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Tell Me About Your Day


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I was told to update my resume from my boss (who was my friend before he was my boss) as there may be layoffs coming. "Everything is safe for now" isn't good enough for me, I'm looking for new employment.


How is ATL or Pittsburgh?


Thinking about a career change as well. Go over to China or Korea and teach english for a couple years and just {censored} off.

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Spent the day :
- pulling Farm-stuff together for the CPA/taxes (4 hours)
- Saw an emergency patient....face all swollen.
- Went to the bank and got the HOTMILFNEWLYSINGLEMOM to walk me thru onine banking, AGAIN..
...THANK GOD FOR COWLNECK SWEATERS and wimmens that like to totally bend over up against their desk for teh peep show.
- shopping and gas-tank filling.
- planning for my new office...converting a house into a clinic. Should be fun.

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I spent most of the day trouble-shooting a bass rig.
I then spent the evening building a snake for said rig that contained three signal cables and one 9v DC cable.


Side note:
That cream four knobber is a Wolly Mammoth clone made by Aaron SS.
I spent an hour messing around with it on guitar. Sounds fantastic.
I only had a little Fender Pro Junior to run it through, but it still sounded great. Wonderfull speaker dying velcro style end of the world fuzz sounds. Being a pedal designed for bass it has HEAPS of low end and the poor little amp nearly shat itself a few times.
Would definitely consider one for a guitar rig.

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Well, after moping around on the internet for a few hours I went to work. I met this short black guy who had back surgery after falling down 2 flights of stairs in 2003. He was talking about his wife in a very mean manner but also happened to be hilarious. He mentioned something about his wife thinking he had a robotic dick. It made me appreciate that I've got my physical health for the most part. After he left, nothing too interesting happened. This ugly smelly old lady was bitching about losing her EBT card after she gave me a hard time about the price of something. I gave 0 {censored}s about her and tried to busy myself with other things. I sat in the bathroom for a half hour trying to take a {censored} to no avail. Then I got a text from my cousin and we had a few cheap laughs about driving a forklift to the bars. All in all, it could've been worse, could've been better. Now I'm stuck at home with nothing to do except post on the internet about my day.

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I just got back from the Arab store, having purchased 25 lbs of carrots. That was all I bought. I told the cashier, "I'M GONNA EAT ME SOME CARROTS!" I can cross that one off the bucket list.

Earlier today I purchased a pound of baby carrots from Sprouts.

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Woke up around noon today in my last day off for my weekend. Dropped my girlfriend off at the Max to ride to school.

Ate some of last night's Peanut Chicken leftovers.

Dropped my buddy off at the Max to ride out to a friends house and try to refinish his new drum set.

Had the house to myself so I masturbated a lot.

Loaded up my drums and went downtown to play a show with Leaves Russell for a college radio station.

Just got back home and taking a bit to relax and internet.

Up next is a trip to the grocery store so I can make a badass chicken casserole!

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My mornings are usually quite unproductive. I typically get around 5 ours of sleep (not enough for me to be productive) I went back to sleep after taking the car in for routine check. Woke, had lunch with the perfect half, watched a move (Jeff, lives at home) played some guitar (learned some Rolling Stone riffs, really simple ones that I should know by now, washed the sheets and pillow cases, CLEANED my bathroom, went to the park and played with my daughter and had private time with the wife. Also, watched most of the NCAA championship game. I would say that is pretty prodcuctive

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Headed to downtown Seoul for some tasty romano pizza with my coworker, his fiance, and a girl who'll be singing at their wedding. It's kinda surreal: She sounds exactly like Feist, but is much taller (176cm!) and Korean. I'm back in the studio and am having a good deal of fun arranging one of her tunes.

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nothing speical

- long breakfast...

- practice some harcore brootz chops and riffs for a my new project and band - it is just the beginning where i only compose some riffs with the other guitar player...


- mails, fb, hcfx and more coffee


- now shower - cant smell myself anylonger :x


- layter in the afternoon i'll go and buy new glasses - i am just blind -.-


- meeting at 20:00 with a friend for sport (runnin 12 - 15km)


- 22:00h maybe irish pub if no one of my ut2k4 clan-mates is around for praccy... - (sure it is just a game, but we play the spring cup in the first division... needs a bit of warm up) yes i am still a kid :D


- 01:00 pipe cleaning, fapping, sleeping...

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Woke up at 9.
Went boxing.
Had lunch.
Read some papers on accent and language acquisition.
Had a wank.
Read some more papers.
Did an hour of work.
Went shopping and bought beer.
Made fish and pasta for dinner.
Watched the Office.
Posted here.

I'm 5'11 and weigh 170lbs.

Hope things get better for you OP.:thu:

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