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OT:Are you a Christian?

Liberty Belle

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Ever watched "perfect hair forever?" That cartoon lady I posted is supposed to be the quintessential underage Japanese girl. She's constantly lusted after by this guy:





Oh, and I'm not a Christian. My parents were both raised Catholic, and swore they wouldn't put me through any of that. I'm not even baptized. My mom said I belonged to the church of the chrome dinette set, but told me I was free to adopt any faith I wanted. Turns out the atheist parents turned out an agnostic son though, but philosophy training had a lot to do with that.

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what's the point of this thread anyway?

are you making a list of people to avoid??!!

just to see how far OT it gets and considering its now onto underage looking japanese girls i think ive succeeded!

i dont avoid anyone,i aint like that if you probably noticed im no ned flandererses

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Ever watched "perfect hair forever?" That cartoon lady I posted is supposed to be the quintessential underage Japanese girl. She's constantly lusted after by this guy:


Oh, and I'm not a Christian. My parents were both raised Catholic, and swore they wouldn't put me through any of that. I'm not even baptized. My mom said I belonged to the church of the chrome dinette set, but told me I was free to adopt any faith I wanted. Turns out the atheist parents turned out an agnostic son though, but philosophy training had a lot to do with that.

i aint baptized either.

never seen that show....

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just to see how far OT it gets and considering its now onto underage looking japanese girls i think ive succeeded!

i dont avoid anyone,i aint like that if you probably noticed im no ned flandererses


lol, indeed you have!

i'm trying to find a picture to post, but none of them are 'suitable' ;)

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Baptized, Confirmed, and now Recovering Catholic.

I think the universe is far too vast, beautiful and strange to be encapsulated by centuries-old ideologies that have been debunked time and again by modern wisdom.

I'm deeply spiritual, but I believe that spirituality is a personal thing, or at most, a thing belonging to small tribes/groups of people. I believe that the farther we've distanced ourselves from Nature, the more refined our concept of a god or creator has become. That such a concept is inherently nebulous is a source of extreme cognitive dissonance in the plight of the modern man.

/serious response to a sad troll thread

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I'm a Christian, proud of it, and I go to church regularly.


I'm not the kind of person to pound my beliefs on anyone else. That choice is yours to make.


I believe on several occasions I have been shown that there is higher power watching over me. I'm not going to go into my testimony over it, but hope you will at least respect my faith.

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In my personal experience, people who have a disconnect from spirituality of any form have a tendency to be less successful, more cynical, have a limited sense of service and a thin moral fiber coupled with broken/dysfunctional families. Most of these traits are replaced by a defense mechanism in the form of a typically false confidence and a basic belief of nothing worthwhile. One result seems to be a non-tangible, no-name social system that supports unproductive, unimaginative people who act confident by using "shocking" or edgy tongue-in-cheek musings about topics they know very little about. It's all very funny on the surface, but those confidently "shocky wittsters" are probably the least self-reliant, least educated and most boring people that I have known. I'm not trying to be preachy, I'm just saying it takes a stronger character to believe in something than it does to believe in nothing and it seems so {censored}ing pop to have no faith in this age.

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In my personal experience, people who have a disconnect from spirituality of any form have a tendency to be less successful, more cynical, have a limited sense of service and a thin moral fiber coupled with broken/dysfunctional families. Most of these traits are replaced by a defense mechanism in the form of a typically false confidence and a basic belief of nothing worthwhile. One result seems to be a non-tangible, no-name social system that supports unproductive, unimaginative people who act confident by using "shocking" or edgy tongue-in-cheek musings about topics they know very little about. It's all very funny on the surface, but those confidently "shocky wittsters" are probably the least self-reliant, least educated and most boring people that I have known. I'm not trying to be preachy, I'm just saying it takes a stronger character to believe in
than it does to believe in nothing and it seems so {censored}ing pop to have no faith in this age.


yea, i believe in higher things due to personal experience, isn't that what god is?!?!?!? personal!

to know mans morals today all we need do is read the news, crime ring any bells? man IS immoral no matter how you word it and those that think he isn't are immoral them selfs imho!

it is hard to believe in something today and its also the in thing to believe in nothing today, i totally agree with you on that, in fact i agree with everything you said!


people try to be different and anti-conformist today but they are just conforming to the anti-conformists.


i am truly anti a lot of things and i have a very hard time in this modern world for my views, ESPECIALLY from those who think they're anti-society...they are not!




mass consumerism is god today, even more so than just ten years ago.

i remember in the nineties there were still a lot of good people around but today a truly good person is a rarity indeed.


people have it all backwards today:

people are defined today by


1.what they have (most important)

2.what they do (somewhat less important)

3.what they are (as a being,irrelevant so long as 1 and 2 are complete)


when a total reverse of this is a better way to be:


1.what i am (a good person,most significant)

2.what i do (relevant but not so important)

3 what i have (irrelevant)


i am anti-consumerist/anti-conformist and only consume what i need and try to stay away from what i want unless i really need it.



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i'm a christian. i find that if you look at christianity from a moralistic viewpoint, it makes absolutely no sense. but the thing about christianity is that it's not suppose to be a way to force moralistic values, rather that someone loves you even though you're not the most moral person.


i tend to believe that a lot of people don't see the difference between fundamental christianity and christians. i know a lot of people here watched Jesus Camp and Friend of God, but those churches were fundamental christian churches. but there are a lot of good churches out there


www.revolutionnyc.com, that's a website of a dude that got sick of those kinds of christians. he's actually the son of tammy faye and if you get the chance look into his sermons.


yeah i understand some people don't like that America is somewhat overrun by christians, but discriminating based on religion isn't cool man. discrimination between race and religion are the same thing. you would write a thread about how you think a certain race is stupid cause people would label you a racist, but discrimination of religion is the same thing.


watch south park episode: Go God Go... kinda says everything im feeling now.


sorry for the rant, it was just on my mind before work

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I am Christian but I no longer believe in or follow any tenants of organized religion. I have to agree with Marx that "religion is the opiate of the people" and that they (mainly the Catholic Church) are run more like Fortune 500 companies that protect pedophiles and do not take care of their retirees than what the original, founding doctrine was all about.

Recently, I have taken an interest in Buddhism.

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