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I'm currently getting my butt kicked...

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I was thinking it was allergies due to all the fall Santa Ana wind conditions kicking up all sort of nasty stuff into the air, and it may well be... but I've got some aches starting, and I just checked and I'm running a 100 degree fever. :mad::(


That means one of two things - head cold, or sinus infection. My ears are partially stopped up, and THAT is the big bummer - especially since I'm scheduled to be mixing most of the week. :(


But I shall survive. :)


Anyone else getting a cold? If not, maybe it IS just allergies... one can hope...

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Well, most of the country is experiencing a temporary shift in weather that may become permanent. ;)


We had high 80's into the third week of September, then the next week abruptly dropped 20 degrees for two days when a cool front covered the entire midsection of the U.S. On the second day of that weather, in Nashville, I was on a tour bus down to Auburn, Alabama. It was plenty warm there. But at 6am the next morning, when the refrigerator they call a bus pulled in, I was not able to warm up my chilled bones without blasting the heater in my car. It was cool out. That was Sept. 29th and 30th.


The past few days have been right back up in the high 80's and humid. Par for the course in Middle Tennessee. My sinus' are flaring, but that could either be allergies or my visit to the doctor today. I was sedated.. so who knows?


Rest assured, while I'm not Ted and I know little about your area (other than it was mostly on fire until a day ago,) the weather changing like it has all over the country always wreaks havoc on my sinus' and often results in colds.


Good luck, Phil! (crossing fingers)

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I'm not quite a severe as Phil,but a somewhat milder version that seems to be lingering.it's almost as bad in a way because my energy is zapped and I can't muster up enough to really get anything done.Anyway,hope this all passes soon as well as the possible Asion Flu/pandemic that been predicted.

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe


....., and THAT is the big bummer - especially since I'm scheduled to be mixing most of the week.

But I shall survive.


You could try a massive amount of garlic cure, with the double effect of feeling better and keeping out of range noisy musos and unwanted chatter...:p

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alfonso - :D


I've been trying a bunch of things - tonight's coctail includes Alavert, ibuprofen, Echinacea, some Emergen-C, apple juice and lots of water. My wife warned me that the pharmacist said the Alavert might keep me up all night... but I tried it anyway. I wasn't going to get any sleep anyway. :(


I may try some zinc and that garlic next. :)

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Phil, I'm sorry to read about your health situation.


As I mentioned in the wildfires thread, my wife came down laryngitis and a sore throat that started after the fire. Unfortunately she's still sick, so I'm not sure how much of it was fire related. She visited a friend who was coming down with a cold shortly before the fire began, so I think that's what did it.


Once we decided she was sick for real, I ate a lot of garlic and gave her a fair amount as well. So far, I've avoided getting sick and my wife seems to have turned the corner today. When I had pneumonia back in February, garlic seemed to help, so I highly recommend it.


Good luck, Phil. I hope you feel better in no time at all!





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Thanks Geoff - I appreciate the well wishes, and I'm glad to hear your wife is feeling somewhat better, and that you've avoided getting sick.


I love garlic, so that's not not going to be a big sacrifice for me to try eating a bunch of it. :) Of course, my clients might not like it, but I'll eat lots of Altoids too. ;) But I'm probably going to be doing as little as possible until my ears open up a little.


I wonder if the smoke is an issue for me too. I've seen my share of fires, but I don't really recall feeling anything beyond minor irritation from them, even when it was raining ash all over everything. Maybe I was just lucky. This definitely feels like somewhere in that grey area between bad allergies and a bad cold. The jury's still out on which it's gonna turn out to actually be.


Tedster, if you happen to see this, do you have a prediction on when the winds will die down out here? :)

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Hope you're feelin' better soon, Phil! Here in the northeast, we are experiencing July/August weather and the ragweed is rediculously high. It has been in the 80s on the southern shore of Lake Ontario (here in Rochester, NY) for 4 straight days and should be again tomorrow making for an all-time record for consecutive 80+ degree days before the bottom drops out.


I'll have a question for you in the Studio forum, so maybe I can take your mind off of it for a moment or two. Boggs

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

I was thinking it was allergies due to all the fall Santa Ana wind conditions kicking up all sort of nasty stuff into the air, and it may well be... but I've got some aches starting, and I just checked and I'm running a 100 degree fever.

That means one of two things - head cold, or sinus infection. My ears are partially stopped up, and THAT is the big bummer - especially since I'm scheduled to be mixing most of the week.

But I shall survive.

Anyone else getting a cold? If not, maybe it IS just allergies... one can hope...


I never met anyone who had more allergies than I do. Then it would develope into a sinus infection that lasted into October. I researched for year and found the cure for hay fever, spring allergies and colds.


Sleep. Lots of sleep to build your imune system. Garlic pills. No kidding they boost your immune system like nothing else. I take the ones that have parsley with it so there is no odor. Oregamax from the health food store, about $25 a bottle which lasts the whole season. Along with garlic it forms a natural antibiotic that wipes out sinus problems. Quercitin, which is a natural antihistimine found in radishes and stuff like that. The last one is Cold Eeze zinc candy. Do these four things and you won't have a cold or allergies for more than a day.

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Very odd how the weather affects people with allergies. Mrs. Blackpig and I went on holidays to the Austrian Alps this year and for the whole two weeks she didn't need her asthma medication. I also found that a minor but persistent rash on my hands cleared up. Is it something about the air or is it the sunshine? I've heard people from California say that they don't have the seasonal differences in weather that the rest of the world has - this is also true for Ireland but our weather is constantly grey and overcast. I notice a big difference in temperature on weather maps between where I am (south east Ireland) and London, which is not exactly a million miles away. They always seem to have more sun etc. It just ain't fair, so it ain't.

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I was having some sinusoidal weirdness earlier this week too. We've had a bit of the up-down with the climate here as well - maybe it's messing with the plants & putting stuff into the air or something.


Eat something spicy to flush out your nose. I like buffalo wings for that, or wasabi. :)

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When I was younger I never had any allergies.

I thought they were for defective people.

Now im one of them.

Apparently allergies can develop in middle age.

Unfortunately, i dont think a fever results from just an allergic reaction.

Hard to mix with stuffed sinuses.

Do you have access to a steam room???

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Jalapeno peppers and REAL hot Chinese mustard. Probably doesn't taste as bad as Buckley's (never had it)...but it will drain that crap out of your schnoz. Then self-medicate with Bushmills or Ny Quil. I'm not sure if Ny Quil helps or just makes you sleep through your cold.


One thing that helps me, too...take a hot bath. Not a shower, a bath. Roll over and stick your face down in the hot water, and rub your eyes, cheekbones, and forehead vigorously. This helps to loosen that crap up, too. Then, when you get out, do the Jalapeno stuff. Follow with your favorite cold medication.

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Geoff Grace says:

Once we decided she was sick for real, I ate a lot of garlic and gave her a fair amount as well. So far, I've avoided getting sick and my wife seems to have turned the corner today.


So what you're saying is, you ate a lot of garlic and stunk her out, and she won't come near you, which kept you from catching her sickness?




Good luck buddy. Some good advice here regarding Garlic and spicy (Jalapeno) stuff. That usually works for most ppl.


I had an odd illness last week. I wasn't sure if it was just allergies or not, but i could breathe fine, i just had lots of pressure in my ears, sinuses and a pretty good headache. Felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my skull..... Couple of times I felt mildly feverish. I was tired and cognitively challenged (read: stupid) though. I was starting to worry it was an aneurism or something, but i haven't died yet....


Hopefully yours doesn't amount to much and it's over quick....


Franknputer says

I was having some sinusoidal weirdness earlier this week too.


Most of my sinusoidal wierdness was amplified throughout the week until it started to turn into a square wave. Interestingly, on the way down it turned into an asymmetrial sawtooth wave that retained 2nd harmonic distortion until my ears cleared up.

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Hope ya get better soon Phil - kinda hard hearing the uppers when your head is all blocked up, eh? :)


I like the saline nose douche followed by the 'Old Grandad' hot-toddy personally!




I use a kit that I got at the Kaiser pharmacy but the principle is the same - or jump in the Ocean for 5 minutes...:D

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You could move to PS...


I had a four day sinus cold between Boston and PA, it wasn't the asskicker you saw me with at last years AES but I sure was hoping it didn't dig as deep.


I was minced for a month, three months before I could sing...


My cure, Nyquil and Bailys chasers, sweating at night.


Hope you get better soon.



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Just as the Santa Anas (or Santanas as we used to call them in Santa Ana back in the 50's) I got a nasty little sneezing fit and wondered if it was possible I was getting a cold. But I think it was just the advance allergens scouting out new victims...



Around the middle of last week I found myself with solidly clogged (and, by the looks of the excretia, bacterially infected) sinuses. (I typically have had some kind of low grade sinus infection on and off for years, it seems like.)


I remembered that a client had insisted some time before on sending some garlic capsules home with me -- but I hadn't used them yet.


I took one and later the next day realized I could breathe really well out of both nostrils (a red letter event, lately). So I started taking one a day and my sinus infection seems way backed off. (If not, I'm afraid to jinx myself -- gone. Touch wood.)


I ran out of caps and bought some garlic tablets at the supermarket, but I'm not sure they're absorbing properly so I'm going to the health food store a little later and getting the garlic powder caps, instead.


Can't say it'll work for you -- and, hell, for all I know, the hot, dry weather may be what knocked the infection back.


But I think I'm sold...



[PS... if you do get a cold, try Zinc treatments. I came late to those, too, but I started using them when I was totally run down and stressed (selling a house, moving after 15 years, etc) and they seemed to help make a really nasty cold/flu/complications thang speed up and go away at a time when I thought I was going to die with it.]

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