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OT:Are you a Christian?

Liberty Belle

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I'm a Christian. Go to Church from time to time but do not like what todays Chruch is doing to the faith. To many tv preachers are just full of {censored} and I don't dig the more money you give the better Christian you are crap. I've studied and read the Bible through about 3 times and know that an intelligent con man can make it say anything he wants and convice those with great faith but little commonsense to give every penny they have and live in poverty while he lives fat and tells all its gifts from God because he's been so good. Church is great but I don't dig the Jesus show. What do I mean, if everyone is praying, no one should be moving around so when everyone looks up all the stages are set etc. You're either for real or your for {censored}.

Oh yeah, if you don't like this please refer to the 4th link below.

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I'm a Christian. Go to Church from time to time but do not like what todays Chruch is doing to the faith. To many tv preachers are just full of {censored} and I don't dig the more money you give the better Christian you are crap. I've studied and read the Bible through about 3 times and know that an intelligent con man can make it say anything he wants and convice those with great faith but little commonsense to give every penny they have and live in poverty while he lives fat and tells all its gifts from God because he's been so good. Church is great but I don't dig the Jesus show. What do I mean, if everyone is praying, no one should be moving around so when everyone looks up all the stages are set etc. You're either for real or your for {censored}.

Oh yeah, if you don't like this please refer to the 4th link below.



Yeah thats the reason im not to fond of religion, but i spose thats in all life theres always some asshole trying to scam money from good people,

Here in Australia some woman recently went to a seventh day adventice ? church and got for $200,000 because she said she had cancer and couldnt afford the opperation. being nice people they gave her the money and she went and bought a whole lotta drugs and stuff. talk bout a rip off.

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born into a jewish family. not part of an organized religion now. had a bar mitzvah, but never actually believed in the fiction.

i agree that you can be a religious person and go very far. you can have a large family, be successful at your job, earn lots of money, and be very happy or unhappy. does it really mean anything in the end? i don't know. probably not, but you never know.

i have no problems with casual christians as people. but i think their choice to believe in something they DON'T actually believe in, pisses me off. it makes more sense to be an evangelical christian (even those are the people who probably need to be stopped). i'm just sick of all the people that keep christianity alive and thriving by pretending to believe jesus is their savior and not really following the rules. saying stuff like "i just believe the parts in the bible i like, the parts that make me a better person." yeah, that sounds good, and is good for you. but can't you do that without the parts in the bible that think everyone who doesn't believe in jesus is going to HELL?

make up your own religion. make the world a better place and stop subscribing to organized religions that you don't actually believe in.

woo :)

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people think religion is absurd, and fair enough i used to as well but how absurd is this claim?!?!
"first there was nothing, then it exploded and formed everything!"

that is the basis of evolution of which i believed most of my life with out question.evolution is a bad theory and its got so many holes in it its ridiculous.

that is what lead me to believe in a creator, the holes in evolution and the bigbang theory.
i believe we and everything was created because after you study things for a few years you begin to see things for what they are and are not.
i came to this conclusion after about three years of thinking and studying the subject honestly and maybe even in favor of evolution, not religion!



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I love that line from Walking In Memphis, "She said child are you a Christian?" I said "Ma'am I am tonight."

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. But I have a real problem with most of what is passed on as Christianity. I am an alcoholic/drug addict and if I did not have my faith in a higher power who has a name (Jesus Christ) I would drink too much, use a variety of drugs and not be a decent husband/father. I work with alcoholics and drug addicts in a recovery program that I direct. This has not been financially beneficial for my family, but my work helps my sobriety as well as my faith.

It is not just the TV show version of Christianity that bothers me. Much of what is done in organized religion/church gatherings is not really Christianity at all. Those expressions are too inward focused in my opinion. The lifestyle of those who gather in churches are not that different from those who do not, so the characterization of hypocrite is justified.

My own moral weakness and frailty are evidence to me that I am a man in need of a savior. I am not mad all the time like I used to be, and depression and suicidal painful thinking that were no doubt drug/alcohol accentuated are no longer part of my everyday experience.

C.S. Lewis proposed that Jesus Christ, if his teachings are studied, would be judged as ether Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. He could not be considered a good teacher if his words were really taken seriously, because of the claims he made for himself. You may think he is a liar. You may think he is a lunatic. I think he is the Lord.

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that is the basis of evolution of which i believed most of my life with out question.evolution is a bad theory and its got so many holes in it its ridiculous.

that is what lead me to believe in a creator, the holes in evolution and the bigbang theory.

i believe we and everything was created because after you study things for a few years you begin to see things for what they are and are not.

i came to this conclusion after about three years of thinking and studying the subject honestly and maybe even in favor of evolution, not religion!



I did not see your post before I posted mine. I agree with your opinion. In both systems you have to have an uncaused cause. Have you read any of Lee Stroble's books? He was an atheist whose wife became a Christian. He honestly liked the change and studied a variety of subjects and interviews a number of scientists and theologians and has written three very compelling books.

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C.S. Lewis proposed that Jesus Christ, if his teachings are studied, would be judged as ether Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. He could not be considered a good teacher if his words were really taken seriously, because of the claims he made for himself. You may think he is a liar. You may think he is a lunatic. I think he is the Lord.



One of my favorite quotes of all time.


We're not changing your opinion. You can choose to be an atheist, a buddhist, islam or whatever. But in our case, we are christians. We believe in Jesus, you can call us stupid for believing in a God that loves us. you might consider anyone that hopes in a higher being as stupid, but it works for us.


If you love your guitar, that can be your god. If you love your wife, she can be your god. If you love money, that can also be your god. But I believe in my God. And I know for me, i don't consider God a religion, rather an organic relationship.

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I agree with your post Thirsty One. Christianity has always been distorted by greed, politics and special interest groups. The sad thing is that all of this noise gives people an incorrect preconception of what Christianity is. And then there are the atheists who are more fanatical in their non-belief than most true Christians are in their belief. They think they aren't religious, but they do an awful lot of preaching.

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One of my favorite quotes of all time.

We're not changing your opinion. You can choose to be an atheist, a buddhist, islam or whatever. But in our case, we are christians. We believe in Jesus, you can call us stupid for believing in a God that loves us. you might consider anyone that hopes in a higher being as stupid, but it works for us.

If you love your guitar, that can be your god. If you love your wife, she can be your god. If you love money, that can also be your god. But I believe in my God. And I know for me, i don't consider God a religion, rather an organic relationship.



You can't "choose" to believe. You either truly believe something or you don't. If you make a choice to believe something, well that's not true belief is it?

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You can't "choose" to believe. You either truly believe something or you don't. If you make a choice to believe something, well that's not true belief is it?



But if you never choose to believe anything, then you will always believe in nothing. Everything is a choice. You have the power to believe that you don't even exist if you choose. You have the power to believe that your blue is my green. It is all a matter of knowledge (what you have learned) , experience(what you have done) and choice(what you have decided to believe). When you are born, you didn't have the capacity to understand beliefs which is why your parents/guardians and your society/surroundings played such an intricate role in your entire "belief structure".

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But if you never choose to believe anything, then you will always believe in nothing.
is a choice. You have the power to believe that you don't even exist if you choose. You have the power to believe that your blue is my green. It is all a matter of knowledge (what you have learned) , experience(what you have done) and choice(what you have
to believe). When you are born, you didn't have the capacity to understand beliefs which is why your parents/guardians and your society/surroundings played such an intricate role in your entire "belief structure".



I'm not sure this quote is exact but here goes.


You can choose a ready guide

In some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide

You still have made a choice


from "Freewill" Neil Peart


Well said Porkchop Express

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Slightly off-topic here, but it fits where things have gone....


I read something once that went something to the effect of this:


"How much of the information/knowledge that's in the universe could a person know? For the sake of an argument let's say it's 1% (which is probably way to high). Isn't it possible that in the 99% of the information/knowledge that we DON'T know there is a God who is beyond our comprehension?"


It was bit more in depth and eloquent than that, but that's the basic point of it. I'm not trying to stir things up with that at all - just offering something that makes you think.

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yea i know what ya mean, ask yourself this: "what don't i know?"

we don't know more than we do know!



That's why I would consider myself agnostic.


Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of the existence or nonexistence of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while individual certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge.

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That's why I would consider myself agnostic.

Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of the existence or nonexistence of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while individual certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge.



I've always thought being agnostic made WAY more sense than being atheist. No offense to atheists - just my opinion.

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