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The official why you hate HCAF thread


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Let's see because of HCAF.....

Started the Austin Ampfest that introduced me to some cool ass mother{censored}ers.

Bought my Concert after WOT came to the Ampfest. Shea cruised with me for a day of righteous jamming with WOT, then let me crash at his crib on the way back.

Ampfest 1.0 was such a hit, Weathered flew down to Texas to hang with the Austin crew for AF 2.0. He is definitely good people, and I wouldn't hesitate to hang out with him again.

Gotten various other great deals on products I might not have known existed.

STEEL KAGE has been a wealth of knowledge regarding pedal boards and he is helping my wife and I navigate NYC this Friday. He's even meeting us at the Airport to show us the shortcuts into the city.

I've also pissed off quite a few people, wasted copious amounts of "work time", and spent $$$$$ after finding out about new products here. :D

All in all, it is possible to gain something positive from this forum if you're not a complete douchebag. It seems the true Douchebags on this forum are the ones that hide behind their keyboards and only talk {censored}. :thu: I know I've been accused of being that guy but I'd have to say my track record speaks otherwise.

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Pros: Some really good metal musicians come here.


Cons: Backslapping cliques that have no talent/putdowns compared to the old guard clique.


No good jazz, blues, pop, alt, rock etc clips. Even the stoner/doom/psychedelic clips I am hearing are forced and by the numbers.


The general talent on these boards (be it funnehs, tone or skills) has gone down the tubes. So these days I will find myself more in MMA threads, or OT's because the On Topics are so fkn bland.


When it is good though it is VERY good. Black Neon Bob, Endtime, Enditol etc etc all have me humming tunes long after logging out.

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a lot of the great players, people who posted kickass clips, and people with honest helpful insight & information to offer people aren't around anymore

seriously, a few years ago i learned a lot on this board that helped my playing and recording/mixing skills tremendously

i'm also still pissed that we can't have spam threads anymore, because a lot of interesting gear discussions stemmed from those

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Political and Religious threads. Those are just two topics that shouldn't be discussed in public. People tend to have too many strange and personal feelings about them.



agree with this too. Religion and Politics are too personal and almost impossible for even those with the maximum of self control to avoid. The bad side effect is that it causes ill will between posters that otherwise get along. For instance, I abhor marshallnoise's political beliefs (not to mention the sheer number of his political posts) BUT, I like talking music/amps with him. Fortunately, we don't let that animosity spill over into other threads, whereas I've seen others do exactly that.


Mods are busy guys with day gigs like the rest of us, but if it were up to me religious and political discussions would immediately be moved or deleted.

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I hate all the young guys that think they're cool and own the forum. I won't list names, you guys know who they are.


Also hate how everyone uses stuff like "pwned", "fail", "teh" and the overuse of the smileys like crazy.


I act like a megadick here but probably wouldn't if there weren't a bunch of people with downsyndrome posting 90% of the threads.

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the teenage experts get annoying, especially when they try so hard to fit in..... seriously GO MAKE SOME REAL FRIENDS, play some sports!!!, leave HCAF to us older dudes who dont want to actually work while at our office


I setup all of the above (what I listed in my post) from the comfort of my office :lol:

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the teenage experts get annoying, especially when they try so hard to fit in..... seriously GO MAKE SOME REAL FRIENDS, play some sports!!!, leave HCAF to us older dudes who dont want to actually work while at our office

Little bitches :lol:

I love this place for flat out calling people cocksuckers myself :cop:

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I like the forum and talking about topics. I just hate when people want to argue for no reason. If you're debating a topic it's different. But people get on your spelling or if you post your myspace link they'll go look it up and if you look better than them they'll get offended and make fun of you. I like the mature people here who are fun. Can't stand the dudes who act like middle schoolers. We are grown ass people here yet most of these dudes have vaginas. Or I hate when you bring up a topic that ONE person don't want to talk about yet they participate in it anyway and talk about how the topic is stupid. Just don't type if you don't want to talk about it.

Here's a tip - slow down and breathe when you are typing.

Whenever I read one of your posts, it feels like I'm listening to a speed freak. ;)

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Little bitches

I love this place for flat out calling people cocksuckers myself

its definitely a good place for that:o

its also fun to make fun of the kids durring the day... since they are all at school, with their little lunchboxes, while teacher tells them about geography, and basic algebra.... how cute..... then they come on here at night and they can be all badass :rawk::lol:

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How people get offended when you say X amp sucks.

MkIV sucks and people getting pissy.



That is one of the biggest problems. Why do people get pissed about that? If I have an amp that people bag on, be it a bugera or a crate SS, what is the big deal? Who gives a {censored} what other people think about your amp, if you like it, roll with it? And then you get the people who fanboy certain amps, no one speaks out against them so as to appear if its a great amp, and if you arent careful, you might end up being suckered into buying one.


Take the vh140c for instance. People here worship that amp, so much so that I have seen them go for like $600 on ebay, which I know this forum had to have had an effect on it to go that retardedly high. I bought one a while back, stoked on the clips here and people thought they owned, etc. That amp sucked. Just about any tube amp will mop the floor with that grainy peice of {censored} IN MY OPINION. When the tiny terror came out, it was the same thing, BESTEST AMP IN TEH WORLD11!!!!1! Everyone said that {censored}ing thing was the {censored}. I went and tried one out with $ in pocket and it sucked. I have no idea what was so special about that amp.


Point is, without people popping into a thread or 2 and bursting the bubble of a pink-clouded minded group of people, everyone else who reads the thread probably think X amp owns.

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That is one of the biggest problems. Why do people get pissed about that? If I have an amp that people bag on, be it a bugera or a crate SS, what is the big deal? Who gives a {censored} what other people think about your amp, if you like it, roll with it? And then you get the people who fanboy certain amps, no one speaks out against them so as to appear if its a great amp, and if you arent careful, you might end up being suckered into buying one.

Part of the reason for this is if someone buys a popular high dollar amp of the month and doesn't like it, they will tell a story/avoid being critical about it so they can sell it to someone else on the forum (or greater internet at large). :p

Even after a previous owner sells said amp, they may avoid saying anything critical about it afterwords so current owners don't flame them for hurting their chances to dump their amps if they need to... :o

Partially kidding...lol

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Cause its always OT posts, i dont mind OT threads but theres a limit and its gone to far now. Too many kids aswell posting "wat", its not funny and not cool it just shows your lacking hairs in your pubic region.
































:facepalm: JK ;)




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