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Rate my setup, please


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Do you like it?


If so, it's fine. :)


The only things that I can identify that I would call 'improvements' would be a more accurate tuner, a different, smaller board (but I don't like those Boss ones), a transformer-isolated PSU, and some quality cables, but these are all minor things. What you have is good; make music with it. :thu:

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Well, I'm currently saving up some money to get a new amplifier and I don't have a clue on what to get yet (see other thread). Some amplifiers have good reverb/delay built-in.

A phaser would be cool and I like the effect, but I just don't see myself use it a lot. A tremolo would be cool also, but again, I see it as a fun little extra. I don't really

Do you like it?

If so, it's fine.

The only things that I can identify that I would call 'improvements' would be a more accurate tuner, a different, smaller board (but I don't like those Boss ones), a transformer-isolated PSU, and some quality cables, but these are all minor things. What you have is good; make music with it.

Yeah I'm totally happy with it as it is now.

I have a couple of questions now, though, haha:

Isn't this tuner accurate? The guy at the store told me it's a good one, and to me it sounds like it gets the job done.
What would a different PSU do exactly?
Can you suggest which cables you'd use? Would this really make an audible difference?

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I, personally, would not ever rock a board like that. that said, if your moniker is anything to go by, bluesfella, that board probably sounds perfect for what you play. it certainly is a sweet set up, if a bit large for the pedals you have on there.


what guitar(s)/amp(s) are you using this with?

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Diamond Comp (set so you can't hear it), Goatkeeper (on basic square wave settings), Eventide Space (hall setting) and Strymon Timeline (just to be sure/infinite stuff for when you feel like being youthful and vintage at the same time).

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into some of the stuff mentioned here.

As for the reason of posting this: I was just wondering how you guys like it, that's all. I don't see anything strange about that. I'm always open for any suggestions to improve {censored}.

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those were our suggestions! get more pedals! if youre just playing straight blues and your setup works for you then thats great. but hcfx demands tremolo, delay, fuzz and some phaser for the slow bits.


or an m9 if it will fit for a looper, delay, reverb, comp, OD and all sorts of fun nick nacks and filters

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Seems like a good basic setup. Personally, I'd get a nice all around delay. The TC Flashback is pretty nice it seems and they're from your area, I believe. Once you get a tube amp you might also like to get a basic fuzz pedal or maybe not. It might not be your thing. It's true you could get reverb on your amp. If you're getting a tube amp, though, you're unlikely to find one with delay built in so that's generally going to be a pedal thing (unless you get some digital modelling amp, but that doesn't seem like what you're after).

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