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Should I do it?


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I wouldn't.

If you like the JCA's why change. They're made by Soldano so u already have that vibe.

Also I'd rather have 3 amps than just one, never know when ur gonna need a back up .



JCA is NOT a SLO100 ....people tried to hype that {censored} to boost JCA sales.Play them side by side.

Now every noob on every message board " I can't afford a SLO i'll get the JCA its the same circuit or close enough" , If anything it sounds more like an Avenger.

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JCA is NOT a SLO100 ....people tried to hype that {censored} to boost JCA sales.Play them side by side.

Now every noob on every message board " I can't afford a SLO i'll get the JCA its the same circuit or close enough" , If anything it sounds more like an Avenger.



Yeah, only noobs think the JCA is a SLO clone. Everyone knows that the 5150 is the only true SLO clone out there. Only the 5150 though, not the 6505. Totally different amps.

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lolwat... I'm making the $500 JCA work really well for me. Actually, it's working so well I wonder if it's even worth to spend more money on gear. Must be me, not the amp

I have no questions whether or not I can "make the SLO work". The question is if it's worth the upgrade since I am really happy with my tone at the moment.

You misunderstood me.

I meant that if you decide that you want to go for the SLO (which IMO is far from a terrible idea :thu: )

Then at least you will be able to basically remove the amp as a variable if you do not like the tones you are getting from it sort of thing. It's a grail amp is what I was getting at. Therefore its like if you have a bad tone day, you then kinda say, well, it's not the amp!! :)

I wasn't having a dig...

I guess until you have one, you'll always be wondering about one.

Having said that, the grass isn't always greener.


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JCA is NOT a SLO100 ....people tried to hype that {censored} to boost JCA sales.Play them side by side.

Now every noob on every message board " I can't afford a SLO i'll get the JCA its the same circuit or close enough" , If anything it sounds more like an Avenger.


Nobody on this thread said the JCA sounds like a SLO. :rolleyes: We said it sounds like a Soldano, and it does. Specifically, the HR100+.

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Nobody on this thread said the JCA sounds like a SLO.
They said it sounds like a Soldano, and it does. Specifically, the HR100+.

I was'nt talking this thread in specific, its all over the net, im sure youve seen it many times..i have.
and that really was'nt directed at lenster.

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I was'nt talking this thread in specific, its all over the net, im sure youve seen it many times..i have.



This is the most recent in a long line of "poor man's SLOs". What was that Yamaha that Mike Soldano designed? I haven't even heard them mentioned since the JCAs came out.

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This is the most recent in a long line of "poor man's SLOs". What was that Yamaha that Mike Soldano designed? I haven't even heard them mentioned since the JCAs came out.



Anytime soldano helps design a circuit for anyone people want to compare it to the SLO or claim its close...lol

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Anytime soldano helps design a circuit for anyone people want to compare it to the SLO or claim its close...lol


yeah, but he didn't "help" on the jet citys. the JCA100 is a hot rod+, period. the circuit difference between a HR+ and an SLO is minimal.


oh, and IB4 ZOMG deyoung transformers. :facepalm:

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That makes sense for mike to take an existing amp put it in a different chassis and undercut his own sales .

The circuit may be close to a HR and built in china with cheaper parts , but it's not the SAME amp .


HR100 has separate PCBs for preamp and power, JCA100H is integrated to a single PCB.

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That makes sense for mike to take an existing amp put it in a different chassis and undercut his own sales .

The circuit may be close to a HR and built in china with cheaper parts , but it's not the SAME amp .



It's the same amp, not close. Cheaper parts but still quality parts. My JCAs are issue free. He's not undercutting his own sales, he's an owner at JCA so JCA sales are his own sales. Last I spoke with Mike he said he's very happy with JCA because he can focus on design only and have the other guys take care of production, distribution etc... while at Soldano he has to do everything, so don't be surprised if he brings more of his product line into the JCA line.


But the JCA and the HR are essentially the same amp, that's according to Mike himself and every tech who had the chance to compare both. Tone-wise they are identical too.

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This is the most recent in a long line of "poor man's SLOs". What was that Yamaha that Mike Soldano designed? I haven't even heard them mentioned since the JCAs came out.


Guess what I sold before getting my JCA? :lol:


Oh, and it's the Yamaha T50/T100 amps you are thinking about.

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Guess what I sold before getting my JCA?

Oh, and it's the Yamaha T50/T100 amps you are thinking about.


Yup, those are the ones. I liked how you could just unscrew the headshell and rackmount the whole amp.

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Before you throw down your hard earned benjamins, might I suggest trying a Soldano Decatone.

I used to have one in between owning 2 SLOs and I really dug the Decatone after I loaded it with

KT66 power tubes.



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a possibility. I may just hit you up and send one of my JCAs your way


that would be cool, but the differences are so minor that you could probably do it yourself. if you need a hand with that, let me know. :thu:

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