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Spent my first night in jail this weekend


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Yes, Neil. You're a shining example of humanity. Thanks for reminding us.



And you are a complete dumbass who drinks and drives. What a {censored}ing loser. No care if you kill others, maybe next time you will die with a bit of luck without killing others.

And there will be a next time, there always is with twats like you.

You really are the knob cheese on the helmet of humanity.

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To be perfectly frank, you say you understand the severity of what you did and the possible consequences, yet you are trying to beat some charges and getting defensive of your actions here. To a lot of people that is going to say that you really haven't learned your lesson, in that you are trying to get out of consequences of your actions. I hope for your safety, and more importantly the safety of others, that they are wrong.

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And you are a complete dumbass who drinks and drives. What a {censored}ing loser. No care if you kill others, maybe next time you will die with a bit of luck without killing others.

And there will be a next time, there always is with twats like you.

You really are the knob cheese on the helmet of humanity.



And you're a self important prick who thinks waaay too much of his own opinions. Just because a couple people on the forum like you, doesn't mean you amount to {censored}. Anyone who can sum me up so indefinitely and wish death on me, lump me in with every drunk you've seen on Cops, is a stand up guy....obviously. You're no better than me. But hey, at least I realize my flaws and I'm trying to change them. You wear yours like a badge of honor.

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To be perfectly frank, you say you understand the severity of what you did and the possible consequences, yet you are trying to beat some charges and getting defensive of your actions here. To a lot of people that is going to say you really haven't learned your lesson, in that you are trying to get out of consequences of your actions. I hope for your safety, and more importantly the safety of others, that they are wrong.



Rest assured, they are.

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And you're a self important prick who thinks waaay too much of his own opinions. Just because a couple people on the forum like you, doesn't mean you amount to {censored}. Anyone who can sum me up so indefinitely and wish death on me, lump me in with every drunk you've seen on Cops, is a stand up guy....obviously. You're no better than me. But hey, at least I realize my flaws and I'm trying to change them. You wear yours like a badge of honor.



Knob cheese

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I've always tried to be one of the more positive people on the forum, but even you guys can turn ME into an asshole. And believe it or not, if you met me in real life you'd think I was one of the nicest guys out there. I always have good intentions. But this place has just become a cesspool of negativity over the years. It doesn't matter what topic, who started it, what time, it always descends into bitter squabbling and {censored} slinging. Because you thrive on it. Of course there are some exceptions, but for the most part- you guys, and this forum, are {censored}ed.

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I've always tried to be one of the more positive people on the forum, but even you guys can turn ME into an asshole. And believe it or not, if you met me in real life you'd think I was one of the nicest guys out there. I always have good intentions. But this place has just become a cesspool of negativity over the years. It doesn't matter what topic, who started it, what time, it always descends into bitter squabbling and {censored} slinging. Because you thrive on it. Of course there are some exceptions, but for the most part- you guys, and this forum, are {censored}ed.



Then GTFO and go wrap another car around a tree. You are being a complete asshole. Nobody here likes you, you are perfect, we are all negative, so just do everyone a favor and leave.

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Chris, I'm not even reading your asinine posts anymore. As soon as I see your name I keep scrolling. Just so you know you're wasting your time.



So in other words, the truth is still harder to swallow than that bottle of whiskey. Obviously you are on the road to recovery........err not.

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so people who talk {censored} on the internet should get their asses kicked "for good measure" and people who crash their trucks into a tree for driving drunk should receive inspiration and empathy?

Come on man. If you had 2 beers and got pulled over and got screwed for being a little buzzed I think people would be a lot more understanding. But that's not what happened. You drank until you blacked out, destroyed property, got in a fight and wrecked your truck into a tree. I think the problem is a lot of people will read this this and think it could have been his wife, gf or child on the other end of your truck instead of the tree.

I hope you realize the seriousness of what you have done and understand why people are not exactly going be nice about this kind of irresponsible act. Be glad you did not murder anyone this time and realize that what your actions were a horrible threat to society and will be looked upon as such. Also understand that all alcoholics say they going to change when they get busted and most of them don't, so it's just normal that people are not giving you much credit at this point. Right now, you still have a lot to prove to society and most importantly, to yourself. Do what you have to do to get better, then come back and post about your sobriety anniversary, I am sure people will be a lot more supportive at that point than right now.



This. 100%

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My Best Friend was killed by a drunk driver June 4th of 1991 and it completely changed my life. I would show you a little compassion but at the same time i just don't know you or give a {censored} about you enough to care either way.

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And believe it or not, if you met me in real life you'd think I was one of the nicest guys out there. I always have good intentions.



Yeah, until you get a few drinks in you, start some fights, get in the truck and go put innocent people's lives at risk. Plenty of great intentions there; just a shame you had to wind up in jail for it and those good deeds will have to come to an end.

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No, people who tell me i should've died in the crash after reading a couple of paragraphs deserve a big reality check, because they obviously haven't had much experience with life or death.
I understand the severity of my actions better than anyone here
, and I do a good enough job of beating myself up about it without the help of the Witchburners' Legion. In a way I'm glad this wreck happened because it was the smack in the face I needed to get me sober. I will get better, not because I need to prove anything to society or myself, but because it's what I have to do to keep someone innocent from getting killed. End of story. Now I'm gonna slip on out of this {censored}fest, you guys can keep squabbling amongst yourselves.

I'm not so sure you do, that is a pretty big claim!:idk:

Good luck with your recovery and life change- I suppose it's a good thing you got your wakeup call when you did before it was too late. People just want you to know that it easily could've been too late the first time- and you obviously didn't care enough to think beyond that moment each time!

I'm no "Forum Superstar", but for what it's worth you came off as quite a prick with this thread. The "LOL" after Chris speaks of death as a result of DUI really sticks out.

Finally, why do you think everyone lives in their parents basement? WTF? is this like the cheater accusing their spouse of cheating?

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You know how I know you're an alcoholic who most likely will resume drinking?

You're in denial.......... Just look at you go man and i'm not trying to rile you up or anything but as a recovering alkie myself the one thing we always do is try to make {censored} seem not as bad as they ACTUALLY ARE and constantly be in denial about {censored}.

Good luck to you trying to stay off the booze, it's a very veryyyyyyyy hard road but not impossible.

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It baffles me that grown men can't handle their {censored} when they drink to this extent, I haven't gotten drunk like that since I was like 16. Aside from the car accident nothing you described sounded like anything but a good time imo though lol.

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No, people who tell me i should've died in the crash after reading a couple of paragraphs deserve a big reality check, because they obviously haven't had much experience with life or death. I understand the severity of my actions better than anyone here, and I do a good enough job of beating myself up about it without the help of the Witchburners' Legion. In a way I'm glad this wreck happened because it was the smack in the face I needed to get me sober. I will get better, not because I need to prove anything to society or myself, but because it's what I have to do to keep someone innocent from getting killed. End of story. Now I'm gonna slip on out of this {censored}fest, you guys can keep squabbling amongst yourselves.



You sound like a raging addict. Sorry to say. I know several recovering addicts and none of them have the arrogance you show in your posts. First step to recovery is to humble yourself and understand that people are not out to get you when they call you a failure, they are just calling a spade a spade.


I like how you seem to think you have everything under control: "hey I will beat the ticket, get a hardship license, ride my motorcycle and never drink again, learned my lesson" That easy huh? Except that if you had anything under control your truck wouldn't end up in a tree in the first place. You said you have no control when you're drinking, but the reality is you have no self-control, period. You should be the last one to say other people need a reality check.

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Soundstorm. Well that's a name that comes from the wrong side of the track, isn't it? You can see it all now. A youth spent in and out of corrective institutions, a string of illegitimate children. The wife we be all white shoes, no tights, and blotchy legs. He has to take up petty crime to cover court orders for child support. Before he knows it he's standing in a bank with a sawn-off shotgun. Somehow it goes off. An old lady gets both barrels through a crocheted bobbly hat. All he can do is hide. But where? And then it hits him. With all his ill-gotten gains he can buy himself a new identity and a new life. But his old ways catch up with him. Too many drunken nights and too many arrests. A detective investigating his bank job gets a hot tip and the ruse is up. And so it ends, the ballad of Sound "Granny Killer" Storm.

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You sound like a raging addict. Sorry to say. I know several recovering addicts and none of them have the arrogance you show in your posts. First step to recovery is to humble yourself and understand that people are not out to get you when they call you a failure, they are just calling a spade a spade.

I like how you seem to think you have everything under control:
"hey I will beat the ticket, get a hardship license, ride my motorcycle and never drink again, learned my lesson"
That easy huh? Except that if you had anything under control your truck wouldn't end up in a tree in the first place. You said you have no control when you're drinking, but the reality is you have no self-control, period. You should be the last one to say other people need a reality check.



I disagree with most of this. Some people just need a reality check. I know someone that got a DUI (no accident, just pulled over etc). He has been sober for 15 years... just sayin

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