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Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous

Tommy Horrible

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The race baiters are the most divisive group in this country. I'm not sure if this is on purpose, it certainly seems so.


I just get tired of hearing it. Because of them, racism isn't even a topic anymore. If someone told me about something racist, I wouldn't even care. That's how watered down the term is.

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Of course the right wing leaning element of the site will immediately come in here and deny what makes up a not so minor component of that political faction.

Sure, the Tea Party isn't filled with hypocritical economically informed citizens feigning concern the second an African American enters the White House



Nice try, but you exposed your own prejudices......deflection denied!

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Of course the right wing leaning element of the site will immediately come in here and deny what makes up a not so minor component of that political faction.

Sure, the Tea Party isn't filled with hypocritical economically informed citizens feigning concern the second an African American enters the White House




Location: Boston


{censored}s: None given


Opinion: Does not matter


Course of action: STFU

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Of course the right wing leaning element of the site will immediately come in here and deny what makes up a not so minor component of that political faction.

Sure, the Tea Party isn't filled with hypocritical economically informed citizens feigning concern the second an African American enters the White House


Did you know the "racist" ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG tea party nominated about a dozen or so minorities acorss the country in 2010?... blacks, hispancs, female, indian nominees? (of course some won and some lost) --- Seriously do u know that? :confused:

Of course not, you have a certain narrative and agenda and dont want facts to get in the way and the mainstream media does that as well


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The e-mails consist of messages from Kelso to fanbois. There's absolutely no correspondence to anyone at the Paul campaign.

To: Alexander

Hamilton (simongr81@aol.com)

From: Jamie Kelso (24.7keyboard@gmail.com)

Text: Hello Alexander, Hey, great posting. Imbar just called me and

he likes your stuff too. Imbar is Ron Paul

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I don't vote Republican because of their economic policies, their every so hypocritical stances on "big government", and their lack of concern for the lower/middle class. What I perceive from many as covert racism from a section of the right, really has nothing to do with it. I don't judge all right wingers as racist, but there's certainly a great many of them that I've met/know who certainly fall into that category.


You can paint me as you wish, but please stop acting like this doesn't exist.

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My girlfriend and I are outta this {censored}hole as soon as we have kids.

That farmhouse her grandpa left for her in Sweden is lookin' real good. Plus, the old woman next door brings me candies.


Brb not getting shot for my jacket

Brb kids can read

Brb people speak English better than here

Brb I'm buying a moped

Brb no one makes fun of my man purse there

Feels good man, feels real good.

Pretty much my course of action, too. Just gonna GTFO as soon as I can. And it's not the government or the big corporations or whatever else. It's the {censored}ing people. Headsupourownasses.

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So basically you don't like Hernan Cain because you're a racist. A bigoted racist.


Got it. :thu:




I don't vote Republican because of their economic policies, their every so hypocritical stances on "big government", and their lack of concern for the lower/middle class. What I perceive from many as covert racism from a section of the right, really has nothing to do with it. I don't judge all right wingers as racist, but there's certainly a great many of them that I've met/know who certainly fall into that category.

You can paint me as you wish, but please stop acting like this doesn't exist.

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Of course the right wing leaning element of the site will immediately come in here and deny what makes up a not so minor component of that political faction.

Sure, the Tea Party isn't filled with hypocritical economically informed citizens feigning concern the second an African American enters the White House





I LOVE it!!! The biggest bigot in the thread is the liberal sycophant, what are the odds?! :o

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I don't vote Republican because of their economic policies, their every so hypocritical stances on "big government", and their lack of concern for the lower/middle class. What I perceive from many as covert racism from a section of the right, really has nothing to do with it. I don't judge all right wingers as racist, but there's certainly a great many of them that I've met/know who certainly fall into that category.

You can paint me as you wish, but please stop acting like this doesn't exist.

Dude your all over the place --- You came in "bombthrowing" on a civil discussion with your comment, you got called on it, and then was given some factual content and now your backpeddling and all over the place

Yes there are racists and bigots on the right, on the left and in the center -- people do it even with people of their own kind TODAY, northern Italians with southern Italians, darker Carribean people vs lighter, Irish and dark Irish, etc, etc --- its a GLOBAL thing that has occured for hundreds/thousands of years

its NOT a Republican tea party exclusive, that your desperately trying to convey, far from it, nice try


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Pretty much my course of action, too. Just gonna GTFO as soon as I can. And it's not the government or the big corporations or whatever else. It's the {censored}ing people. Headsupourownasses.



I'm over the people as well. People here go full ruhtard on the daily bro.

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He spoke to a racist group via phone and that makes him as good as a member? I'm not a Ron Paul supporter, but that's a total logic fail. I really wish the FBI would find each and every one of these Anonymous turds and flush them via .50 BMG.




They might actually be an FBI informant (ie Hal Turner).

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I have a African American friend


charlize theron is my favorite african american

i don't know any black people from africa


also barry is part black part white and chooses to change his race on a daily basis


even if this story were true it'd still be :bor:


im calling al sharpton

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Dude your all over the place --- You came in "bombthrowing" on a civil discussion with your comment, you got called on it, and then was given some factual content and now your backpeddling and all over the place

Yes there are racists and bigots on the right, on the left and in the center -- people do it even with people of their own kind TODAY, northern Italians with southern Italians, darker Carribean people vs lighter, Irish and dark Irish, etc, etc --- its a GLOBAL thing that has occured for hundreds/thousands of years

its NOT a Republican tea party exclusive, that your desperately trying to convey, far from it, nice try



my initial comment was really just a sarcastic troll post, but really (if the article is even true), I wouldn't be all that surprised (though I do think Newt has some nasty opinions in his head)


I know there's assholes everywhere

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charlize theron is my favorite african american

i don't know any black people from africa

also barry is part black part white and chooses to change his race on a daily basis

even if this story were true it'd still be

im calling al sharpton





I demand to from this point forth be recognized by my full racial designation of "Cajun/Irish/German-American". :o

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I'm not the biggest fan of the liberal playbook either, or the Obama administration

Like I said, you all got really upset and defensive over a troll post....interesting



Also equally hilarious is (even though you've adopted this viewpoint in basically every political thread you've entered) the way you try to play off being outed as a lib bigot as "trolling". :o


Dude, you are on {censored}ing FIRE with lulz today!!! :lol:

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