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Am I losing my mind?

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You only live once and you can't take it with you. If the $$$ outlay isn't going to significantly decrease your lifestyle and you want it.....go for it. (when--a long time ago--I was a young man, I had a Datsun 240Z..... nice ride... enjoy!!)

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I very much know how it feels to hanker after something you've always wanted since you were a kid....


Since I was a kid, I wanted a Fab Fifties, kidney-shaped coffee-table with 3 cone-style legs. Why? I dunno. I just thought it was kewl.


Last year-- at age 45-- I had a little cash... and spied a real vintage one on eBay. It was pricey, and I had no business buying it. But I did, and now I've got one, dammit! :lol: And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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I always wanted a Victrola. Since I was a kid and saw the RCA pic. I got one 3 or 4 years ago. I love it, even after the spring broke and it doesn't play records anymore (gotta fix). But I love it. It's a personal thing. Sometimes when I'm reading I look cross the room at it and think... that' cool!


Buy the vette.

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Hmmm, you're 52 and suddenly want a sports car.


Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis are said to have some of these feelings:

- search of an undefined dream or goal

- a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished

- desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness

- need to spend more time alone or with certain peers



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Hmmm, you're 52 and suddenly want a sports car.

Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis are said to have some of these feelings:

- search of an undefined dream or goal

- a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished

- desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness

- need to spend more time alone or with certain peers


I`m turning 35 in 2 weeks and I have had those urges for the last 5 years!:confused:

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Hmmm, you're 52 and suddenly want a sports car.

Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis are said to have some of these feelings:

- search of an undefined dream or goal

- a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished

- desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness

- need to spend more time alone or with certain peers



I have been test driving vettes on and off for the past 5 years. 3 out of 9 of the vehicles I have driven in the past 25 years had standard transmissions.



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Just flat out go for it Dan. Grab your wife and that vette and go cruise along a curvy highway. Never mind any na-sayers. Money is simply a method of barter, a way for all of us in each of our respective fields to trade our goods and services for the things we want and yes, even some damn stuff we need. So barter away.

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If you buy it and are in love with it you obviously won't regret it.


If you buy it and find that the wanting was sweeter than the having, just take your time and sell it for as much or more than you bought it for.


If you buy it and feel guilty for indulging yourself, then you're probably past due for a little loosening up and letting the wind blow through your hair out on the open road.


nat whilk ii

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to each his own my friend... if I had that kind of money lying around, I wouldn`t spend it on something that goes down in value!



Well let me see. Real Estate USED TO be a good investment doubling every 10 years in the 60's 70's and 80's, but I bought this house for $145k 10 years ago. For a short time it was appraised at $175k but right now I would be doing good to get $135k IN THE REAL WORLD. The real value of this house has dropped at least 10% in the past 2 years.


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How much is the vette you`re going to buy be worth in another 10 years?

Its your money, I don`t care. I don`t think you`re crazy either, just sharing my opinion which is what you asked for so spend away!


My brother in law just dished out $150,000 for 3 different architects to draw up plans for an new kitchen. He ended up NOT using any of their designs. He used one he drew up himself!


$150gs later...


Its amazing he makes so much $$$. I guess you need to when you throw it away like that.

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How much is the vette you`re going to buy be worth in another 10 years?

Its your money, I don`t care. I don`t think you`re crazy either, just sharing my opinion which is what you asked for so spend away!

My brother in law just dished out $150,000 for 3 different architects to draw up plans for an new kitchen. He ended up NOT using any of their designs. He used one he drew up himself!

$150gs later...

Its amazing he makes so much $$$. I guess you need to when you throw it away like that.



Thanks Ernest


I appreciate your input. Depreciation IS the reason to buy the vette. The $30,000 2003 minivan was only worth $12000 after 3 years. My PT Cruiser is only 1/2 of the value after not even 2 years.


The corvette has a much lower depreciation rate and if you hold onto them long enough and take care of them, their value even goes up...but yes there are more important things to spend money on. I'll probably drive the cruiser into the ground if I can afford to keep both.



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I got similar urges at the age of 38 and went out and bought one of these: http://www.actionautoinc.com/Dealer-Websites-Action-Automotive/viewinventorydetails.aspx?inventoryid=PhfSwPfH02s%3D It's not a Vette, but, I bought it new and very much enjoyed it for 145,000 miles or so. Go for it, BUT start a fund which you contribute to monthly so that you have the money for tires when the time comes. Even the tires for the Conquest back then were a small fortune (about $450 each).

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Thanks Ernest

I appreciate your input. Depreciation IS the reason to buy the vette. The $30,000 2003 minivan was only worth $12000 after 3 years. My PT Cruiser is only 1/2 of the value after not even 2 years.

The corvette has a much lower depreciation rate and if you hold onto them long enough and take care of them, their value even goes up...but yes there are more important things to spend money on. I'll probably drive the cruiser into the ground if I can afford to keep both.





Fellas, what the heck do you work for? Just to invest every cent you make? Who you gonna leave it to? Put some away for that proverbial rainy day and retirement if you live that long but use the rest. Have some fun. Crimony.


If I want to worry about depreciating assets, I just look at my 401K (ha ha)

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Buy it.


No Yellow, no Red.


Vettes only loose money if you wad them up or do not maintain them. Even if Gas goes away, they are the last remaining, unbroken production American muscle/sport car Icon. Yes, they do equate to a Fiberglass Penis with a motor, but wtf. Smoky burn outs are good for the spirit in the same way that half stacks and Les Pauls are

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Hmmm, you're 52 and suddenly want a sports car.

Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis are said to have some of these feelings:

- search of an undefined dream or goal

- a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished

- desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness

- need to spend more time alone or with certain peers



Bull. I hate the fact that feeling those feelings are called a "mid life crisis". I'm 30 and I've felt that way since I was a teen. It's not a mid life crisis or a second(or 3rd in the OP's case :) ) childhood.....we never left the first! As men and musicians we reserve the right to always be young at heart.

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