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Hey Pewt, do you still have a job?


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I'm cool.


It was directly across the street. funny enough, about 19 years ago our store was in that building. All of our lesson studios were in that top middle part thats completely gone.







and to demonstrate how cool I am. me looking cool in front of the wreckage.



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damn, that side is wrecked... I bought my first two guitars from the old R&R in that building (a squire Wayne's world strat, and later a fender Hendrix tribute strat, which I eventually sold because I thought it was too nice and I would destroy it as a teen).


I wonder what they're going to do with that strip now, it was kinda run down to start with.



*any "smoke damaged" stuff you wanna unload from your store on the cheaps? maybe a Dr. Z?

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