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Major Mojo Needed


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My girlfriend and I are going through just about the worst situation I've ever been in right now. Any mojo you guys could send would be appreciated.


On friday, Ari got at call from her parents around 3 pm that her younger sister had gone on a jog, and hadn't been heard from since. Ari went over to join them. About an hour later, people started sharing her photo on facebook to get the word out, so myself, my roommate, and Ari's best friend drove over to help with the search.


When I got there, Ari was hysterical, as they had found her glasses on the side of the road where she had been jogging. About an hour after that, Ari's dad and a sheriff came to the house and called the family inside. Ari came out and gave me the most devasting news I've ever had to take. Her sister had been hit with a car, and killed while jogging. The driver who is in custody, moved her body to a field and went home like nothing had happened.


Now her funeral is set for wednesday. She just graduated from highschool last sunday. I just saw her at her graduation party saturday. Ari had been home the night before for family pictures and her brother's birthday dinner.


I just don't know what to do or say to help her through this. What does one do in this situation? What can one do? Ari has been at her family's house since Friday, and I've been over every day to be with them. She was best friends with her sister, and this is just destroying her. I just don't know what to do. Thanks for letting me share this. I just have kinda needed to vent all of this.

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Mojo and prayers to you and your GF's family! Had a very similar thing happen to a good friend in HS (except at least in that instance the driver wasn't a soulless bastard and called the cops himself.)


What a horrible thing to have happen. :(

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this will take years of healing. I will tell you from experience that you will get frustrated at some point, but ALWAYS keep in mind of what happened and show grace to her in however she finds a way to cope with this tragedy


That is just a horrible story. My heart goes out to you, her and her family :(


I will keep all of you in my prayers

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Prayers and mojo sent. Words cannot express your girlfriend's loss. Be a comforting shoulder for her to lean on. She will need it.


Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

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