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I'm Gonna Be A Daddy!


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Wife is 13 weeks pregnant today, and I couldn't be more excited!


This one is our first, and the first grandchild on both sides of the family.


UPDATE (8/22): Just got off the phone with the OB/GYN. Wife is going to have to have surgery next week in order to be able to have a proper natural birth :( Prayers/Mojo needed dudes and dudettes


UPDATE #2 (8/28): Wife and baby are home and doing well. Wife is achey and doesn't want any meds. The baby had a strong heartbeat and was apparantly bigger than they were expecting at 14 weeks. We can't wait for this little one to be born!

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Woot! Congrats man. Definitely changes things, usually for the better too :) Buy gear while you can. Although all of my guitar gear has come post marriage and kids, so...my oldest was born in Winston-Salem btw.

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I went on a little bit of a buy/trade binge recently to try and quell the GAS for a bit. Being around guitars about 14 hours minimum a day makes it a little hard to quench.


All in all though I am pretty stoked about it, and can't wait to have the little one here.


theroan, your daughter is adorable. Looks like a happy little baby there.


IRG, you used to live in NC?

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I went on a little bit of a buy/trade binge recently to try and quell the GAS for a bit. Being around guitars about 14 hours minimum a day makes it a little hard to quench.

All in all though I am pretty stoked about it, and can't wait to have the little one here.

theroan, your daughter is adorable. Looks like a happy little baby there.

IRG, you used to live in NC?




Yep, I lived in Cary/Raleigh area for about a year, and then moved to Winston-Salem (little suburb called King) for about 3 years before moving back to upstate NY. I liked the Raleigh area a lot. Still have an aunt that lives there, near NC State campus.

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Awesome news. I've got two boys- one nearly two, one seven months. They take a lot of time and effort but kids are amazing and I consider it an honour and a privilege to be a dad. More so now that they both sleep through the night regularly :D

Opportunities to play guitar at home will pretty much disappear overnight- you'll be too tired, or they'll sleep too lightly, or they'll want to play your guitar (my eldest is the worst for this). My wife is staying home to look after the kids so disposable income for gear has been very limited, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if you're prone to getting caught up in the gear carousel.

Make the most of the next few months while there's still just the two of you and Mrs OnWingsOfLead is still small enough to be mobile and active :thu:

Oh snap. Just re-read that. I meant you should take a holiday, go see a movie or whatever while you're able to, not the other thing. But that too :D

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Lol, we are planning a trip toward the end of October to just get away for a couple of days. We are usually pretty busy as I'm a full time guitar tech and a worship resident at my church. Shes a preschool teacher so we are usually running around. Also, with my wife being rather small to begin with (around 90lbs) I know that its gonna be pretty hard for her to get around once we get into the last trimester.

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Congrats! Savor every moment. Time is about to speed up in unimaginable ways.



No joke. Seems like yesterday my youngest boy was born. That little sucker is crawling around the floor, feeding himself and playing games with his big brother already. Hearing the two of them laughing together is the best sound in the world. Toan for dayzzzz.

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4 kids here,


kiss all your gear money goodbye at this point.


for my firstborns (twins) i sold my 1963 MGB that i fully restored, for my 3rd kid i sold 4 guitars, by the 4th kid i had nothing left to sell, so i did side jobs

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Man I can't wait for that. We just moved a couple months ago into a 3 bedroom house because we were wanting to start a family. I can't wait to have em crawling around or playing out in the backyard

Yeah, you'll soon discover dozens of health hazards you never knew were there :D

It's surprisingly easy to find yourself wishing their lives away though- it's so easy to come up with reasons to say "man, I can't wait for....". I miss the days when I could put my kids on the floor and walk away for a minute, knowing they'd be right where I left them when I came back. Now as soon as I turn my back they're across the floor and playing with the most expensive, fragile and precious thing in the room in seconds :D

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Wow, hadn't even thought of that yet. Lol, on the brightside the music room with mine and my wife's instruments can be locked. Other than that, we are dirt poor so we don't have too many valuables


Oh well, life's a journey and broken things can be fixed or replaced

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Wow, hadn't even thought of that yet. Lol, on the brightside the music room with mine and my wife's instruments can be locked. Other than that, we are dirt poor so we don't have too many valuables

Oh well, life's a journey and broken things can be fixed or replaced

That's probably the right attitude :D To be fair, babies don't move much for the first six months or so, and when they start they go pretty slowly, so you'll have plenty of time to think about it. Man, you're going to have so much fun :D

...and so little sleep :freak:

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