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Anyone else greatly dislike brian may?


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You see, there are two kinds of people.....

----------------------------------Type 1--------------Type 2----------

Likes Queen because of----------Brian May-------Freddie Mercury
Likes Led Zeppelin because of---Jimmy Page-------Robert Plant

Type Definition--------------------Men-------------Women

Glad to help.




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You see, there are two kinds of people.....

----------------------------------Type 1--------------Type 2----------

Likes Queen because of----------
Brian May
Freddie Mercury

Likes Led Zeppelin because of---
Jimmy Page
Robert Plant

Type Definition--------------------

Glad to help.




I see where you are going with this and it might be true to some extent, except for the women liking queen for freddie mercury part.

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For the record, I am young, only 23 - but I am not just a metal loving' classic rock hater, I like Gilmore and Knopfler a lot, and Billy Gibbons is one of my favorites, who I actually got to go see live, as well as brian setzer, and alex lifeson - Perhaps his hair is a bigger part of my dislike for brian may than it should be - but rockstars are supposed to be judged on their image; those that fail that test don't get to be rockstars.

sorry if anyone thinks I am insensible; I just wanted to see if anyone else shared my opinion; which is apparently wrong.

For the record, I was not drunk when I made the original post.

I wish you had seen Queen Live back in 77 from the right in front of the stage like I did . One of the greatest concerts I have ever seen .:)

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I will agree about Brian's hair; my god if it was died white he would look like he came straight out of the British Parliament in the 1700's or something.

But the idea that he isn't a good player or atleast entertaining is obviously nothing more than an opinion. I disagree wholeheartedly about anything negative about him in regards to his playing. He is not the flashiest player in the world and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is not easy to learn all the tricks and shtick, but it can be done with a lot of practice. But to be able to work within the song and contribute to it as the end product is a lot of times harder and more impressive to me.

The guy built his own guitar out of a fireplace mantle, some plastic shelves, a few motorcycle parts, a knife and a knitting needle. That guitar has lasted over 40 years and recorded hundreds of songs and lived through hundreds of concerts. He created a sound that is completely unique which in itself is no small feat. Hell, EVH did a lot of the same type of things, but he bought off the shelf {censored} and through it together, Brian started with a chunk of wood.

Brian May is like Hendrix in the area of lovers and haters. I don't know many people that aren't on one side or the other (atleast not players). I personally think that he has a great understanding of music, has great tone and plays very tastefully without feeling that he has to impress someone with silliness.

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Hey Arkay, I think I just found the next forum member that's going to make it onto my ignore list. What says you? Should I nix this chump?


Naaahhhh.. He is entitled to his opinion of course. :) Brian isn't particularly fond of his hair either TBH.

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Naaahhhh.. He is entitled to his opinion of course.
Brian isn't particularly fond of his hair either TBH.

:D Now if this guy had started a thread about why he didn't like Cobain (or Zakk Wilde or any of the other douche bags) because of his stringy hair ... well, that would be a different story. ;)

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Now if this guy had started a thread about why he didn't like Cobain (or Zakk Wilde or any of the other douche bags) because of his stringy hair ... well, that would be a different story.


I don't know man, I don't like those kind of threads in general. :) I come here for the fun and not for dissing people, bands or whatever :idk:

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Do you play better than Brian May?



I'm gonna have to disagree with you here, Doc.


One has nothing to do with the other. I think music is a matter of taste. There's a difference between a guitarist's skillset, and whether i like his music or not.


The OP did not say "I dont think Brian May is a good player", he said "i don't like BM."


I have to admit that I am not a big Queen fan. Their music does absolutely nothing for me. Does that mean I don't think May is a good player? Of course not.


Other bands I don't like and never find myself listening to, that would send people here in a tizzy: Led Zeppelin (i get tired of Robert Plant's vocal style after about 15 seconds) and The Who.


Does that mean those guys can't play the guitar? Of course not.

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I don't like his playing and I don't like anything about Queen, although I have to give them credit for being original and skilled.


I was once in a guitar shop and there was a guy with a British accent being treated like he was a bigshot by the staff. I didn't recognize him, so asked who he was. I was told that it was Brian May. His hair was quite short so apparently he didn't wear his wig when he wanted to be unnoticed.

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I just don't like this guy. Probably the goofy lookin' hair. Also, I am rarely impressed with his guitar playing - ESPECIALLY the youtube clips people are always posting on the forums. Freddy Mercury was the best part of queen, IMO.

I personally do not like Brian May, and I really do not like Queen. The "Brian May Special" is one of the ugliest guitars I've ever seen. So, no...I'm not a fan of him at all...and he needs a haircut. :poke::cop:

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Well, this is a guitar forum and we're all players (I hope), so I would think that we'd be impressed with ANY PLAYER who has better skills than we do, no matter what genre. That's what separates a professional from an amateur. A professional recognizes that they can learn from just about anyone.



I'd add that any self-secure, mature, open minded individual would do the same.

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