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Is playing solo with loops/backing tracks super lame?


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Anytime I've seen it done live, the crowd response never seems to be favorable.



Yuuuuuup. "Hey guys, I'm gonna play a 3 minute song but need 5 minutes of set-up/looping before I can start actually playing the damn song!"


Asleep after 2 minutes...

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Maybe it would cool if you're doing something unique and interesting that couldn't be accomplished any other way. But if you're just playing something that would be better with a full band, yeah, it's just stupid.


And to be fair, it looks stupid when electronica guys do this too. A friend of mine used to date a guy in this industrial/electronic act. Went to one of his shows. His "band"was just him and a female singer. She would sing and he would hit a button at the beginning of a song and maybe a couple of times during a song, and the rest of the time just bob his head to the beat. It looked ridiculous. The music wasn't even bad, but after the show, all anyone was talking about was how silly it looked.

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Yuuuuuup. "Hey guys, I'm gonna play a 3 minute song but need 5 minutes of set-up/looping before I can start actually playing the damn song!"

Asleep after 2 minutes...



Do people actually do that? I'm talking about looping as you play and building a track.



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Solo sets that use a lot of live looping can be really cool, but it definitely takes a decent bit of talent to stand out in that crowd since everyone and their mother can post videos of themselves doing it on Youtube. I've been really blown away by a couple sets of that before though.


Backing tracks are really, really lame.

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So, explain why I should pay a bass player and drummer, and split the money five ways, when they can be replaced by Pro Tools. Now the dough is a three way split, and I don't need to deal with two more "artists" who are in twelve other bands. And don't help with the P.A., anyway. :)


Check out http://www.cheapsuit.net/tunes.cfm


No drummers (or bassists) were harmed in the making of these recordings.

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if it has a function, then it's OK I guess

I used to play (well still do, but haven't gigged in a while) with a dreampop band where the whole set basically is a backtrack and we add live guitars, bass and vocals

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The Cars use a pre-recorded bass track now because they don't want any non-original members in the band.


Mascis uses looping very well at solo shows.


A LOT of Pittsburgh artists use backing tracks. Lots of shows that are kind of like karaoke, but some of them are pretty tight, like Weird Paul and such.

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I play in a duo. We make heavily electronic music, with guitar and vocals over it. We use tracks and play out around once a month. Some people are like, "That's not real music" while others say, "That was {censored}in awesome!" I'll take former, as long as I keep hearing the latter.

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