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marine throws puppy


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No, actually *I* said Marines help enforce it - you said, and I quote:

well, if the marines were full of peace loving people who think for themselves and love their fellow creatures US foreign policy would be a bit different."

The implication being that Marines somehow have control over foreign policy, and that our foreign policy would be different if Marines were different. And again, Marines do not determine foreign policy - if you have beefs with US foreign policy, your disagreements are with the POTUS and with Congress, not with the Corps.

I'm not trying to abuse you - we're just having a discussion.

I respect your right to your POV, and I do not condone anyone making any personal attacks on you - and I ask that everyone please keep it civil and leave the name-calling out of this - it has no place in a civil discussion.

As far as why America "likes soldiers so much", I think it is because without people who are willing to serve, the benefits of our free, democratic society - things like freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and everything else that is acknowledged in (NOT "granted by" - BIG difference!) the Bill of Rights would be in mortal peril. IOW, someone has to defend those rights, lest others try to take them away. And history shows us that over the course of the history of the United States, several have tried to do exactly that.

Marines - and all service members - take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." It's a bit different for enlisted Marines, but says basically the same thing.

It's about guarding our Constitutional freedoms. THAT'S why there's a USMC, and that's why some people "love them so much".


if America had an army that was reluctant to act on the desires of war mongers US foreign policy would be unenforcable. as for fighting for you country..... they are actually fighting for the chief exec of haliburton, texaco, and capitalism gotten out of hand.


1/2 a million civilians killed in iraq and counting, why because the economic powers that be wanted access to oil and to remove any economic threat from that part of the world they do not want to see a repeat of the 70s opec crisis as it would force an already weak economy into a depression. people wonder why that crazy guy who runs iran is why he is. well, because he feels that the US and the west want to take the liberty of his people (if liberty is the right word) and turn his country into an oil well. so westerners can drive their 4x4s to the shops and buy goods made in china by children.


i am a cynic. if you don't think like me, we can go on all night but we will be both talking a language that the other doesn't understand. no right or wrong, just opinions.

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hello, i don't hate you.

just because i don't like soldiers or american foreign policy doesn't mean i don't like americans. i mean, all the stuff i am against is decided by about 10 rich, white, old people in washington.

Too bad it isn't 11 black young people :cry:

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I'm an American Army veteran.

I'm also against war.

I was a combat medic.

It disgusts me when people mistreat animals.

It also disgusts me when people make slanderous remarks about American soldiers.

Drunks? Yes
Adulterers? Yes
Fascist pigs who kill for the pleasure and hate all foreigners? No

Soldiers are people, too.:idea:

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I'm an American Army veteran.

I'm also against war.

I was a combat medic.

It disgusts me when people mistreat animals.

It also disgusts me when people make slanderous remarks about American soldiers.

Drunks? Yes

Adulterers? Yes

Fascist pigs who kill for the pleasure and hate all foreigners? No

Soldiers are people, too.

soldiers against war, isn't that like gay people against homosexuality?:poke:

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soldiers against war, isn't that like gay people against homosexuality?:poke:

I get your point, but keep in mind, I was a medic. I wasn't there to fight, but to help send what's left of the injured back to their mommies.:thu:

I guess you could say that I prepared a table amongst my enemies.

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if they were in that position they would probably make the same decisions.



So far, I haven't read a single objective opinion in any of your posts. Not hating on you or anything, but the things you've written sound like things you've heard others say... I'm not following your broad stroking of American culture including:

Americans love soldiers

all the stuff i am against is decided by about 10 rich, white, old people in washington.


It seems to me, that America loves soldiers as much as it loves teachers, road workers, policemen, and IRS employees. Wherever you are right now, someone is defending your way of life whether you believe it or not. And if you happen to be on an island all your own, I hope you are at least defending yourself. That's a very fear ridden way to look at it, but it doesn't take away its truthfulness.


If I may make your point for you, I believe you are against those people willing to destroy lives for the economic or geopolitical benefit of themselves. This happens to be going on right this moment, in countries outside the middle east and without US presence. Although, it has been happening in the middle east longer (by about a thousand years).

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So far, I haven't read a single objective opinion in any of your posts. Not hating on you or anything, but the things you've written sound like things you've heard others say... I'm not following your broad stroking of American culture including:

Americans love soldiers

all the stuff i am against is decided by about 10 rich, white, old people in washington.

It seems to me, that America loves soldiers as much as it loves teachers, road workers, policemen, and IRS employees.
Wherever you are right now, someone is defending your way of life whether you believe it or not.
And if you happen to be on an island all your own, I hope you are at least defending yourself. That's a very fear ridden way to look at it, but it doesn't take away its truthfulness.

If I may make your point for you, I believe you are against those people willing to destroy lives for the economic or geopolitical benefit of themselves. This happens to be going on right this moment, in countries outside the middle east and without US presence. Although, it has been happening in the middle east longer (by about a thousand years).



but the question is - do i want that way of life?



If I may make your point for you, I believe you are against those people willing to destroy lives for the economic or geopolitical benefit of themselves. This happens to be going on right this moment, in countries outside the middle east and without US presence.



i totally agree, i don't just dislike US troops

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soldiers against war, isn't that like gay people against homosexuality?:poke:





Its like a soldier that's volunteered to carry out the executive orders of the government but hoping that it doesn't come to bloodshed. You forget that our armed forces do many things besides go to war.

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but the question is - do i want that way of life?



You've actually raised more questions than this, but this is not the correct question.


You should be asking - do I want the right to choose my way of life?

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Its like a soldier that's volunteered to carry out the executive orders of the government but hoping that it doesn't come to bloodshed. You forget that our armed forces do many things besides go to war.



but they are a threat, a kind of "if you don't do as we say we have these guys..."

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I am a Marine (not actively... but "once a Marine, always a Marine" and all that).


If I ever saw another Marine throwing, or mistreating an animal in any way with no reason, I'd shoot out his kneecaps.


I won't be watching that vid... it might make me sick.

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... and do i have it?



Do you vote?


Seriously, if you want to have things your way, you are going to have to move to that island I was talking about. Otherwise, you have to deal with things like "society" and "civilization". Part of me believes this is why people were so attracted to America in the first place...

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No more a threat than whoever is fighting for you

Do you vote?

Seriously, if you want to have things your way, you are going to have to move to that island I was talking about. Otherwise, you have to deal with things like "society" and "civilization". Part of me believes this is why people were so attracted to America in the first place...



yes, but think...there is no Us and Them. just humans. some seek to control others to their own ends. these are generally bad people. they co-opt people to do their bidding and seek to impose their will on others. no matter what country of culture this happens. this is what i don't like.


as for the US, most of the english/euro settlers arrived initially to avoid religious persecution from the authorities (us/them again). effectively escaping established societal rules. and established places like Pennsylvania and elaborate myths such as mormanism.



Seriously, if you want to have things your way, you are going to have to move to that island I was talking about



here you are effectively saying that freedom is not a reality.

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yes, but think...there is no Us and Them. just humans. some seek to control others to their own ends. these are generally bad people. they co-opt people to do their bidding and seek to impose their will on others. no matter what country of culture this happens. this is what i don't like.

as for the US, most of the english/euro settlers arrived initially to avoid religious persecution from the authorities (us/them again). effectively escaping established societal rules.

here you are effectively saying that freedom is not a reality.



Well, this is where I'm seeing discourse in your logic. You admit that there are people willing to seek control over others for their own purposes but you do not see the logic in a society of like-minded individuals forming a collective body of defense... You are right, it does go both ways. That's exactly my point.


You are free to do whatever you want. So am I. Therefore, freedom is a reality. However, you are bound by established societal rules if you wish to remain a part of that society. Otherwise, you can find an island and there you can do whatever you want in your own one person society -- but this isn't a universal truth. You cannot realistically believe that we can all exist on this Earth without having interaction with each other. As long as there is interaction, there is going to be people seeking control of other people for their own personal gain. And this is where I believe it starts...

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as for the US, most of the english/euro settlers arrived initially to avoid religious persecution from the authorities (us/them again). effectively escaping established societal rules.



Oh. Thats interesting though how they avoided persecution, then exiled people like Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams for their views.


I think the United States has far different policies than they did

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Well, this is where I'm seeing discourse in your logic. You admit that there are people willing to seek control over others for their own purposes but you do not see the logic in a society of like-minded individuals forming a collective body of defense... You are right, it does go both ways. That's exactly my point.

You are free to do whatever you want. So am I. Therefore, freedom is a reality. However, you are bound by established societal rules if you wish to remain a part of that society. Otherwise, you can find an island and there you can do whatever you want in your own one person society -- but this isn't a universal truth. You cannot realistically believe that we can all exist on this Earth without having interaction with each other. As long as there is interaction, there is going to be people seeking control of other people for their own personal gain. And this is where I believe it starts...



kant refers to this paradox as "asocial sociability".

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Oh. Thats interesting though how they avoided persecution, then exiled people like Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams for their views.

I think the United States has far different policies than they did



well, they basically started their own regime, those powerful wealthy white guys finally got some power and abused it. been doing so ever since. people who questioned their authority (which was often derived from religion/beliefs) were seen as potential threats. happens in every culture every time period. the scum always rises to the top.


like i say, i am a cynic.

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well, they basically started their own regime, those powerful wealthy white guys finally got some power and abused it. been doing so ever since. people who questioned their authority (which was often derived from religion/beliefs) were seen as potential threats. happens in every culture every time period. the scum always rises to the top.

like i say, i am a cynic.



I hate most politicians as well, and am not arguing that. Slandering and generalizing about soldiers as a whole is what bothered me. Trust me, I agree that government has major problems.

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I hate most politicians as well, and am not arguing that. Slandering and generalizing about soldiers as a whole is what bothered me. Trust me, I agree that government has major problems.



and i think that having people around to do their dirty work willingly does not help.

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what the hell is wrong with this guy



Jeeze, just cause its videod don't make it notable; millions of animals are killed daily in the service of humans, hell thousands of humans are killed daily by humans and in way worse ways... As a scientist I knew a woman whose job was to gas Beagle puppies all day long, another who would kill hundreds of mice daily and cut off their heads is with scissors, another who would pump increasing amounts of radioactive drugs into restrained chimps until they stroked out and died, still another who dripped drano into restrained rabbits eyes until their eyeballs melted...and this is the "legit" scientific cruelty; amateur cruelty is likely worse (although lower volume)


The calves of all commercial milk cows are taken away and suckled on slaugterhouse blood so their moms milk can go in my coffee...


As humans, the one thing we ALL have in common is ancestors who put themselves first and killed anything and everything they could...


"life and death... the same. " Conan the Barbarian

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