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Tell Me About Your Day


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did a "music video" yesterday....more like a live in the studio song/video. should be pretty cool once the video is edited/audio is mixed. i got to use a drip edge Fender Princeton Reverb :love: It is full of Moog goodness.


Jillian also woke up yesterday with an allergic reaction on her face (again)....lips swollen, slight rash. She took some benedryl, swelling went down.


Went to the doc today, gave her meds....next appt will be with an allergist.


Also i think i have diverticulitis....going to the doc wednesday for that. :facepalm:


we are broken.


but our dog is awesome.

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I went to work, posted macbabnov's sneakers out to him, banked a cheque. Left work, went to M&S and bought ingredients for tonight's supper. Got in, played guitar, wrote a few cool riffs. Turns out I'd got the wrong prawns so I was made to go out and get the right ones. Got the right ones, gf cooked dinner. Had a glass of cabinet sauvignon. Watching tv now. Tiramisu for dessert.

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did a "music video" yesterday....more like a live in the studio song/video. should be pretty cool once the video is edited/audio is mixed. i got to use a drip edge Fender Princeton Reverb
It is full of Moog goodness.

Jillian also woke up yesterday with an allergic reaction on her face (again)....lips swollen, slight rash. She took some benedryl, swelling went down.

Went to the doc today, gave her meds....next appt will be with an allergist.

Also i think i have diverticulitis....going to the doc wednesday for that.

we are broken.

but our dog is awesome.


jillian is allergic to the new dog?

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jillian is allergic to the new dog?



nah....it's happened once before...this was before we got the dog.


its either something in a skin cream or some food. dunno yet. gotta go the allergist then hopefully it'll never happen again.

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I know it's going to be a great day when I'm pissed off/being a dick to people before I even get to work. on the train in a large woman squeezes into the seat on my left, sitting on my leg and arm as she forces herself in, leaning on me and taking up 1/4 of my seat. I'm annoyed but I shift a bit to get some space back and don't say anything. apparently I was tapping my foot while listening to music because she taps me on the shoulder, glares and says "I can feel you vibrating".




"and it's not very pleasant"


*deep breath* "well it wasn't very pleasant when you sat on me and took up some of my seat, so I guess we're even"


the train car is silent, some watching, most trying not to. "*gasp* well I! ... these... there not much room on these trains you know!"


I started to say "well whose fault is that?", but my stop came and I extracted myself from the seat before I got carried away.





I hate people.

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What an exciting thread!


190 but I'm 6 ft and run/lift everyday so I have a beautiful beach body.


Today I got to work at 7 (construcion site med clinic) and I've been typing random things into google to see what makes me lawl the hardest since then. "ass french fry mcdonalds" was fun

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Woke up and practically jumped out of bed, drank about 16 oz of iced coffee with a caffeine pill, went out the door, attended two classes, chilled in my campus' newspaper office and ranted about my love for Wire and Erik Satie to a friend of mine, bought shrooms online, realized that my Digitech EX-7, went back to my flat, weighed the pedal and power adapter and concluded that Flat Rate is the cheapest, printed the shipping label and manual, listed my Flanger Hoax on eBay, listened to Pithecanthropus Erectus (Charles Mingus) and West Side Soul (Magic Sam), took some gut shots of a chorus I'm thinking of selling, talked to my mom intermittently in between, discussed the prospect of moving in with a friend over the summer, contemplated impulse buying an A/DA Flanger, constructed the blueprint to the replacement pedalboard I am building, called about a summer job prospect, accepted the position my college gave me for next year via a signed contract, declared my major/minor officially (Political Science/Religious Studies), practiced guitar for 120 minutes, caught up on some stuff in my readability, listened to Arthur (or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire), here I am.

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50 lbs




Your dog looks great hux! Sounds like a rough time for you and the missus, but at least this li'l guy will keep your spirits up. If we weren't on opposite coasts, I'd say lets meet at the dog park...






Oh, and I weighed in at 228 before I played racquetball today... :idk:

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Returned to my school shop this morning to say hey to all my old instructors. It was nice being back, seeing the old place.

I'm enjoying a day off today and just sitting around, doing nothing :) I'm kind of eager to get back to work tomorrow though. Some cool projects ahead this week.


I weight around 170, give or take. Probably give. I need to start running again, I've kind of let myself go. Oh well, forever alone amirite?

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started my cutting period for the summer yesterday and i've never been offered as much candy as today. goddamn.


weighed in at a measly 203 lbs, aiming down around 190 lbs. hoping my lifts don't stall.


took a physics class today, i wrote all the answers then fell asleep, woke up in time to hear i was right then i did it all over again until the 4 hours were over.



worked a bit at the climbing facility, did the nasty with my gf and got an aqua puss in the mail. all and all a good day, i'd say.

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Last night I went to work at 9:50pm, checked in with the SGT, headed up to B unit at the special offenders unit. Sat st a computer surfing Tacoma world forums while doing welfare checks every thirty minutes on the mentally ill offenders. Took a break at 1 am, sat in the truck and messaged the gf. Went back inside at 1:30, at 2 I swapped out with the control booth officer and fought sleep for the next 4 hours.


6am rolls around and I did navy talk with the oncoming watch who are navy reservist bros. Left at 6:20am, got home, talked to the gf for a bit and fell asleep at 7am. Was woken up by the roommate's two year old yelling at around 10am, fell back asleep, then just woke up around 2pm. Turned down a chance to mountain bike today because my head is pounding and I have a bit of a head cold. I'll probably go make dinner in a bit and watch some stargate atlantis before I get ready for work tonight.


Oh and I weigh 180lbs. Down from 200 last year, and hopefully I'll be at 165 by the end of this year. Just in time to go to afganistan next year and lose even more weight. Sarcastic yaaay.

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Last night I went to work at 9:50pm, checked in with the SGT, headed up to B unit at the special offenders unit. Sat st a computer surfing Tacoma world forums while doing welfare checks every thirty minutes on the mentally ill offenders. Took a break at 1 am, sat in the truck and messaged the gf. Went back inside at 1:30, at 2 I swapped out with the control booth officer and fought sleep for the next 4 hours.

6am rolls around and I did navy talk with the oncoming watch who are navy reservist bros. Left at 6:20am, got home, talked to the gf for a bit and fell asleep at 7am. Was woken up by the roommate's two year old yelling at around 10am, fell back asleep, then just woke up around 2pm. Turned down a chance to mountain bike today because my head is pounding and I have a bit of a head cold. I'll probably go make dinner in a bit and watch some stargate atlantis before I get ready for work tonight.

Oh and I weigh 180lbs. Down from 200 last year, and hopefully I'll be at 165 by the end of this year. Just in time to go to afganistan next year and lose even more weight. Sarcastic yaaay.



Needs more detail.

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