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Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous

Tommy Horrible

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Learn how to shoot a gun safely, stock up on food supplies, get in shape, learn how to make a fire from nothing, learn to hunt, etc...sooner or later the {censored} has to hit the fan. I'm not trying to sound like a paranoid {censored}pan, I just believe that the above mentioned things will help you out more in the long run than scrutinizing which {censored}ed up politician you should vote for...voting has become another form of control. People think they are making a difference by voting...it's beyond repair.

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Who {censored}ing cares? I'm betting the USofA will sink so low in the next ten years that the American standard of living will be equal to Somalia's standard of living today.



What in the world gives you the idea that the worlds largest economy is going to shrink to that of a war torn African country? The stock market being at near record high even after that massive correction we had a couple years ago? The insane amount of new manufacturing jobs that have been created here in America in the last couple years?

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What in the world gives you the idea that the worlds largest economy is going to shrink to that of a war torn African country? The stock market being at near record high even after that massive correction we had a couple years ago? The insane amount of new manufacturing jobs that have been created here in America in the last couple years?



Isn't he the same guy who rambled about Bugera's quick demo of their amps calling it the worst of all time...yeah..he doesn't do well with facts and logic.

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A statistic came out after the McVeigh bombing. 1 in every 4 members of known white supremacist groups in America is an FBI informant.


Anonymous aren't the PC police. This sounds like baloney to me.



We put extra effort in ruining the life of A3P webmaster Jamie Kelso. On top of

being on the board of directors of A3P, former $cientologist, and high ranking

Ron Paul organizer, he also is the account owner of german nazi forums and store nsl-forum.org, rhs-versand.com. We went ahead and wiped those websites off the internet as well, dumping private messages and order information. Aside from us releasing his information such as his social security number, address, resume and private discussions, we also heard some folks went on a joyride with Kelso

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I just read the e-mails. He's a big talker, but a total liar.



Almost one year ago to the day...



From the campaign:



"I actually came across this when looking for the water fountain (you can see me briefly in the background at the thirteen-minute mark), but Eddie Becker caught the whole conversation as white nationalist Jamie Kelso attempted to recruit at CPAC. A group of young attendees, and a few older conservatives as well, at first politely rebuff Kelso

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What in the world gives you the idea that the worlds largest economy is going to shrink to that of a war torn African country? The stock market being at near record high even after that massive correction we had a couple years ago? The insane amount of new manufacturing jobs that have been created here in America in the last couple years?



Wow talk about a spin/PR quote --- "insane amount of new jobs"? really? :confused:



It sounds like your doing great (good for you) but do you realize we need to have about 150,000 ADDED NEW every month jobs to keep pace for a growing economy. so a month of 30,000 or 90,000 jobs produced in a month are NOT keeping pace and not enough for a growing economy



Ive always said Ron Paul is a cross between a genius and uncle fester -- Guy says some great things, has some legit good ideas, is informing people about the constitution and states rights and big govt, stopping wars, overspending, etc, etc and then says some of the goofiest/careless {censored} around





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