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U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly


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(CNSNews.com) -- The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job.


Dr. Xiaoming Li, the researcher conducting the program, is director of the Prevention Research Center at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit.


The grant, made last November, refers to prostitutes as "female sex workers"--or FSW--and their handlers as "gatekeepers."


"Previous studies in Asia and Africa and our own data from FSWs [female sex workers] in China suggest that the social norms and institutional policy within commercial sex venues as well as agents overseeing the FSWs (i.e., the 'gatekeepers', defined as persons who manage the establishments and/or sex workers) are potentially of great importance in influencing alcohol use and sexual behavior among establishment-based FSWs," says the NIH grant abstract submitted by Dr. Li.


Li said his study is being done in China rather than the U.S. because prostitution occurs with alcohol use in the United States like it does in China, Americans will be able to benefit from the project

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Forgive me a pet peeve -


if this is really important to you why wouldn't you include an authoritative source when there is one that is so easily available?




He has other ongoing research on HIV and Public Health.


I don't see a thing that indicates that he plays guitar badly or can't carry a tune.

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Actually it sounds like one of those Nigerian scam emails:


Mr. F. Oolong

Xiang-Piao 26

Beijing, China


Dear Prostitute Friend,


The United States government has issued a sum of $2,600,00 ($2.6 million dollars) for studying your work and drinking habits. We were told by internet you are a trustworthy person. As you can understand, my client the Chinese Government does not want to attract any attention by withdrawing $2.6 million dollars out of Goldman Sachs. So, we will send it to you but you must first send us $250 registration fee for legal things and stuff.


We look forward to a mutually beneficial conclusion of this most legal and honest transaction.




Mr. F. Oolong

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Forgive me a pet peeve -

if this is really important to you why wouldn't you include an authoritative source when there is one that is so easily available?

He has other ongoing research on

I don't see a thing that indicates that he plays guitar badly or can't carry a tune.




This is another example of how you can take a story and twist it to fit your needs.


I've got a long familiarity with CNSNews -- they're an incredibly sleazy, ultra-right wing fringe rumor/lie sheet with no regard for journalistic ethics. Go back in time to 2004 and 2005 and every week or two you'd get new breathless headlines about how WMD's had just been found in Iraq or how various entities [all the typical RW bogeyment) were suppressing news of same.


It's a shabby joke of an operation, even as a propaganda outfit.

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The US government under the old and especially the new administrations are borrowing Trillions of dollars. The debt piled on by just the new administration is expected to top 10 Trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

Who cares if the government is wasting 2 million dollars to study the effects of alcohol on Chinese prostitutes? The Chinese own a huge portion of our debt anyways.

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Forgive me a pet peeve -

if this is really important to you why wouldn't you include an authoritative source when there is one that is so easily available?

He has other ongoing research on

I don't see a thing that indicates that he plays guitar badly or can't carry a tune.



I looked at the links and this is a legitimate scientific study, but you can't help but wonder why are we paying for it instead of the Chinese government?


It is our tax dollars. And in the current economic situations, I can't help but think that all the money the government gives these universities for all these studies could be better used to serve the people.


I read the article. Considering the country and it's policies, this guy is gonna be fighting brush fires while the whole forest burns down. And he won't even be addressing the actual causes of the problem.



While prostitution is illegal in China, Dr. Li said, the government

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My complaint with the OP's source was that it starts with a worldview and then picks and slants stories to reinforce that worldview. It is run by Bill Buckley's sister's son Brent Bozell III. In a comic book fashion they pick just the news that is intended to generate heat without light. The rip-and-read right wing radio people have their work done for them.


It's lazy. I don't respect that.


Re: the research. Well, it's research. Investigators at research schools do research. That's how they get researchers on the faculty. That's how researchers keep their jobs. If you look at a profile of people in the public health program at that particular institution you will see that nearly a third of the candidates are temporary visa holders. So, yeah, they may be looking at the world beyond Detroit. So, do you want to teach public health here? Research builds the program. Our universities influence the world.

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With regard to the many folks who can't seem to figure out why they're studying Chinese prostis: I strongly supsect the concept is that the data and conclusions so derived will be applicable to the many fine working women and their earnest and lovable customers here in the good ol' US of A.


I haven't pursued the issue in depth, but off the top of my head, I would strongly suspect that it's much easier to study sex workers in a tightly controlled and monitored society like China than it is in places where the authorities pretend prostititution doesn't exist -- except when it comes time to apportion money to law enforcement activities (which are then almost never applied to the institutionalized sex industry tolerated to varying degrees in virtually all major US cities).


So I suspect that at least some of the reasons probably parallel reasons that Nevada's mostly legal sex workers have been studied in the not entirely distant past.


Unfortunately for scientists seeking to study prostis in the wild, Nevada has insisted on little niceties like weekly medical check ups, the washing with hot soap and water of john's sexual apparta, the use of condoms, etc, which now makes Nevada almost worthless for many studies.

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As ugly as Hugh Grant?



I'm thinking there may be other issues... in much the same way that I'm thinkin' George Michaels doesn't have to cruise restrooms looking for willing sex partners or Senator Larry Craig... oh, wait... second thought, maybe Larry Craig probably didn't have quite as many options. Still, I can't help but think a nice, discreet outcall service might have been a better choice for the erstwhile solon, long as he could pay cash. (To our Euro/World contingent: the former US Sen. Larry Craig was 'the toilet stall lothario' who helped set the tone for the 2008 federal election rout.)

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Oh, I thought this was spam.


I could really use the money but I've forgotten the little Chinese I used to know. In college I used to study with three girls from China in a meteorology class... help them prepare for tests and all that. They came up to me one day and asked if I would, so... how could I refuse? They seemed kinda lost.


Only one spoke English really well. It was a cool experience. I missed them when they left.

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