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Spent my first night in jail this weekend


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Soundstorm. Well that's a name that comes from the wrong side of the track, isn't it? You can see it all now. A youth spent in and out of corrective institutions, a string of illegitimate children. The wife we be all white shoes, no tights, and blotchy legs. He has to take up petty crime to cover court orders for child support. Before he knows it he's standing in a bank with a sawn-off shotgun. Somehow it goes off. An old lady gets both barrels through a crocheted bobbly hat. All he can do is hide. But where? And then it hits him. With all his ill-gotten gains he can buy himself a new identity and a new life. But his old ways catch up with him. Too many drunken nights and too many arrests. A detective investigating his bank job gets a hot tip and the ruse is up. And so it ends, the ballad of Sound "Granny Killer" Storm.


Thanks, I needed that :lol:

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Quick question: Where did the tree come from?? Everyone keeps saying I hit a tree. :confused:


There's so much to respond to, I can't quote it all. First, I wasn't laughing at Chris when he mentioned death as a result of a DUI, I was laughing at the viciousness of his post....wishing death on me and whatnot, from a guy I've never met.


Guitarbilly, I wouldn't say I'm a raging addict. I'll go weeks without drinking or taking anything, but what I do is what's similar to what Dan described. Sometimes when I drink, I have a couple and I'm well behaved, sometimes I'm off the charts and in two hours I'm on autopilot. The guy that got in the truck to drive, or started the fight wasn't me....It's like being possessed. Now, I'm not shirking my responsibility. I should've made sure I had a way out, or a ride out of there, but the stuff just turns me into a {censored}ing maniac sometimes. But any way, after the other addictions I've beaten, alcohol won't be nearly as hard. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but I've been through my battles and know roughly what to expect. When I set my mind to quitting something, I quit. It doesn't take several tries. But it's all over now, and I've partied enough for three lifetimes. I wonder what I'm gonna do with all this extra time and money :lol:

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You sound like a raging addict. Sorry to say. I know several recovering addicts and none of them have the arrogance you show in your posts. First step to recovery is to humble yourself and understand that people are not out to get you when they call you a failure, they are just calling a spade a spade.

I like how you seem to think you have everything under control:
"hey I will beat the ticket, get a hardship license, ride my motorcycle and never drink again, learned my lesson"
That easy huh? Except that if you had anything under control your truck wouldn't end up in a tree in the first place. You said you have no control when you're drinking, but the reality is you have no self-control, period. You should be the last one to say other people need a reality check.



Billy, they're not calling me a failure....they're saying I should've died in the wreck. Re-read all those posts and tell me you wouldn't get a little offended!!

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I've spent many drunken nights in jail, been sober for a little over 6 months :thu: Good luck


EDIT: Just read through the whole thread, and if you think you're going to stay sober purely on will power...you're in for a rude awakening. There's a reason AA is so widespread, it's because it works. I would not be sober right now if it wasn't for AA. If you are a TRUE addict like me (only YOU can make that decision), in that you are powerless over drugs and any mind altering substance, then you have a disease that only a spiritual experience can heal. I thought I could beat it on my own, just like you, and that only lead to prolonged suffering and illness, as well as more consequences and unmanageability. You'll be ready when you're ready, eventually you will be so desperate and beaten down that you will be willing to try ANYTHING to make a change, much like I was. But from what I've read, you certainly have not reached that point. Post back here in a few months when you relapse

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I've spent many drunken nights in jail, been sober for a little over 6 months
Good luck

EDIT: Just read through the whole thread, and if you think you're going to stay sober purely on will power...you're in for a rude awakening. There's a reason AA is so widespread, it's because it works. I would not be sober right now if it wasn't for AA. If you are a TRUE addict like me (only YOU can make that decision), in that you are powerless over drugs and any mind altering substance, then you have a disease that only a spiritual experience can heal. I thought I could beat it on my own, just like you, and that only lead to prolonged suffering and illness, as well as more consequences and unmanageability. You'll be ready when you're ready, eventually you will be so desperate and beaten down that you will be willing to try ANYTHING to make a change, much like I was. But from what I've read, you certainly have not reached that point. Post back here in a few months when you relapse


Gee, thanks for the confidence in my impending relapse.


Like I said before, I don't believe AA is the only way. I know people that have changed without having to join AA, admit they're powerless, accept god into their lives (i'm an atheist btw), and so on and so forth. My aunt's been in it for over 20 years, and everyone in AA that talks to me says the same catchphrases. It just reminds me of a cult, no offense intended. At least the people there are sober. But I'm not a spiritual person. I believe that people can change when they truly want to change and will themselves to do it.


I've told a few of my close friends that I'm given up the booze and they've all been very supportive of it. We all knew it was coming sooner or later. The only time I lose my strong will power is when I touch the drink. If I don't touch it, I'll stay strong. And I won't have a group of friends trying to pressure me into it. They're all good people. I look forward to proving you wrong, Beasleyboy.


Edit: And congrats on your sobriety, man.

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You're a selfish piece of {censored} for more reasons than I feel like typing




Glad you realized this and you are making a positive change, stay strong brother. Don't bother looking back at what you've done, you're not going the opposite direction now.

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Quick question: Where did the tree come from?? Everyone keeps saying I hit a tree.

There's so much to respond to, I can't quote it all. First, I wasn't laughing at Chris when he mentioned death as a result of a DUI, I was laughing at the viciousness of his post....wishing death on me and whatnot, from a guy I've never met

Ok dick head. Please show me where in any part of my post I wished death on you? If I did I humbly appologies as it is not my wish at all and not in my nature to do so.

If I did not, then how about you appoligies?

And if you could possibly stop being a self centred idiot for one second and read that TWO of my family members were meaninglessly killed by drunk drivers. That's right, they are dead and leave behind family, friends and love ones all because someone wanted to party. Now tell me, am I really being viciousness or am I reacting in the manner you would expect from someone who has experienced this?

There are two things that are quite obvious in your postings. 1, it's obvious you do not infact have a drinking problem at all. What you do have is an attention seeking problem. I don't doubt that what you said happened did happen but it's quite obvious that it is just an attention seeking excersize.

Which leads to the other thing. It's usually the case attention problems like this a started in childhood. So your parents were obviously quite terrible but the most disturbing fact is it is very obvious that you have sucked a dick. I'm not saying you didn't want to and I'm not mentioning your father. But you have sucked a dick.

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