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Anybody here using a Les Paul for Country Music ?


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I'm a country picker and mainly use a highly modified (or Tele-fied) Stratocaster and a Telecaster. However, there are plenty of songs where I would have no issue breaking out an LP. If you are after the classic twangy country tone then an LP would be a tough stretch. However, for some low-gain, swampy kind of tones an LP can be pretty cool.





I'd be interested in knowing what mods you've done to your Tele (primarily), but also to your Strat.


What's your secret voodoo?


Thanks for sharing...

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Thanks for the replys everybody. Computer was down at the house. Sneaking on the work computer right now. Going to try it tonight with the 5e3 clone. See how it sounds with a little break-up on the bridge pick-up.

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There is no such thing as a typical country tone anymore. Most of it is rock based with the exceptional Paisley



sad truth. unless a band is a "classic" country band or some other pre 2k moniker, country these days is a southern rock variety at best. i work as a hired gun for random bands and the last "country" band that hired me was hardly "country" at all. my brent mason and paisley licks were thrown for a loop. :lol:

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I haven't done much to my Telecaster. It is a Partscaster that I built with a Japanese Fender '55 reissue body and an MIM Classic 50's neck. My Strat however has received a lot of work. It is a Pink Paisley model (at the time my 5 year old daughter fell in love with it, so I bought it). After playing it for a few months I ended up installing compensated brass Tele saddles, removing the middle pickup and 2nd tone pot, installing two new remaining pickups (Fralins with an overwound bridge pickup with a baseplate). I also installed a phase switch on it as well.


I know what you all are thinking - why not just play a Telecaster instead of modding a Strat that much? First, my daughter loved THIS guitar. Second, I wanted the tremolo and overall stylings of a Strat. Also, it gives me a little bit of a unique tone considering that it isn't a Tele but is a lot more beefed up than a standard Strat. Couple this guitar with a Dr. Z Carmen Ghia and it is a pretty awesome sounding rig.

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