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D'Addario Guitar Strings


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Okay it's cool WKRP....do whatever makes ya happy. I must also be cut form a different cloth because even as a a "jam session" or song building or whatever you call it it's still offends my musical sensibilities. I've always felt there should be a reason for everything you say on guitar...not just for the sake of bending notes or keep from being lost. Been around the block myself with jams and loose chord movement...I didn't find that incredibly difficult.


But you found a "tune" with mximum bending and string nuking. Okay. Personally I'd HATE hearing that for more than a few minutes let alone 4 or eight hours egads. It's not like I have Zappa-like expectations and ears....but come on! :lol:


No need to appease me though right?


If you listened and hated it I really don't care. If you felt the need to critique it then you completely missed the reason why I posted it.


I used it as an example of string bending with a stipulation of starting it around 3/4 through where there was allot of string bending going on.


In retrospect I suppose I should have just chopped it down to 15 seconds or so which would have sufficient in making that point.


I didn't expect anyone to listen to it all the way through or critique it. I don't post clips here for that purpose in any case. Of course Knotty was the troll who started it down that path like he always does and you were simply caught up in a long lasting grudge he holds against me. Shame on me for assuming others would understand the point I was attempting to make.


You can chalk that up as a win knotty. It seems your rotten attitude has been rubbed off on yet another victim.

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If you listened and hated it I really don't care. If you felt the need to critique it then you completely missed the reason why I posted it.


I used it as an example of string bending with a stipulation of starting it around 3/4 through where there was allot of string bending going on.


In retrospect I suppose I should have just chopped it down to 15 seconds or so which would have sufficient in making that point.


I didn't expect anyone to listen to it all the way through or critique it. I don't post clips here for that purpose in any case. Of course Knotty was the troll who started it down that path like he always does and you were simply caught up in a long lasting grudge he holds against me. Shame on me for assuming others would understand the point I was attempting to make.


You can chalk that up as a win knotty. It seems your rotten attitude has been rubbed off on yet another victim.


Whoah there mr braindead. How is your spat with him my fault?


You posted a clip to try and prove some point about bending. As far as that goes you are a bit behind Gary Moore.


My critique was based on you continually banging on about your playing and seemingly perfect ear. Sour notes repulse you. You are ALWAYS saying it .Then you post a bloody awful clip of the worlds longest pentatonic noodle. Complete with sour notes, wrong notes, missed notes and off tune bends.


They just dont kinda add up.


I ducked out of this thread and let you carry on. You dragged me back, so here I am.

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If you listened and hated it I really don't care. If you felt the need to critique it then you completely missed the reason why I posted it.


I used it as an example of string bending with a stipulation of starting it around 3/4 through where there was allot of string bending going on.


In retrospect I suppose I should have just chopped it down to 15 seconds or so which would have sufficient in making that point.


I didn't expect anyone to listen to it all the way through or critique it. I don't post clips here for that purpose in any case. Of course Knotty was the troll who started it down that path like he always does and you were simply caught up in a long lasting grudge he holds against me. Shame on me for assuming others would understand the point I was attempting to make.


You can chalk that up as a win knotty. It seems your rotten attitude has been rubbed off on yet another victim.


Despite what you may think, knotty and I have no affiliation or alliance. If you feel there are some similarities or even co-conspiring it's purely co-incidental. I am my own entity and follow no one. I don't do cliques.


Regarding your clip- you've made your point a couple times already. I get it...you are showcasing your string bending- hard hitting talents


(that ruin your stings and probably frets and fretboard as well- but doesn't actually sound all that pleasing to a listener).


And I certainly DID listen start to finish regardless of your expectations for the listener. I am thorough that way and a glutton for punishment. tongue.png


My comments (aren't) meant to be mean-spirited. Take it for what it's worth, but please be mindful you aren't the only old-timer with expertise or valid opinions. I know when I post clips, regardless of reason, I fully expect the full gamut of opinions from "didn't listen" to "that sucks" to "that was the greatest thing ever". If I am lucky, I have someone giving the same sort of interest I gave you; "well that was good but too much" or "maybe try this or that". It's how we learn...and how we learn how people process our creativity.


I fully understand you're at a place you neither want nor need that. To each their own.

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Whoah there mr braindead. How is your spat with him my fault?


You posted a clip to try and prove some point about bending. As far as that goes you are a bit behind Gary Moore.


My critique was based on you continually banging on about your playing and seemingly perfect ear. Sour notes repulse you. You are ALWAYS saying it .Then you post a bloody awful clip of the worlds longest pentatonic noodle. Complete with sour notes, wrong notes, missed notes and off tune bends.


They just dont kinda add up.


I ducked out of this thread and let you carry on. You dragged me back, so here I am.


You questioned the fact I did allot of bending. You seem to be convinced everything I post is a lie or someone else may have opinions you don't like. I don't know which it is and I'm long past wanting to know what your grudge is. In any case you were the first to strike (again as always) for no good reason. I responded with what I considered to be a civil answer and even left an example. You know I actually thought you might understand I was being civil with you and you could have just left it at that and we could move on.


Nope. He was tired of being ignored by me and this was his opportunity to change the topic and begin his troll routine.

He's done this ever since he's been on the site. I have no idea why other then he must me a miserable old lonely troll who feels disharmony is better then no attention at all.


Then when he sees others have caught on to the negative insults he sits back and pats himself on the back for a job well done.


That my friend is the classing example of a troll in action. He lives for it and if anyone doubts me just look at his thread history.


Nearly every post he makes is made to turn a positive threads into a negative tail spin because that's the vibes he gives off. I actually do my best to ignore him, believe me. He says some of the dopiest things I've ever read. I figure its part of the learning process because he hasn't been playing very long (by his own admission) I ignore his posts because I'm wise to his tricks. Then he just cant contain himself and attacks again. I don't tolerate his BS and he knows it. That's why he's got the grudge going he cant get over.


Truthfully its quite sad because I have absolutely no animosity towards this guy. I just see him as a rookie looking for attention. I don't think he's even played in a band before. So when he attacks I respond and the thread turns into 50 pages. Go figure. He gets his fame as the nowhere man and is content for awhile.


That's why I say knotty, go ahead and take the credit and be proud of the things you do well. You win. You can keep your title as king of the trolls.

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Its still a fumbling mess of a bit of playing. Not the work of a 30 year veteran with perfect pitch.

My teacher played pro all his life, never worked anything else except play guitar and get paid. Get him as drunk as you like and he would NEVER play as shodily as that clip. I say again it dont add up. You can call me want you want but I know, as do others who cant be arsed calling you on it. They snigger at your claims though. I suggest you post some more clips and maybe some videos.

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WKRP in Cincinnati, why don't you add Knotty to your ignore list if he bothers you so much? You're spending a lot of time calling him out for being a supposed troll. I enjoy a lot of your posts, and I enjoy Knotty's contributions too. You're both intelligent veterans of music and it's a shame you can't get along.




Chai latte anyone? Mmm...

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WKRP in Cincinnati, why don't you add Knotty to your ignore list if he bothers you so much? You're spending a lot of time calling him out for being a supposed troll. I enjoy a lot of your posts, and I enjoy Knotty's contributions too. You're both intelligent veterans of music and it's a shame you can't get along.




Chai latte anyone? Mmm...


Your right of course bucks.We have our history but I think we have found an accord. We have one thing in common actually, and thats honesty in who we are. We may disagree or prefer different genres but at least we know who/what we are.


I find it offensive and quite sad when people build a false persona for some reason. Am I a good player? Not in most peoples eyes, but I am intermediate after 9 years of stolen practice time starting at age 54. If there I something wrong with that so shoot me. Have I been in a band? No. I didnt know it was a requirement of the instrument ir posting here.

But given all that, based on what I have heard on his clips, I am as good as him.


If I was his persona and had been playing 30 years, recording professionally for x years and now professionally making videOs I would post some live recorded video clips. Why not?


It does not really matter to me but i have seen responses to noobs on here where he has pretended there is some sort of advanced science to the instrument that only he and some seasoned pros and wizards can understand.


This current spat came about because I was trying to understand who on earth bent the wound strings enough to wear the frets In 8 hours. I never got an answer to that. Because its bo//ox.

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Then when he sees others have caught on to the negative insults he sits back and pats himself on the back for a job well done.


That my friend is the classing example of a troll in action. He lives for it and if anyone doubts me just look at his thread history.




I take exception to this. I absolutely did NOT post my opinion on your clip because I think knotty is cool or whatever you are dreaming up in your head. I'd almost suggest you suffer from some kind of psychosis. But I think you are just mislead.


Look...if you can;t see your clip is extreme pointless and WAY WAY overdone noodling, well weird. Yes...I know you chose it to showcase your style of playing that F#*@S up the strings in two sessions...but dear GOD I hope you don;t play like that all the time.


Sorry bud..I just think you whiffed on this one. You tried to prove some wild theory with some extreme. Now trying to save face by lashing out at people pointing it out. Like everyone else, I think you have a lot to offer here- but your incredibly extreme and well honestly absurd example is disingenuous...at least misleading.


Your strings don't last because you play 8 hours of THAT? I certainly hope nobody bases their string purchases on it. Which is what this thread was about remember?



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Not flaming you WR, but you're taking a little too much offense to opinion. Expect the good with the bad. 30 years in he biz, surely online isnt the only time you've had a negative reaction.


- CG25.jpg


But my absolute favorites are:




Thread - back on track,


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Not flaming you WR, but you're taking a little too much offense to opinion. Expect the good with the bad. 30 years in he biz, surely online isnt the only time you've had a negative reaction.


- CG25.jpg


But my absolute favorites are:




Thread - back on track,


Save me wading through the site H. Do you know if they do chromes in the balanced tension sets?

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I'm aware and agreed with you, black diamond is about the only balanced flatwound i know of, which is why i commeted rather than posted. The link was only to balanced xls. Best I could come up with in that brand. No, they're not flatwound, but neither are the nyxls in your link. I guess not spacing down was a bit confusing.

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I'm likewise aware that the NYXLs aren't flats, which is why I said "Regardless, not what knotty was looking for." I have no idea what strings he uses so for all I know the Black Diamonds might work. He could also make a balanced set of Chromes by buying single strings but it would probably cost $20 or so for a set: http://www.juststrings.com/electricchromesdaddarioguitarsinglestrings.html.

A set of 10s might look like this:

10 16.2 lbs $1.79

13 15.4 lbs $1.79

17 16.6 lbs $1.79

24w 16.8 lbs $3.80

32w 15.7 lbs $4.31

42w 15.7 lbs $4.31

Total $17.79+shipping

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Here's an explanation of the benefits of balanced tension from the d'Addario web site (http://www.daddario.com/balanced_tension.page?sid=c68d508c-b850-45d8-a4ed-8d87d0a08230#benefits):


"Mathematically equalized resistance delivers comparable feel from string to string


Even effort while bending, strumming, plucking and slapping delivers improved dynamic control


The science behind balanced tension


With every factor and nuance accounted for, each set of D'Addario Balanced Tension XLs are comprised of mathematically optimized string gauge combinations.


Translation: greater control and playing comfort. As complex as this formula for determining string tension looks, the resulting performance feels as easy as 1,2,3."

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Just in XL and NYXL as far as I know. Sorry. Black Diamond makes a "balanced tension" set of flatwounds but they're fairly heavy (12's): http://elderly.com/accessories/items/BD200L.htm.


Never noticed the chromes pictured were flats. I was interseted in std chrome in a balanced set.


Weird but on 25 scale I notice little difference unless using whammy, which feels "steadier". However on 24.75 scale the balanced sets just feel "right". Maybe because I started on 25 scale but since I started using 24.75 I feel the constant tension helps me bend to pitch more consistantly and not push notes sharp. Dont know why, just does.

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Cool man, I thought I had jut about tried the gambit of strings, but now realize, never balanced. May give them a whirl. Not sure how much difference to expect, 25.5" scale, tuned to A#, strings are considerably less stout than say, standard tuning, so....

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Never noticed the chromes pictured were flats. I was interseted in std chrome in a balanced set. . . .

AFAIK, Chromes are only available in flatwound. If you want stainless steel, which is what Chromes are, in roundwound, Curt Mangan (http://www.juststrings.com/manganelectricguitarstainless.html) and Ernie Ball (http://www.juststrings.com/ernieballelectricguitarslinkystainless.html) both make them.

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