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What *is* a handmade guitar anyway?


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It's a good question. Where do we draw the line on what machines do regarding the process of being handmade? No power tools at all? Hand power tools only?


Personally, I am all for CNC but would appreciate attention to the final assembly to be done entirely by hand.


Question: Would you like your frets dressed by hand or plek machine?

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AFAIK, the term isn't regulated, so I suppose honeyiscool's definition may be acceptable. I know G&L made the argument that their guitars are still handcrafted when they introduced their CNC machines in 2005, arguing that they still did a ton of fitting by hand and the machines just did "mid-level processes."


But, most of those featuring "handmade" guitars are small, single-luthier shops, that, at most, employ a bandsaw and belt sander...but no CNC. That, to me, is handmade.

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As far as I know, pretty much all instruments that go through volume production have their body and neck made via CNC, but stuff like installation of hardware, action, nut, frets, and wiring all have to be done by hand.

Is this correct?


Actually the nut can be cnc'ed, frets plek's, and hardware can be installed by a robot.


I build guitars one at a time, by hand, with chisels and planes and other tools - no cnc. However I do use a router and drill motor and band saw so I don't know if this fits the purest definition.




Its ironic, because where I work we have a huge metal shop with cnc mills and turning centers and laser cutters, but in the wood shop its just me and a sharp chisel.

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I have two guitars that were completely hand made, neither were ever touched by a CNC machine


that's what I would assume.


There are 3 local luthiers at a shop here in town who all make their guitars 100% by hand.


Not only do they sound & play amazing, they're true works of art.







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This article is the best I've read on that subject. Excellent definitions.




In a nutshell, factory guitars are built using special purpose tooling to do exactly the same job over and over. Repeatability is what it comes down to.

A handbuilder may use jigs and whatnot, but woods, designs, shapes, etc are one-offs. No two are exactly the same. Woods are selected by the builder for THIS guitar, not just grabbed out of a pile.



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As far as I know, people have this backwards all the time. It's actually more likely to find the CNC machines in the high end shops, due to their very expense. Most of the low priced budget guitars we see from overseas (like the above mentioned SX) are made by hand, without CNC. It's low wage employees using router and template.

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What about someone like Driskill guitars then?

Uses a CNC machine. But, is a one man shop.

The blanks are cut on on the CNC. But, everything else is all done by hand by Joe Driskill.



He's a small luthier, but his guitars are not hand made in my book, since he uses a CNC machine.

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Handmade to me equals using only your finger nails to chisel the design, spit for glue and polish and only a dual flat head and Phillips screw driver.


All I want it something that sounds great and looks Badass!

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