys realize there in the middle east. Where actual people are dieing, you have to look at the big picture i mean a marine throws a puppy of a cliff and everyone is up in arms about it. But when people are killed its ok because there terrorists. I think we should probably care more about people than animals.



I think you should probably care about both. Don't give me this 'you should care about people more than animals' bull{censored}, that's the same argument that abusers of animals use to suggest that thier actions aren't as sickening as abusers of people. It's the same arguement that racists use to suggest that white people are superior to others with darker skin. Why do you think your life is anymore important than a dogs?

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We've seen some pretty disgusting things about military organisations, not only US military. Any military.

Three conclusions you can make of it.


1. The things we see, are those pictures and videos. But there must be way more horrible things happening there that we don't know of.


2. In almost every case, the recordings show one or multiple people behave in a bad way. Compared to the total number of soldiers in war, it's a pretty small amount. So saying that all soldiers are {censored}ed up because of such a thing is a lousy generalization.


3. Wars might happen based on good reasons. But in the end, it always turns out worse than most people expected. Diplomacy has been the best way of the past, and is the best way of the future. People need to stop yelling, and start talking.

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It is funny how people will stand up for a dog but it is okay that the marine kills humans; seems like the tail is wagging the dog to me.



people are just ignorant. look up some of the war pictures from iraq, kids with missing eyes, legs, arms, burned, just blown to pieces. Who gives a {censored} about some little mutt. I would drop kick that fluffy {censored}er off a cliff and laugh about it after seeing some of the sick {censored} we've done to the iraqi civilians.

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This has been an interesting read. More interesting than the video is watching everyones reaction.


I think it's gotten blown WAY out of porportion. The puppy was already dead, so what some of you are so upset about is that he didn't respect a dead puppy? Not what I would've done myself, an even more foolish to film it, but c'mon, in the end there was no difference to anything if he placed it in a velvet coffin an buried it with a headstone, or threw it off a cliff.


Bad judgement on the soldiers part as obviousley it is terrible for their image, but this same soldier, if at home, might be at a frat party and do somthing stupid he regrets the next day looking at the pics (no one here is guilty of that right?).


Not saying that makes it all o.k., just lets keep in perspective what really happened. No one got hurt, puppy is still just as dead as it was before. Life goes on and nothings different.


And as most have pointed out, don't judge all by ones actions. For those who've lost friends overseas to hear some of you imply our soldiers are worthless is FAR more disrespectful to actual, living human beings than a this video could ever be.

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years before what? i am well aware of when events such as kristalnacht and anti-semitic laws were passed in the 30s, it is to this i refer.



Yes, the Nuremberg laws and such, but that's not to say that before Anti-Semitism was formalized into laws, that there was not persecution of Jews in Germany. It's sad really, even though the Jews were major contributors to the middle class and economy as a whole, they were used as a scapegoat for the whole problem of the economy.


Oh, and didn't know about the blitz thing. I thought you were referring to Blitzkrieg. You go to bed less stupid every day!

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You're making an error with your logic - Marines do NOT set foreign policy - they help enforce the foreign policy decisions made by civilian leadership in the government. The Marines have never unilaterally started a war, nor do they have the authority to do so. That responsibility is strictly the purview of the President and Congress.

In the current US military, everyone joins voluntarily - there hasn't been a draft for decades.

I'm not saying that all Marines are perfect, nor am I saying that there have not been some bad Marines - but I do take exception with your blanket statements insofar as them pertaining to all Marines. There are a wide range of reasons why people enlist or seek commissions, and "I wanna indiscriminately kill" isn't usually one of them... and if the Corps learns that is your primary motivation, you're not likely to be accepted.

While you're certainly entitled to your POV, those statements simply do not line up with my personal experiences.


Phil! with all due respect to your generations Corps, this is not implementation of policy but a camoflage riot. Like other supporters of the troops in Irac/Afghanistan I had refused to let Abu Grahib or other blatant abuses of power alter my support of American military forces, infantry in particular. I have however changed my stance this afternoon after spending a mere half an hour watching; "Marines shoot dog in front of owner, Marines torture livestock, Marines shoot yet another dog, Marines blow up dog (a real squad pleaser apparently), Marines shoot cat and the heartwarming; Marines shoot civilians in front of children". The thing that got me was that each video is from a different unit, one even from a tank(blows up dog)and in every video, regardless of AO there was laughter and warped hilarity as a general rule of thumb! I emailed just half of these videos to a former Marine vet of the Southeast Asia conflict/Vietnam war who answered back that it was no Marine Corps he recognized. He proceeded to tell me of a corporal he knew of that liked to torture small animals and was sent back on a section eight. Naw, there's not much to support here. Whomever raised this generation of sadistic rats has rendered them happily expendable. I am no longer in general support of all ground forces to Irac. Of even greater concern is that these maniacs will soon be flooding our streets.

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