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Best and worst purchases of 2008 (So far)


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I've bought very few pedals this year and i'm in love with all that i've acquired, they are:

watson superfuzz
z-vex loop junky
malekko 600 bright

also traded for a death by audio fuzz war which is ths shiznitz.

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I just bought a loop junky (in the mail) ... we'll see. Gets mixed reviews but the clips make me think it will be good for the stuff I play.

Anyway ...

Best was either the Freakshow Digilog or Earthquaker Pulse Machine. I looooove both those pedals. Worst was a feedback looper. That thing was cool but it did not jive with me at all.

Edit: I forgot the MXR Dyna Comp. Not the most fun but improved my tone by a ton.

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Best: My Mesa Express


Worst: I accidentally bought some thin picks. I'm not particularly a fan of thin picks. I ended up breaking a few thin picks.


I honestly can't think of anything major I bought this year that I didn't like.

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The only things really inspired by his rig were the Trem, shredmaster, and phaser...

...and the sd-1, rv-3, telecaster, ac30, space echo, polychorus, and arm brace.

im {censored}ing with you.


too much johnny greenwood love around here.

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Gibson Les Paul Premium Plus - looks good and plays great.
Fulltone Soul Bender - the best fuzz I've played (yet)
CMATMODS SD-1 GT - the germanium chip makes this pedal sing, especially with my Carvin.


Fulltone 70's - just didn't do it for me.

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A lot of stuff in the last couple of months.. but..


Best: Boss RV-3, Orange Thunderverb 200, and the newly added VHT Sig-x just a few days ago.. brand new but so far a winner.


Worst: None yet.. though i'm still experimenting with the fuzz god II.

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Best: CE-2 long dash (thanks Jay!!), DD-7

Worst: Cusack Screamer, Mojo Hand Mule- should say these are defintely not bad pedals, just didn't work for me and solidified the fact that I'm very happy w/ the dirt pedals I already had.

Have an AD999 on the way that I'm hoping will make the best list...

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Been a good year for me.

Best: Aramat Mojo Fuzz

Worst: Danelectro Wasabi Chorus

And I liked the Wasabi Chorus, it's just that everything else I've got this year has been that much more badass. And I traded the chorus for the fuzz!

Ask me last year, though, I could write a laundry list of the stuff I brought home and hated...

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Souped up Bogen with AB763 curcuit - My favorite recording amp.

SCOD - just plain fun.

Dimarzio Super Distortion - simple and effective.

Mini on/on/on switches in my SGs



replacement nut... good nut, but a little too low on the treble side... buzz...

Seymour Duncan Custom Custom... great pickup, but sounds weak compared to the Dimarzio...

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