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Opinions--I get subbed for at every big event

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I would take it very personally and call him out on it.

You do the weekly grind and he pulls in friends for bigger shows.

Not gonna have it both ways. I put in the time, I get to play the fun shows too or I'm out.

Don't let him walk over you like that.

I'm not a church guy, but I guess worship bands have their share of hypocrite-assholes too!

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I would just hang the MD out to dry..... Move on down the road. Let him get mr wonderful fingers to be his regular. Just say this is my last sunday, you have some other musical things you want to do. be nice , and to the point ,, you really owe them no real explanation since its a volunteer deal. My guess is mr wonderful fingers wont be there everytime this guy snaps his fingers. Oh well ,,,, Dont turn it into a church issue. Dont get involved in the church politics.

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Thanks to everyone for your responses. I just needed to get confirmation that I'm not overly sensitive for taking this personally.




It really does not matter ,,, you are giving your time to the church to play guitar. You can stop doing it if you like. They cant hold that against you. If you are tired of the deal ,, stop doing it. you dont need to justify it or worry about it. just walk away. The fact that the MD is losing you is his problem.

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Thanks to everyone for your responses. I just needed to get confirmation that I'm not overly sensitive for taking this personally.



In my opinion, you are right to feel the way you do .



I do apologize for my profanity in my postings above though - wrong for a thread about a worship band situation.

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I think you are right to feel snubbed. I have no idea what this guys justification for doing this is, but I would ask him why he is doing that to you.





I would not bother ,,,, hang the guy out to dry and be done with it. It doent matter why ,, he is doing it and even after trying to smooth the thing over which is what people like him do ,, he will continue to do it.

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agreed. They don't respect you at all. You're, in their/his eyes, a backup in a tight pinch. You're the guy that they can say "yeah he'll be there every Sunday" but they leave you out to dry when it comes to really "performing " instead of being the "buffer" music on Sundays.

Quit, get into a better band, profit


Yep, the lack of respect is very evident here. It would be one thing if you specifically said that you couldn't make those other gigs, but to be told that "We're going to use a different guitarist for events, but you can keep playing the church gig"...well, that would piss me off.


I would bring it up with him. If he shrugs, I would just tell him to find another guitarist, period. Let's see how the shredder works out for the church gigs...

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I'd definitely take it up with the leader immediately and if he doesn't at least want you to be there for the big events as the second guitarist, then I'd probably be bent enough to bail too.

But I gotta say, and I'm not the most religious guy out there, but having been in worship bands before, it also sounds like your leader is forgetting the main point... which is that you're there to aid worship first and foremost, not be the center of attention.

If y'all can shred and do both simultaneously, all the better, but to me it sounds like you're showing up every Sunday in line with the whole point (aiding worship) and getting the shaft every time the leader gets to stretch his ego and try to play the rock star part...

Good luck with it, you've stuck it out a lot longer than I would have for sure!

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I do not see why you couldn't play the "big events" as well. What's the big deal? It sounds as if the MD only wants one guitar player at any one time but if he wants to bring in a ringer to play the solos, why couldn't you still play? That's what I don't get? Ask the MD what's up? It does seem unfair, like he's saying, "you're ok for Sundays when I cannot get anyone else to do it" but not good enough for the larger events. He is dissing you.

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For the life of me I cant understand all the people that suggest that the OP confront this guy on this. He has already shown his spots. Avoid the confontation that really isnt going to change the situation. Why even go there? hang him out to dry and move to another situation where you dont have to play second fiddle ,, and put up with this puzt of a MD. Its like tryiing to beg your way back into a band where they are running you off.... there isnt anything to talk about,, unless you want some bull{censored} or more abuse. Let the MD figure out on his own why mr reliable went down the road.

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I would not bother ,,,, hang the guy out to dry and be done with it. It doent matter why ,, he is doing it and even after trying to smooth the thing over which is what people like him do ,, he will continue to do it.



Yeah, but what if there aren't any other bands around for this dude to go to? Then he'll end up ditching the church band, they already have a "back up" ready to go so they won't even miss a step, meanwhile he's left high and dry with no gigs.


It's the whole "cutting off your nose to spite your face" thing.


Also, OP dude, what do you say when the band leader suggests you sit out while they replace you for the bigger gigs? Have you ever said "No, I'm playing this one - I've been looking forward to it for a long time and it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun"?

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This thread sounds familiar...is this a redux of an old topic?!? Anyway, I would probably find some way to let the powers that be in the band, whether that is the band leader, church minister, or the entire band, know that if they don't consider me good enough to play the big gigs and that if they feel the need to sub for me then from now on they could sub for me full time.

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Some leader of the band types and musical directors commonly do this.

Id be ticked but obviously the guy feels its his band too direct and too "rotate" the talent available as he sees fit.

Dick Move imo but not uncommon.

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Yeah, but what if there aren't any other bands around for this dude to go to? Then he'll end up ditching the church band, they already have a "back up" ready to go so they won't even miss a step, meanwhile he's left high and dry with no gigs.

It's the whole "cutting off your nose to spite your face" thing.

Also, OP dude, what do you say when the band leader suggests you sit out while they replace you for the bigger gigs? Have you ever said "No, I'm playing this one - I've been looking forward to it for a long time and it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun"?




doesnt seem like he is leaving much behind to me. bands are like trains,, another one will come along. i quit three start up bands in a year. You go do an audition and get in another one..... if you dont feel its right for you ,, you bail. You cant need it so bad that you are willing to get your shoes pissed on just to be in a band. So you hang in the woodshed a couple or three months,, you are better off in the wood shed workin on the chops ,, so you get in a better band on the next audition. Just my view on things

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My guess is that the band is viewed or constructed as a "ministry team", and the leader probably has total control.

When churches went from choirs and directors to worship "teams" they missed the point that a band sort of works together. They continued with the concept of a music director who runs the show.

The situation is VERY flakey and IMO is something that should actually be discussed between OP worship leader and pastor. I think that as of late the CCM bands who have "made it" have started as church worship bands or church worship leaders. Now every wannabe CCM recording artist sees leading worship as their minor league. Resulting in crap like this.

When I was leading worship I had my band and a worship band. I knew some great bassists and drummers, but I would have never brought them in to replace our own members. It is just a short-sighted move.

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It stinks, but you might want to examine your own motives as well. If you're playing on a worship team, you're there to serve. If they want to have it serve another purpose, I suppose that's up to them how they do it. But frankly I wouldn't want to be part of a worship band that was so hung up on performance. As long as everyone is competent, solid and everything they do contributes to the ability of the congregation to enter into worship, that should be good enough. Bringing in someone not even in your church to take your place because their performance might be flashier is just weak, IMO. It makes you wonder who they are really trying to bring glory to. But it's also for you to decide if this is a reality check for you to examine why you are really doing it.

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What BlueStrat says. "It makes you wonder who they are really trying to bring glory to. But it's also for you to decide if this is a reality check for you to examine why you are really doing it."


That's what I was going to post but he beat me to it. :)

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It sounds to me that the band leader is on an ego trip, that he is look for the pats on the back and really doesn't care about serving God but serve his own selfish ego, make himself look good.
Also I would talk to the Pastor and have him replace the bandleader for a friend of his for a big event and see how he likes it.
Another thing you can do is ask the congration(sp) what they think of the situation maybe they will tell the bandleader to take a hike because we do not condone that kind of treatment of people(using people like that).

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I guess this is one of the reasons why I dont go to a church. My grandfather was a preacher ,,, the politics in a church are somthing to behold. Now that they are in the music biz ,,,you get musicians egos mixed with church politics ,, eeeeeeeeeeeeek run forest run

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