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WTF is up with Schecter?


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Quote Originally Posted by honeyiscool

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Mallcore vs. douchey-high-end-fender-copy-looking... hmmm.....

I mean, I love Knopfler as much as the next guy, but his had the Strat headstock.


Wait, what?

So MIK guitars with unique construction and neck profile (for C-1's anyway, not sure if you were referring to the old strat "copies" that were truly high-end instruments) that consistently beat Fender's quality at the same price points is "douchy" because it doesn't have the headstock?

For the record, I agree with you that a lot of them ARE tacky, and I have a Fender that I really like as well, but I seriously hope you were just trolling with that. idn_smilie.gif

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Never became a fan of them, not a fan of the looks of them or really any I've played.


Quote Originally Posted by honeyiscool

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Honestly, you wanna know what's wrong with Schecter?

When someone asks "Who plays a Fender?" You answer, Clapton, Hendrix... if you're younger, maybe people like Mayer and bands like Radiohead.

When someone asks "Who plays a Gibson?" You know, Jimmy Page, Angus Young, etc.

I'm not trolling. When I think of people associated with Schecter, I think Robert Smith has a model with them? And that's it... the only other artist I can think of is:


That's no way to build a reputation.


CROFL what the F***

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Quote Originally Posted by Chad

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I remember that article and think I still have that magazine in storage at my parent's house. That article was the first time I remember seeing a relic'd guitar. About your ESP: I remember the article saying it was 25.5" scale, but most of the Eclipses are 24.75". I always wondered if that was a typo in the article. What scale is yours?


Yep, that's the magazine article. I was just looking at it and thinking the same thing about those relics

and you are correct, mine's a bolt-on 24.75" scale guitar. It had to have been a misprint. I just measured it to be sure. I always assumed the article was correct redface.gif

It is memory lane looking at that article and that ESP was the lowest priced in that grouping, but still a good chunk of change for a MIJ guitar.

Other guitars reviewed in that article were:

Pensa Custom $4,995

Sadowsky Strat $$2,625

Steinberger GM $2,300

PRS McCarty $2,760 - $2,900

Gibson Les Paul Classic Premium Plus $3,625

Schecter PT-X $1,995

and the afore mentioned

Fender Relic Strat $2,700

all prices being MSRP, but still, fairly pricey for 17 years ago.

I also went on a chase for Steinberger, but luckily for me, they disappeared before I ever laid down the cash for one.

But I traded off 2 guitars at a local store for that ESP. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but in retro, I should have just gave the shop 1 of those 2 guitars + some cash. The ESP was already down to about $600+ used at the shop. I spazzed over it having read the big write-up, but if I'd bought one new, that would have been a hurtin. Instead I gave up a Jackson RR and a L6S. In retrospect, I should have held onto the L6S, but at that time, the most recent guitar Blue Book only had the L6S valued at around $250 (lesson learned - don't always trust Guitar Blue Books - they can quickly become out of date with the times/market)

Every once in a while I google to see if there's much out there about The Eclipse, but they seem to have become fairly scarce and not that well known now. Blurred out of memory by successive Eclipse models.

Here's a pic of one that's the same color as the one in the article


and one of the few references I've found recently on line


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I'd love to see some sales figures from Schecter. I mean, a lot of you are dogging them and saying that they are running the company wrong, but I see Hellraisers and their signature guitars everywhere. Everyone and their mom has some model of that Synyster Gates signature guitar.

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Quote Originally Posted by GAS Man

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Yep, that's the magazine article. I was just looking at it and thinking the same thing about those relics

and you are correct, mine's a bolt-on 24.75" scale guitar. It had to have been a misprint. I just measured it to be sure. I always assumed the article was correct redface.gif

It is memory lane looking at that article and that ESP was the lowest priced in that grouping, but still a good chunk of change for a MIJ guitar.

Other guitars reviewed in that article were:

Pensa Custom $4,995

Sadowsky Strat $$2,625

Steinberger GM $2,300

PRS McCarty $2,760 - $2,900

Gibson Les Paul Classic Premium Plus $3,625

Schecter PT-X $1,995

and the afore mentioned

Fender Relic Strat $2,700

all prices being MSRP, but still, fairly pricey for 17 years ago.

I also went on a chase for Steinberger, but luckily for me, they disappeared before I ever laid down the cash for one.

But I traded off 2 guitars at a local store for that ESP. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but in retro, I should have just gave the shop 1 of those 2 guitars + some cash. The ESP was already down to about $600+ used at the shop. I spazzed over it having read the big write-up, but if I'd bought one new, that would have been a hurtin. Instead I gave up a Jackson RR and a L6S. In retrospect, I should have held onto the L6S, but at that time, the most recent guitar Blue Book only had the L6S valued at around $250 (lesson learned - don't always trust Guitar Blue Books - they can quickly become out of date with the times/market)

Every once in a while I google to see if there's much out there about The Eclipse, but they seem to have become fairly scarce and not that well known now. Blurred out of memory by successive Eclipse models.


Thanks for the info! It's interesting to have that confirmed as a typo 17 years later. smile.gif Yeah, those older ESPs kinda get lost in the shuffle. But they were making really cool stuff back then. One strange thing is that they were always really skimpy on spec details. ESP didn't even start publishing scale lengths until maybe around 2000 or thereabouts. I'd have to dig out my old catalogs, but I think that's close. That may be partially what lead to the magazine typo.

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Quote Originally Posted by bjcarl

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I'm not crazy about the inlays and binding, IMO the Duncan-designed pups are seriously lacking and while Schecters look sweet, I find them to be generally uninspiring...so I guess I like the idea of Schecter better than the actual guitars they're producing.


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Quote Originally Posted by TunerAddict

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I'd love to see some sales figures from Schecter. I mean, a lot of you are dogging them and saying that they are running the company wrong, but I see Hellraisers and their signature guitars everywhere. Everyone and their mom has some model of that Synyster Gates signature guitar.


I wouldn
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As a regular at Hot Topic, I'm offended by the digs at "mallcore" and "emo". icon_lol.gifthumb.gif

Say what you want about the binding and inlays, it must be successful if Jackson is copying it with their Charvel Desolation series.


Quote Originally Posted by honeyiscool

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{censored}, I wanted a Schecter that didn't look mallcore, weighed 9 pounds, or had a beefy neck. That's why I went with a Daisy Rock. I mean, sure, a lot of DRs are ugly but I could get the Schecter quality without the Schecter looks.


I actually like the sparkly Daisy Rock guitars. I wish they had the star shape in the premium line.

I also like the S-1 / Zacky Vengeance shape.

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Quote Originally Posted by billybilly

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Very nice!


Thanks! It's a Great guitar. A lot of people ask me about it after gigs, and they are surprised when I tell them it's a Schecter.

I guess most people these days think of Schecter as an only "avenged kind of metal" brand...

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