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So a small town American cop visits Canada...


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Ayn Rand has done
much damage. Because of her you get people that
actually think
that Libertarianism is feasible. And people that think that Ron Paul is actually a legitimate presidential candidate.





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I don't know their reason, and I don't really care. I blame Ayn Rand and baby boomers. For everything. We're {censored}ed.


I hate to be that guy, but Ayn Rand/Objectivism =/= American libertarian movement. Not that they're perfect or anything, but that's kind of a red herring altogether. I'd bet most baby boomers don't know {censored} about either anyways.

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I hate to be that guy, but Ayn Rand/Objectivism =/= American libertarian movement. Not that they're perfect or anything, but that's kind of a red herring altogether. I'd bet most baby boomers don't know {censored} about either anyways.



Yeah I don't know about that considering Atlas Shrugged is pretty much the internet libertarian's cum rag.

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fun fact: Ron/Rand Paul are from Pittsburgh. It's actually surprising how strong of a Pittsburgh accent Ron Paul has despite him living in texas for the last 40 years. Pittsburgh's also responsible for Rick Santorum, Mitch Daniels, John Kasich, Orrin Hatch and Theresa Heinz Kerry. You're welcome America

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At least he knew he wasn't allowed to bring a handgun into Canada without permission. Several hundred are reportedly seized each year at border crossings from people who apparently don't get this. And you can bet that some folks get into the country armed and leave again without being caught.


(Some of course are Canadians. Recently a man pled guilty here in Saskatoon to possessing a Uzi carbine of some sort and a high capaicity magazine for it. Both are prohibited in Canada. He's a trucker, and bought it in the States. The police found it sitting in his garage when they were called in for a domestic dispute. It wasn't loaded, and there was never any indication it played a role in the call.)

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So is the guy trolling or not? It just sounds like someone poking fun at Canadians and also making a jab at their gun laws.



if it was trolling, it seems like it would be more making fun of americans, cultural ignorance, paranoia and gun lust... "lol, canadians can't carry guns everywhere!" doesn't seem like much of a joke.

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if it
trolling, it seems like it would be more making fun of americans, cultural ignorance, paranoia and gun lust... "lol, canadians can't carry guns everywhere!" doesn't seem like much of a joke.



That doesn't sound very funny either... but this "thing" of overreacting to Canadians being nice is a bit of a meme right now. I see posts similar to this on reddit fairly often.

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what gets me about this, it's a letter to the editor of the Calgary Herald, not just some facebook post screencap.

Walt Wawra is a real dude, this isn't a hoax.

He's even done some interviews since this hit the news and apparently he's not deterred by negative reaction to his letter.

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